The Biomechanics Laboratory at Penn State University is seeking applications for doctoral candidates in the area of Kinesiology (biomechanics and motor control) starting the Fall semester of 2003.
A teaching assistanship is available. It includes a stipend and tuition waiver.
The amount of the stipend is $ 13,635.00 for two semesters (half -time appointment) for three years. The stipend for the summer session is $4,539.00.

The research program of the biomechanics laboratory is aimed at
understanding of the hand biomechanics and finger coordination/control in prehension tasks. Research projects in the
laboratory have been funded mostly by the grants from the National Instituter of Health. The research is conducted together with the Motor Control lab and is performed under the guidance of Prof. V. M. Zatsiorsky (biomechanics) and Prof. M.L. Latash (motor control). The laboratory is well equipped to perform this type of research.


MS in biomechanics, kinesiology, neuroscience, biomedical or biomechanical engineering,
rehabilitation science, cognitieve neuroscience or a related field. Experience with LabView and MatLab, as well as experience in biomechanical and neurophysiological
measurements (eg motion analysis, EMG) and background in the control
of human motion would be advantageous.

Facility in the English language must be demonstrated by all applicants
whose primary language is not English and who graduated from a
university where the language of instruction and examination was not in

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