Sample raw EMG data for normal walking is available via anonymous FTP
from - this directory contains a file
called "-readme.txt" that provides information about the file
contents - take a look at this first. Briefy:
Channel 1,2 - L/R Foot switches, Channel 3-12 - Rect Fem, Vast Med,
Vast Lat, Med Hams, Lat Hams, Adds, Tib Ant, Gast, Glut Med, Glut Max.
There are a total of 10 trials, together with MMT and baseline
datasets. Data is sampled at 800Hz and is available in DST format
(ASCII) and C3D format (Binary) - tools for accessing these formats
are available from the same ftp site (MLSviewer, C3Dserver etc).
Edmund Cramp
Motion Lab Systems, Inc. 15045 Old Hammond Hwy, Baton Rouge, LA 70816
+1 225 272-7364 (voice), +1 225 272-7336 (fax)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Biomechanics and Movement Science listserver
> [mailto:BIOMCH-L@NIC.SURFNET.NL]On Behalf Of Suhas Gajre
> Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2003 2:13 AM
> Subject: [BIOMCH-L] Need surface EMG data of QF muscles in
> normal gait
> Dear all,
> I am in Centre for Biomedical Engineering at Indian Institute of
> Technology, Delhi, India pursuing Ph.D.
> Please let me know if anyone can give me surface EMG data
> of normal gait
> for some experiments in Signal Processing immediately.
> Also, I wanted to know if standard databases are available
> for the SEMG
> of normal and pathological gait (for download or to be sent on CD on
> request). I am interested in QF muscles.
> Waiting for responses.....
> -Suhas Gajre
> --------------------------------------------------
> ooooO Ooooo Your walking speaks a lot!
> ( ) ( ) **************************
> \ / \ / # Suhas Gajre
> ( ) ( ) Research Scholar
> CBME, IIT, Delhi, India
> ==================================================
> *** Meet me at
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
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