The Athletic Training Department ( in the School of Health & Human Performance at Indiana State University ( is seeking highly energetic and motivated individuals to fill 2 Ph.D Fellowship positions commencing August 2003. The Ph.D specialization in Sports Medicine is offered in conjunction with the Department of Life Sciences in the College of Arts & Sciences ( at Indiana State.

Students are exposed to a variety of coursework delivered by faculty within the Athletic Training Department, Department of Life Sciences, Department of Physical Education and the Terre Haute Center for Medical Education (, which is an affiliate of the Indiana University School of Medicine. Additionally, students engage in research through a multidisciplinary and collaborative approach with the faculty from these areas. The Sports Medicine specialization is a research-based Ph.D program, where the emphasis of study is on the neuromechanics of lower extermity injury and rehabilitation.

The Sports Injury Research Laboratory (SIRL) has been in existence for 24 years. The SIRL occupies approximately 1600 ft^2 of dedicated lab space in the Student Health Services Building on the campus of Indiana State University. This space provides for various computer stations, a therapeutic modalities research area, neuromuscular research area, and a motion assessment area. The SIRL is closely situated to two large gymnasiums in the School of HHP Arena which may be used for testing that cannot be accommodated in the SIRL. It also lies conveniently adjacent to the athletic training facility. The SIRL is equipped with a Qualysis 3-D video motion analysis system, 2 - BIOPAC data acquisition systems (with multiple EMG and general purpose amplifiers), an AMTI force platform, CYBEX NORM exercise dynamometer, Datalogger temperature measurement system, dual channel Grass Stimulator (with 2 isolation units and constant current units), three 3-D accelerometers, 2 electrogoniometers and other research equipment. Furthermore, the SIRL is equipped with various therapeutic modalities and an ice machine The data acquisition systems are supported by multiple PC workstations. Students also have access to other research laboratories in the School of HHP.

Required Qualifications:

1. Earned Master's degree
2. NATA-BOC certified athletic trainer (ATC)
3. Previous research experience
4. Interest in basic / applied science research
5. At least a 1000 composite score (Q/V) on the GRE
6. Strong computer and communication skills

The Ph.D Fellowship is a 9-month position where a tuition waiver is granted, along with a $10,000 stipend. The tuition waiver and stipend are renewable for 3 years.

All interested individuals should direct a letter of inquiry describing his/her qualifications for this position and research interests, along with a curriculum vita to:

Mitchell L. Cordova, Ph.D, ATC
Chairperson & Associate Professor
Athletic Training Department
Indiana State University
Terre Haute, IN 47809 USA
(812) 237-8232 - voice
(812) 237-4368 - fax

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