It may be of interest for BIOMCH-L readers to attend the forthcoming event.
Krystyna Gielo-Perczak, Biomch-L co-moderator
Motion Analysis Corporation will sponsor its Annual North American Clinical Gait Users meeting in conjunction
with the GCMAS conference meeting May 7 - May 10, 2003.
Date of the Users Meeting: Thursday, May 8th, 6:30 pm - 10 pm
Location: Wyndham Hotel, Wilmington DE, Winterthur Ballroom
Dinner and beverages provided
Host User: Mr. Arnel Aquinaldo: Biomechanist: Children's Hospital of San Diego
Please RSVP via email to Dan.India@MotionAnalysis.Com and note the number of attendees from your facility.
Agenda and Discussions: (but not limited to...)
1) SIMM: C3D Import Tool for non-Motion Analysis Users
2) Motion Analysis Technology: Update of hardware "Digital 1.3
million pixels vs Analog 1.3 million pixels"
3) BioFeedtrak: New Audio Feedback software
4) 3D Foot Project and Kintrak
5) SIMM: Case study using SIMM in surgical decisions and gait analysis
6) Open discussions
Daniel India, Vice President: Biomechanics-Americas
Motion Analysis Corporation
3617 Westwind Blvd
Santa Rosa, CA 95403 USA
Tel: 847-945-1411
Fax: 847-945-1442
To unsubscribe send SIGNOFF BIOMCH-L to
For information and archives:
Krystyna Gielo-Perczak, Biomch-L co-moderator
Motion Analysis Corporation will sponsor its Annual North American Clinical Gait Users meeting in conjunction
with the GCMAS conference meeting May 7 - May 10, 2003.
Date of the Users Meeting: Thursday, May 8th, 6:30 pm - 10 pm
Location: Wyndham Hotel, Wilmington DE, Winterthur Ballroom
Dinner and beverages provided
Host User: Mr. Arnel Aquinaldo: Biomechanist: Children's Hospital of San Diego
Please RSVP via email to Dan.India@MotionAnalysis.Com and note the number of attendees from your facility.
Agenda and Discussions: (but not limited to...)
1) SIMM: C3D Import Tool for non-Motion Analysis Users
2) Motion Analysis Technology: Update of hardware "Digital 1.3
million pixels vs Analog 1.3 million pixels"
3) BioFeedtrak: New Audio Feedback software
4) 3D Foot Project and Kintrak
5) SIMM: Case study using SIMM in surgical decisions and gait analysis
6) Open discussions
Daniel India, Vice President: Biomechanics-Americas
Motion Analysis Corporation
3617 Westwind Blvd
Santa Rosa, CA 95403 USA
Tel: 847-945-1411
Fax: 847-945-1442
To unsubscribe send SIGNOFF BIOMCH-L to
For information and archives: