> Dear everybody,
> I am using a Selspot II system for movement analysis. Unfortunately,
> my LCU (LED control unit - the small box where the LEDs are connected
> to) seems to have come to the end of its lifetime. As Selcom has gone
> out of business, does anybody know who can provide maintenance service
> for the system? Or (probably easier): Does anybody have a 'spare' LCU
> (maybe from a system that is no longer in use)?
Dear Mr. Dohle,
perhaps you cpuld try to contact Michaela Girgenrath
(girgenrath@dshs-koeln.de) at the Dept. of Physiology at the
German Sport University / Cologne. They used the selspot system -
and perhaps are able to help, for it is near to Bonn.
stefan schneider
Dr.Stefan Schneider - System- & Mediamanagment
Spomedial @ German Sport University
Carl-Diem-Weg 6
50933 Köln
Tel 0221-4982508
Fax 0221-4982503
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> I am using a Selspot II system for movement analysis. Unfortunately,
> my LCU (LED control unit - the small box where the LEDs are connected
> to) seems to have come to the end of its lifetime. As Selcom has gone
> out of business, does anybody know who can provide maintenance service
> for the system? Or (probably easier): Does anybody have a 'spare' LCU
> (maybe from a system that is no longer in use)?
Dear Mr. Dohle,
perhaps you cpuld try to contact Michaela Girgenrath
(girgenrath@dshs-koeln.de) at the Dept. of Physiology at the
German Sport University / Cologne. They used the selspot system -
and perhaps are able to help, for it is near to Bonn.
stefan schneider
Dr.Stefan Schneider - System- & Mediamanagment
Spomedial @ German Sport University
Carl-Diem-Weg 6
50933 Köln
Tel 0221-4982508
Fax 0221-4982503
To unsubscribe send SIGNOFF BIOMCH-L to LISTSERV@nic.surfnet.nl
For information and archives: http://isb.ri.ccf.org/biomch-l