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Symposium Announcement

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  • Symposium Announcement

    From: IN%"" 24-JUN-1993 12:40:51.87
    To: IN%"backs-l@uvmvm.BITNET", IN%""
    Subj: Symposium announcement (long)

    Received: from by (PMDF #12059) id
    ; Thu, 24 Jun 1993 12:40 EST
    Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 12:40 EST
    Subject: Symposium announcement (long)
    To: backs-l@uvmvm.BITNET,
    X-VMS-To: IN%"backs-l@uvmvm" IN%"J_FOX@UVMVAX"

    The Lumbar Spine
    A Basic Science Approach
    First International Symposium
    August 26-27, 1994
    Brussels, Belgium

    Scientific Program:

    ***Friday August 26***

    Pain and Inflamation
    J. Weinstein (USA) Chair
    State of the art in pain and inflammation
    H. McQuay (England)
    Inflammatory process in the spine -
    M. Zimmermann (Germany)
    Free papers and discussions
    Clinical & basic questions
    B. Rydevik (Sweden & L. Plaghki (Belgium)
    Panel discussion

    Intervertebral Disc & Posterior Elements,
    Biology & Mechanics
    S. Holm (Sweden) Chair
    State of the art in discs and facets
    A. Nachemson (Sweden)
    Degerative changes in the disc
    T. Oegema (USA)
    Free papers & discussions
    Clinical & basic questions
    E. Kaapa (Finland) & J. Urban (England)
    Panel discussion

    ***Saturday August 27***

    The Vertebral Body
    T. Whitecloud (USA) Chair
    State of the art in osteoporosis
    J.Y. Reginster [no nation listed]
    Endocrine regulation of bone growth
    A. Lindahl (Sweden)
    Free papers and questions
    Clinical & basic questions
    R. Gunzburg (Belgium) & T. Keller (USA)
    Panel discussion

    Spinal Musculature
    M. Pope (USA) Chair
    State of the art in spinal musculature
    G. Grimby (Sweden)
    Muscular-Nerve interaction
    C. Booth (England)
    Free papers & discussions
    Clinical & basic questions
    M. Szpalski (Belgium) & H. Alaranta (Finland)
    Panel discussion


    General Information

    Date: August 26-27, 1994

    Venue: Roche Auditorium, rue Dante, 1070 Brussels
    Transportation between the conference hotels and conference
    center will be provided free.

    Hotels: The two conference hotesl are located in the heart
    of Brussels

    Palace **** Single: 3000 Bef Double: 3700 Bef
    Diplomat *** Single: 2400 Bef Double: 3100 Bef
    Prices per night include full American breakfast
    and taxes. Reservations should be made before
    July 1, 1994, with one-night deposit (credit
    cards accepted) to:
    Myriam Ferron
    City Hotels rue Gineste 3b 1210 Brussels
    Tel: 32/2/217 62 00 Fax: 323/2/218 76 51

    Conference Co-Chairman:
    Malcolm H. Pope, Dr. Med. Sc. Ph.D.
    University of Vermont (USA)
    Sten Holm, Ph.D.
    Goteborg University (Sweden)

    Conference Organizer
    Marek Szpalski, M.D.
    Center Hospitalier Moliere Longchamp
    142 rue Marconi 1180 Brussels
    Tel 32/2/348 51 11 Fax: 32/1/348 51 45

    Abstracts & Publications:
    Papers are invited concerning the four subjects of the
    symposium. Abstracts should be submitted on JBJS Abstract
    Forms. Forms, and other information, are available from the
    ISSLS office:

    International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine
    c/o Sunnybrook Medical Centre, Room A 309
    2075 Bayview Avenue
    CDN-Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    M4N 3M5
    Tel (416) 480-4833 Fax: (416) 480-6055

    Abstracts should be received by the ISSLS office by
    February 1, 1994. The invited papers, accepted papers and
    posters will be published in a special issue of Spine journal.
    The paper for publication should be three pages long and
    delivered to the committee at the time of the meeting.
    The conference and publication language will be English.

    Conference Fees:
    ISSLS Members US $100
    Non-members US $150

    An additional US $50 will be affed for fees received after
    July 1, 1994. The fees include transportation from the
    conference hotels, abstract book, coffee breaks, luncheons,
    and get-together party.

    Other meetings of interest are planned in Europe shortly
    after the symposium:
    Federation of European Connective Tissue Society (FECTS)
    Lyon, France August 29-Sept. 3, 1994
    First International Seminar on the Effect of the Whole Body
    Vibration on the Spine
    Visby, Sweden Sept. 1-2, 1994