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Preliminary program - 2nd Int. Symp. on 3D Analysis of HumanMovement

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  • Preliminary program - 2nd Int. Symp. on 3D Analysis of HumanMovement


    of the



    satellite meeting of the
    International Society of Biomechanics

    June 30th to July 3rd, 1993
    Parc du Futuroscope, Poitiers, France

    Wednesday, June 30th, 1993

    19h00-22h00 Registration
    20h00-22h00 Welcoming Reception

    Thursday, July 1st, 1993

    09h00-09h15 Announcements
    Welcoming Address
    Alain JUNQUA

    09h15-10h15 Beyer, H.A.
    ETH Hoenggerberg, Zurich, Switzerland
    Advances in Imaging Technology and Camera Calibration
    Techniques for the 3-D Analysis of Human Movement

    Session One: Imaging

    10h15-10h30 0.01 Pixel Detectors, High Distortion Modelization.
    Peuchot, B.
    10h30-10h45 A Three-Dimensional Geometric Model of An Athletic
    Female Knee Joint Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
    Steele, J.R., Basu, A. and Job, A.
    10h45-11h00 A Pilot Study on the Estimation of Femoral
    Anterversion by Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
    Roosen, Ph., Van Roy, P., Hebbelinck, M. and Osteaux, M.

    11h00-11h15 Break

    Session Two: Instrumentation

    11h15-11h30 Design and Realization of a Non-Invasive System for the
    Generation of In Vivo Kinematic Animations of Knee Movement.
    Sati, M., De Guise, J.A. and Drouin, G.
    11h30-11h45 Gait Analysis Describing Femoral Rotations Measured
    During Walking Using the 3-Space Tracker System.
    Ayres, M.B., Pearcy, M.J., Frick, R.A. and Sharpe, M.H.
    11h45-12h00 Okas-3D: An Opto-Electronic Jaw Movement Analysis System.
    Naeije, M., Van Der Weijden, J.J. and Megens, C.C.E.J.

    12h00-13h30 Luncheon

    13h30-14h00 Motion Analysis Corporation, Santa Rosa, CA, U.S.A.

    Session Three: Methodology of 3-D Analysis

    14h00-14h15 Kinematic Techniques For Describing Wrist Motion: Configuration
    Space Plots as an Aid Identifying Joint Parameters.
    Small, C.F., Moore, J.A., Bryant, J.T., Hollister, A.M.
    and Pichora, D.R.
    14h15-14h30 Six-Dof Forces and Moments at the Human Knee Joint: A Mathematical
    Description with Respect to a Non-Orthogonal Coordinate System.
    Fujie, H., Livesay, G.A., Tsukamoto, Y., Woo, S.L.-Y.,
    Blomstrom, G., Mabuchi, K., Fujita, M. and Sasada, T.
    14h30-14h45 Identification of the Mechanism Analogous to the Moving
    Hand-Arm System.
    Dimnet, J., Gutierrez, C., San Marcelino, R. and Cheze, L.
    14h45-15h00 Modified Segment Length Normalization.
    Stivers, K.A., Wise, J., Ariel, G.B., Vorobiev, A.G.
    and Probe, J.D.
    15h00-15h15 Calibrated Anatomical Systems Technique in 3-D Motion
    Analysis Assessment of Artifacts.
    Cappozzo, A., Catani, F., Della Croce, U. and Leardini, A.
    15h15-15h30 Using the Polar Decomposition Theorem to Determine the Rotation
    Matrix from Noisy Landmark Measurements in the Study of Human Joint
    Wang, X., Rezgui, M.A. and Verriest, J.P.
    15h30-15h45 New Weighted Least Squares and Smoothing Scheme for Kinematics
    Analysis: Application to Instantaneous Helical Axis Determination.
    Angeloni, C., Cappello, A., Magnani, G. and Leardini, A.

    15h45-16h15 Break

    16h15-17h15 Eugeniy S. Pyatnitskiy
    Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
    Coordination of Multiarm Robot Manipulator Motions and Some
    Applications to Human Movements.

