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Call for Papers - ICMMB-13

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  • Call for Papers - ICMMB-13

    ICMMB-13: XIII International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology

    November 12-15, 2003
    National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan

    On behalf of the organizing committee, I extend an invitation to you to
    attend ICMMB-13, the XIII International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine
    and Biology. As you know, Taiwan is named as Green Silicon Island. That is,
    high-tech computer and micro chip industries are powerfully developed here.
    Formosa, another name depicted Taiwan exhibits how beautiful this island is.

    The National Cheng Kung University is a well-known institute in the world
    because of its outstanding academic education and high level training in
    engineering as well as excellent research and development in applied
    technology and basic science.
    The ICMMB-13 is a biennial event presenting an interdisciplinary forum of
    engineering, medicine and biology. The congress will consist of plenary
    lectures, tutorial lectures, keynote/invited lectures, symposia and free
    communication, covering all fields of biomechanics with emphasis in tissue
    engineering and cell/molecular mechanics.

    I am delighted to invite you to the ICMMB-13. When you join us in Tainan,
    you will not only obtain fruitful harvests from knowledge of biotechnology
    but also have a unique experience in this wonderful place ¡V and you can
    enjoy the sunshine, visit historical places, experience real Chinese
    cultures and traditions or just relax in several finest scenery of the
    subtropical island.

    Highlights of the Scientific Program:
    Each day of the conference will feature a symposium on a special
    topic as well as free papers and poster displays.

    Call for Abstracts:
    Biofluid Dynamics
    Bioheat/Mass Transfer
    Biomaterials & Medical Devices
    Bone Structure/Remodeling
    Cardiovascular Biomechanics
    Cell Mechanics/Engineering
    Clinical Biomechanics
    Dental Biomechanics
    Gait & Locomotion
    Hearing Mechanics
    Human Movement
    Injury Biomechanics
    Joint Mechanics
    Medical Vision and Optometry
    Modeling Techniques
    Molecular Biomechanics
    Motor Control
    Muscle Mechanics
    Neuromuscular Mechanics
    Oculomotor Mechanics
    Respiratory Biomechanics
    Spine Biomechanics
    Sports Biomechanics
    Sports Engineering
    Tissue Mechanics/Engineering

    Abstract Submission:
    The abstract file, based on this format guideline, and the abstract
    submitting form with the corresponding author, and the presenting author
    information, should be submitted by
    E-mail (both files within one email) to the following address:
    Disk submission by regular mail:
    Congress Secretariat
    Institute of Biomedical Engineering
    National Cheng Kung University
    Tainan, Taiwan 701

    Registration Fees:
    Before August 30, 2003 On August 30, 2003
    and after
    RegularNT$ 10,500 (US$300) NT$ 12,250 (US$350)
    Student (Full-time)NT$ 3,500 (US$100) NT$ 5,250 (US$150)
    Accompanying Person NT$ 3,000 (US$85) NT$ 3,000 (US$85)

    The fee will include a copy of the proceedings on disc, daily lunch, the
    welcome reception, and the closing banquet.

    Important Dates:
    Submission of abstract: April 30, 2003
    Notification of acceptance: June 15, 2003
    Early registration due: August 30, 2003
    Submission of full paper: August 30, 2003
    Congress dates: November 12-15, 2003

    For more information
    Visit the conference website:

    Fong-Chin Su, Ph.D.,
    Chairman of the ICMMB-13 Organizing Committee
    President of Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics
    Chairman of Institute of Biomedical of Engineering
    National Cheng Kung University
    Tainan, TAIWAN

    Chih-Han Chang
    Institute of Biomedical Engineering
    National Cheng Kung University
    Tainan, Taiwan 701
    TEL: +886-6-2760665
    FAX: +886-6-2343270

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