Dear Colleagues
This is to inform you that the Call for Abstracts for the forthcoming
International Meeting on Applied Physics (APHYS-2003), to be held during
October 14-18th 2003 in Badajoz (Spain), is now opened. All the information
regarding this interdisciplinary conference can be found at the Conference
Pre-conference Workshop: International Interdisciplinar Workshop on
Bioengineered Non-crystalline Solids
As you probably already know, Materials Science and Engineering will be one
of the most important topics to be covered in this International and truly
interdisciplinar Conference. Within this topic, a International Workshop on
Non-crystalline solids for Biomedical Applications, will be held as
pre-conference event. You can find all the information about the Workshop
and the rest of the Conference at the above address. Some of the topics to
be covered will be:
Novel Biomedical Materials Based on Glasses
Thin Films and Surfaces for Bioactivity and Biomedical Applications
Bioactive Glass Composites for Tissue Engineering
Thin film coating of bioactive glass-ceramics onto metal and ceramic
substrates using sol-gel chemistry
Non-crystalline or semicristalline polymers
Development of new glasses and glass fibers
Processing and manufacture of ceramics, glass and related materials
Sintering and Plasma Spray Deposition of Bioactive Glass-Matrix Composites
for Biomedical Applications
Glass ceramics for biomedical applications
Glass ceramics with special mechanical properties
Glass ceramics for joining possessing adjusted thermal expansion and good
mechanical properties, also at high temperatures
Studies on bio-glass and bio-glass-ceramic coatings on metals and ceramics
Studies on composites for biomedical applications
Bioactive glass-ceramics dental and orthopaedic cements and composite
Interaction between Ceramics and Tissue, Ceramics for Bone and Joint
Replacement and Repair, Dental Ceramics, Investment Materials,
Hydroxyapatite, Sol Gel Processing of Ceramics and Glass
Bioactive glass-ceramic implants
Relaxation behaviour of polymer, glass and glass fibers
Relation between the structure and the properties of glasses and glass
Optimization of fiber drawing process
Another pre-Workshop on with interest for the Biomedical Materials community
("Workshop on Modern Applied Microscopy in Molecular and Cell Biophysics
Research") will be also held.
These are some of the other topics to be covered during APHYS-2003:
- Surfaces, Interfaces and Colloids
- Imaging Techniques, Microscopy
- Nano-sciences and Technologies
- Materials Science & Engineering
- Biomedical Engineering and Biomaterials Science&Engineering
- Biophysics, Biological & Medical Physics
- Computational Physics
- Radiation Physics, Applied Nuclear Physics/chemistry, Radiation Protection
APHYS-2003 will also serve as a platform to search for partners for
transnational collaboration projects, specially for the EU Sixth Framework
Program (NETworks of Excellence and Integrated Projects). "Projects
Presentations" and "Call for Partners" presentations proposals are therefore
encouraged and welcomed. If you are interested in taking part of this
Conference feature, please send us the corresponding form available at the
In addition to the "traditional" oral contributed and posters presentation,
a Virtual Participation modality has been established for those researchers
unable to attend it in person. A limited number of works can be presented in
this way. Please refer to the Conference website for details.
If you are interested in taking part of APHYS-2003, please send us your
PRE-REGISTRATION FORM (at the main website of the conference) as soon as
possible. The pre-registration form is also available through the direct URL
Deadline for abstracts submission is April 15th 2003 although we highly
recommend you to submit your abstracts as soon as possible to avoid
saturation during the days before the deadine.
Accepted and presented papers will be reviewed for publication in special
issues of several international Journals:
- Journal of Microscopy
- Journal of Non-crystalline Solids
- Applied Surface Science
- Colloids and Surfaces A
- Powder Technology (to be confirmed)
- Microelectronics Journal
- Physica Scripta
- Radiation Protection Dosimetry
- Applied Physics A (Materials Science & Processing, to be confirmed).
- Biomedial Materials and Engineering
Also a book "Advances in Applied Physics" will be published by an
international publisher (Kluwer or the American Institute of Physics, with
those papers accepted for presentation but not suitable for the journal
issues.For up-to-date information on publications participating at the
Conference as publishers, please visit regularly the Conference website
For any question or suggestion, please do not hesitate to contact us at, or visit
(Bookmark the page!!) We would also appreciate if could disseminate this
Call for Papers through your Department or Institution.
We hope to meet you at this exciting and interdisciplinar international
J.A.Mesa Gonzalez
APHYS-2003 Secretariat
C / Encarnacion, 3 1ÂșE
06001 Badajoz
Fax: +34 924 258 615
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