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Re: 50th % Femur/Tibia Anthropometry

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  • Re: 50th % Femur/Tibia Anthropometry

    Thank you everybody who responded to my question about the
    anthropometry of the 50th Male geometry.

    Here is a summary of the responses that I received.

    I now have access to many of the papers that were suggested by
    people (responses below). If anybody would like electronic
    copies, please feel free to check with me.

    Kavi Bhalla

    Dear Biomech-L community,

    We have been working on developing a 50th Male lower limb FE
    model, based on the visible human model. Since the visible human
    male, is much taller and heavier than an average male, we are
    going to scale our FE mesh in three directions (prox-dist,
    ant-post, and med-lat) to match that of an average male.

    In order to do this, I have been looking through the
    biomechanics literature for the dimensions of the "average"
    femur. The best leads I have found so far are Noble et al.
    (1988), Husmann et al. (1997), and Iguchi et al. (1996). All of
    these studies report femur anthropometric information from CTs,
    radiographs and transverse sections of a large number of femurs.
    While this is exactly the kind of data I'm looking for, none of
    these papers report their results separately for Male and Female
    populations. Since we expect differences in male/female, these
    results are not suitable for a MALE lower limb model, such as

    If anybody knows of a source for male bone geometry data, please
    do let me know. I shall summarize and post replies.

    If you have other ideas/comments on how we could scale a lower
    limb FE mesh developed from visible human to 50th Male, I would
    be happy to hear them.

    Thank you
    Kavi Bhalla



    I agree with your comment that differences are expected between
    male and female lower limbs. However, if the differences are
    small then pooling the data might be okay. You might consider
    some statistical analysis of the existing data to determine if
    there are two distinctpopulations, or if there is only one

    Paul Ostic
    MSc Candidate
    Queen's University
    Kingston ON Canada


    another non "male only" reference (sorry - but it is a classic)

    C. B. Ruff and W. C. Hayes. Cross-Sectional Geometry of Pecos
    Pueblo Femora and TIbiae - A Biomechanical Investigation: I.
    Method and General Patterns of Variation. American Journal of
    Physical Anthropology 60:359-381, 1983.


    Hi Kavi

    Although I think that this has no male only data, you might find
    this paper useful with a few additional measurements to Noble's
    paper in 1988:

    Sugano N, Noble PC and Kamaric MS "Predicting the Position of
    the Femoral Head Center" Journal of Arthroplasty 14 102-107

    One study that did look at male female differences is:

    I. C. Clarke and H. C. Amstutz. Human hip joint geometry and
    hemiarthroplasty selection. In: The Hip, C.V.Mosby, St Louis,
    1975, p. 63-89.

    If you're considering the acetabulum and sex differences, you
    could also try:

    M. S. Thompson, T. Dawson, J-H. Kuiper, M. D. Northmore-Ball,
    and K. E. Tanner. Acetabular Morphology and Resurfacing Design.
    Journal of Biomechanics 33 (12):1645-1653, 2000.

    good luck!



    Hi Kavi,

    You are fortunate that I read your posting: I have exactly the
    data youwant!

    I have attached to this email a copy of an abstract I have
    written. In it you will find a table of average values, for both
    male and female Caucasians
    (it does vary with ethnicity), of linear dimensions of the knee.
    Note the large sample size in my own abstract: these results
    alone should suffice for you.

    Listed below are a number of papers documenting results of
    femoral measurements, most of which distinguish between males
    and females. These
    papers document knee dimensions from Caucasians/ Indians/

    "A study of knee geometry applied to the design of condylar
    prosthesis" MJ Erkman and PS Walker. Biomedical Engineering 1974
    pp 14 - 17

    "Morphometrical studies of human femoral condyles" T Rostlund, L

    Carlsson, B Albrektsson and T Albrektsson. J Biomed Eng 1989 Vol
    11 pp442 - 448

    "Determination of the major dimensions of femoral implants using
    morphometrical data and principal component analysis" FH Low, L
    P Khoo, C K Chua and N N Lo. Proc Instn Mech Engrs Vol 214 Part
    H pp 301 - 309

    "Rotational landmarks and sizing of the distal femur in total
    knee arthroplasty" P L Poilvache, J N Insall, G R Scuderi and D
    E Font-Rodriguez. Clinical Oprthopaedics and Related Research.
    Number 331 pp 35-46

    "Anthropometric Measurements to Design Total Knee Prostheses for
    the Indian Population" S V Vaidya, C S Ranawat, A Aroojis and N
    S Laud. Journal of Arthroplasty Vol. 15 No.1 2000 pp 79-85

    "A Study of Chinese Knee Joint Geometry for Prosthesis Design"
    Wang SW, Feng CH and Lu HS. Chinese Medical Journal 105 (3) 1992
    pp 227-233

    That should do the trick!
    Good luck,

    Niall Rooney (Ireland)

    There is some information from:

    Sommer, H.J., Siegel, L.K., Stanhope, S.J. ,Kepple, T.M.,
    A Three-Dimensional Musculoskeletal Database for the Lower
    Extremities Journal of Biomechanics,31, 77-80,1998.

    Keppler, P., Gebhard, F., Kinz L., Strecker, W. Length and
    torsion of the lower limb. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery,
    79(6):1019-23, Nov 1997.

    Some time ago I was looking for similar information, I hope
    that these articles will be helpful. Also, I will apreciate the
    summary of replies.

    Than you.



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