    Session Four: Motor Control Modelling

    17h15-17h30 Equations of Motion for Human Subjects Using Ankles Only
    Postural Responses.
    Beckley, D.J., Remler, M.P. and Bloem, B.R.
    17h30-17h45 New Aproach to Fitts' Law Explanation.
    Doonskaya, N.V.
    17h45-18h00 Motor Redundancy Overcoming During Reaching Movement.
    Biryukova, e.V., Dufosse, M. and Magomedova, O.A.

    19h30-20h00 Departure
    20h30-24h00 Dinner

    Friday, July 2nd, 1993

    08h30-09h30 William W. ARMSTRONG
    University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
    Application of Adaptive Logic Networks and Dynamics to Study
    and Control of Human Movement.

    Session Five: Posture and Motion of the Head and Trunk

    09h30-09h45 A Simple Technique for the Assessment of 3-Dimensional Neck
    Smith, S.D.
    09h45-10h00 Three-Dimensional Analysis of Scoliosis Surgery Using
    Tredwell, S.J., Booth, K.S., Reilly, C., Sawatsky,B.J.
    and Dvorak, M.
    10h00-10h15 Instantaneous Helical Axes Estimation from 3-D Video Data
    in Neck Kinematics.
    Long-Derickson, K., Ribaudo, T.A., Osterbauer, P.J.,
    Fuhr, A.W. and Yamaguchi, G.T.
    10h15-10h30 A Nonlinear Biomechanical Model for Idiopathic Scoliosis.
    DeSilva, C.N. and DeSilva, S.P.

    10h30-10h45 Break

    Session Six: Analysis and Display of Kinetic Information

    10h45-11h00 Three-Dimensional Kinematics of the Foot.
    D'Andrea, S., Tylkowski, C., Losito, J., Arguedas, W., Bushman,
    T. and Howell, V.

    11h15-11h30 The Effect of Inertial Load on Human Force and Moment
    During Locomotion.
    Wu, G. and Ladin, Z.
    11h30-11h45 Computer Animation of Human Body Motion in Sport, Using Real
    Captured Data and a "Consistent" Mechanical Model.
    Alvarez, G., Serrano, N., Gutierrez, A., Urban, P. and Avello, A.

    11h45-12h15 BTS Bioengineering Technology & Systems, Milan, Italy

    12h15-13h00 Luncheon

    Robbin HERRON
    Colorado State University, Fort Collins, U.S.A.
    On Capturing the Dynamic Geometry of Human form and Function -
    A Continuing Challenge

    14h00-14h30 ARIEL Life Systems Europe, Malmedy, Belgique

    14h30-15h30 Debate
    Can we make robots dance the tango by the year 2000?
    Procorner: Eugeniy S. PYATNITSKIY
    Concornor: William W. ARMSTRONG
    Moderator: Elena BIRYUKOVA

    15h30-18h30 Visit to the Parc du Futuroscope

    20h00-20h30 Departure
    20h30-24h00 Cocktails and Banquet
    Palais de Justice de Poitiers
    Salle des Pas Perdus (XIIth Century)

    Saturday, July 3rd, 1993

    08h30-09h30 David MORIN
    Softimage, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

    09h30-10h00 Peak Performance Technologies Inc., Englewood, CO, U.S.A.

