Here are two meeting announcements for those interested in laser
Announcement and Invitation to:
The 10th Congress of the International Musculoskeletal Laser Society
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg - June 19-21, 2003
Topics: Laser
Arthroscopic Laser Surgery
Endoscopic Laser Surgery
Spinal Laser Surgery
Aesthetic Laser Surgery
Vascular Laser Surgery
Experimental Studies
Low Power Laser
Radio Frequency
Check our Website at for all further and
complete meeting information and online registration.
Announcement and Invitation to:
The 11th Congress of the International Musculoskeletal Laser Society
Seoul, Korea - May 20 - 23, 2004
Topics: Arthroscopic Surgery of Knee
Endoscopic Surgery of the Shoulder and Elbow
Minimal Invasive Spinal Surgery
Please contact for any contact with the chairman, the
Scientific and Administrative Secretariat.
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