Dear Biomch-L readers,
i was a subscriber to the list for the last two months, with the hope
that i could find some platform to discuss modelling of biological fluids,
... but it seems that the list is mainly interested with the motion
so, i would be glad if anyone could point me some sources to look for,
on the subject of bofluidmechanics; like e-mail lists or internet sources,
i'm currently a graduate student working as a r.a. in the fluid mechanics
lab. ,mech. eng. dpt. of middle east tecnical university, ankara, turkiye.
i am trying to develop a 3-d,unsteady,navier-stokes solver using the finite
volume technique. also there are plans to build-up a set-up with proper
instrumentation to simulate the blood-flow in artery bifurcations.
thanx for any input
a11472 at trmetu
b91752 at trmetu
fluid mechanics lab. h-119
mechanical engineering dept.
metu, 06531, ankara, turkiye
phone : -90-4-2101000-2593
i was a subscriber to the list for the last two months, with the hope
that i could find some platform to discuss modelling of biological fluids,
... but it seems that the list is mainly interested with the motion
so, i would be glad if anyone could point me some sources to look for,
on the subject of bofluidmechanics; like e-mail lists or internet sources,
i'm currently a graduate student working as a r.a. in the fluid mechanics
lab. ,mech. eng. dpt. of middle east tecnical university, ankara, turkiye.
i am trying to develop a 3-d,unsteady,navier-stokes solver using the finite
volume technique. also there are plans to build-up a set-up with proper
instrumentation to simulate the blood-flow in artery bifurcations.
thanx for any input
a11472 at trmetu
b91752 at trmetu
fluid mechanics lab. h-119
mechanical engineering dept.
metu, 06531, ankara, turkiye
phone : -90-4-2101000-2593