    10h00-10h30 Poster Session

    1. The Use of Force Plates and C.C.D. Cameras for Analyzing Knee Load
    During Gait.
    Geiger, D., Pelisse, F. and Marie, F.
    2. Semi 3-D Computer Aided Video Analysis of the Human Respiration Movement.
    Pokorny, H., Kaufmann, H., Engelke, K. and Holzer, P.
    3. A New Biomechanical Model for the Study of Human Body Dynamics.
    Bakr, E.M. and Habib, M.S.
    4. On the Clinical Use of 3-D Analysis of Rhythmical Movements:
    Preliminary Results.
    Baratto, L., Cartasegna, F., Morasso, P., Sanguineri, V. and Spada, G.
    5. Three Dimensional Modelizing of the Human Body Applied to the Study of
    Joint Forces and Moments.
    Barbier, F. and Angue, J.C.
    6. The Response of Club and Golfer to the Forces Generated in the Golf Swing.
    Cooper, M.A.J., and Mather, J.S.B.
    7. Are Biomechanical Measures of Osteoarthritic Gait Affected by Exercise?
    Grote, R.H. and Udvarhely, D.L.
    8. Different Kinematic and Dynamic Models of Gait Analysis.
    Cheze, L., Gignoux, P. and Dimnet, J.
    9. Detection and Measurement of Spontaneous Movements in Infants Using
    Motion Analysis Techniques.
    Piek, J. and Case, I.
    10. An Anatomical Based Model for 3-D Representation of Human Gait in
    Clinical Context.
    Leardini, A., Rinaldi, G., Melandri, R. and Catani, F.
    11. Analysis of Coupled Joint Motion in the Lower Back and the Role of the
    Spine in Human Locomotion.
    Roozman, P., Gracovetsky, S.A., Gouw, G.J. and Newman, N.M.
    12. Evaluation of Soft Tissue Artefacts in the In Vivo Determination of Human
    Knee Instantaneous Helical Axis.
    Angeloni, C., Cappello, A., Catani, F. and Leardini, A.
    13. Three-Dimensional Ankle Kinematics.
    Murphy, N. and Allard, P., Aissaoui, R., Duhaime, M. and Gagnon, S.
    14. 3-D Calibration Method for Distorted Images.
    Pongracz, F., Stahulak, M., Johnston, D., Gantar, R. and Truppe, M.
    15. Biomechanical Analysis of the Spine in Lower Extremity Dysmetria.
    Manganiello, A.
    16. Length Normalization for Rigid Body Movement.
    Stivers, K.A., Wise, J., Ariel, G.B., Vorobiev, A.G. and Probe, J.D.

    10h30-11h30 Sutherland, D.
    University of California at San Diego, U.S.A.

    Session Seven: Human Locomotion and Rehabilitation

    11h30-11h45 Characterization of the Heelstrike Transient Using a Force Platform.
    Whittle, M.W.
    11h45-12h00 The Ground Reaction Force in the Gait of Intoeing Children.
    Xue-Cheng, L., Van Audekercke, R., Fabry, G., Molenaers, G.,
    Nijs, J. and Govaerts, S.
    12h00-12h15 Three-Dimensional Assessment of Human Gait.
    Crowe, A., Schiereck, P. and Keessen, W.
    12h15-12h30 A Tool for the Evaluation of Prosthetic Malalignment.
    Rosenberg, H. Tacheuschner, R. and Tober, H.
    12h30-12h45 Measurement of Loads in Leg Prostheses Used Outside the Laboratory.
    Pashalides, S., Solomonidis, S.E. and Paul, J.P.

    We wish to acknowledge financial support from

    Ariel Life Systems Europe, Malmedy, Belgique
    Conseil General de la Vienne, France
    Laboratoire de Metalurgie, Unite associee au C.R.N.S., Equipe materiaux
    et materials a usage sportif, Poitiers, France
    Pierre Durepaire Organisation, Poitiers, France
    Region Poitiers-Charentes, France
    U.F.R. Science, Poitiers, France
    Universite de Poitiers, France
    Ville de Poitiers, France

    Alain Junqua
    Universite de Poitiers
    CRNS UA - 131
    Poitiers, FRANCE

    Permanent Secretariat:
    Paul Allard
    Centre de Recherche
    Hopital Sainte-Justine
    3175 Cote Ste-Catherine
    Montreal, PQ, H3T 1C5
    FAX: 33-76-51-44-69
    (in the month of June 1993 ONLY)
    email: allardp@ERE.UMontreal.CA

    Program Chair:
    Zvi Ladin
    Biomedical Engineering Department
    Boston University
    44 Cummington Street
    Boston, MA 02215
    Tel: (617)-353-2039
    FAX: (617)-353-6766