Please respond to Ross Sanders (see e-mail address below)
Department of Physical Education, Sport and Leisure Studies
Chair of Sport
Applications are invited for the Chair of Sport within the Department of
Physical Education, Sport and Leisure Studies in the School of Education.
This position is one of several recently established Chairs reflecting the
University’s commitment to excellence in research. The appointee to the
Chair will provide strong academic leadership in the department, promoting
effective links with other schools in the University and with relevant
external organisations, and will assist the department to achieve its goal
of being a leading research centre.
The Chair of Sport
The Chair of Sport was created as an established Chair in the Department
of Physical Education, Sport and Leisure Studies to provide leadership and
direction in the sport sciences. The appointee to the Chair will be of
high standing with a strong record of research and scholarly activity,
providing evidence of research leadership. The successful applicant will
have an earned doctorate in Sport Science or a related subject together
with appropriate educational training and/or experience. We are
particularly interested in receiving applications from within the fields
of Sport and Exercise Physiology. S/he will demonstrate commitment to
initiate and direct innovation in the discipline and will be expected to
develop strong links with the physical education community and Scottish
sporting institutions as well as with other parts of the faculty and
sport-related activities in the University more widely. In conjunction
with the other senior staff, which include two other Professors, a Reader
and a number of research active colleagues at senior level, the holder of
the Chair will be expected to lead sport-related research activity within
the department, and be proactive in the pursuit of external funding.
The University of Edinburgh
The University of Edinburgh, the fourth of Scotland's ancient
universities, was founded in 1583 by the Town Council of Edinburgh, under
general powers granted by the Charter of King James VI of Scotland.
Today, The University of Edinburgh is one of the largest universities in
Britain, with a worldwide reputation for excellence in research and
teaching in a wide range of disciplines. The University has c. 3,000
academic and academic-related staff and over 20,000 students of which
3,700 are postgraduates; the University has a turnover in excess of
Physical Education and Sport at Edinburgh
The Department of Physical Education, Sport and Leisure Studies
encompasses expertise within all the pertinent disciplines. The Chair of
Sport position will ideally bring a new and central member to the emerging
research team in Sport Science, enabling both inter- and
multi-disciplinary approaches to current topics in performance sport. The
position may carry an allocation of financial support to provide for the
purchase of new equipment and appointment of research students to aid the
appointee in maintaining and enhancing their research profile.
The department is now located in a purpose built centre, close to site of
the new Scottish Parliament and conveniently situated for other sections
of the School and University. The new building, which was based on a
refurbishment of the old Physical Education Department, comprises four
gymnasia (including a specialist strength and conditioning area), an
international size sports hall and a six lane, 25-metre swimming pool.
The latter facility has recently been equipped with a state of the art
seven-camera system, which is forming a central part of the department’s R
& D strategy. Specialist laboratory facilities exist for exercise
physiology, biochemistry, biomechanics, motor control/skill acquisition
(including a lighting controlled, ‘black’ laboratory) and
psychophysiology. Additional spaces enable the provision of testing and
support services to elite athletes in exercise physiology and
Conditions of Employment
The Appointment will be full-time at a salary within the professorial
range (42,177 to 70,852 Pounds Sterling); the appointee will be required
to retire at the end of the academic year in which he or she reaches the
age of 65. The Professor will be eligible to contribute to the
Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS), contributing 6.35% of salary.
The University currently contributes a sum equal to 14.0% of annual salary
to USS. A generous allowance for relocation will also be provided with an
upper limit at the discretion of the Principal.
Expressions of Interest and Requests for Further Information
Please direct enquires in the first instance to:
Professor Ross Sanders PhD
Chair of Sports Science
Telephone: (+44) 131 651 6580 (direct) or 651 6520
Fax: (+44) 131 651 6521
Post: Department of Physical Education Sport and Leisure Studies
Moray House Institute of Education
The University of Edinburgh
St Leonard's Land
Holyrood Road
Edinburgh EH8 8AQ
Relevant Websites (Department of Physical
Education) (School of Education) (The University of Edinburgh)
Dr Simon G.S. Coleman
Programme Leader, B.Sc. (Hons) Applied Sport Science
PESLS Department
University of Edinburgh
St Leonard's Land
Holyrood Rd
0131 651 6653
0131 651 6521 (fax)
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