3rd European EISCSA Congress in Freiburg, Germany from March 19-20, 2004
"Current Concepts in Training and Therapy"
Dear list members,
The next Congress of the European Interdisciplinary Society for Clinical
and Sports Application (EISCSA) will take place in March 2004 in
Freiburg, Germany. Local hosts are the Medical Clinic, Department for
Rehabilitative and Preventive Sports Medicine and the Institute of
Sports and Sports Science of the University of Freiburg.
The congress has the aim to bring together Science, Industry,
Physiotherapists, Coaches and all others working in the medical or
paramedical field. The Congress program consists of well-known
keynote-speakers, oral and poster presentations of original work,
industry exhibition and a special State-of-the-Art-Session with the topic:
Muscular dysbalances - Fact or Fiction?
At every congress EISCSA focuses on one topic of special interest within
a so-called State-of-the-Art session. In this session an overview of
literature and current concepts will be provided. Additionally, a
thematic poster presentation takes place, where physiotherapists,
scientists, medical doctors, athletic coaches and representatives from
industry put emphasis on different points of view. Finally, a detailed
discussion including EISCSA members, experts and the audience will close
the session. After the congress a position stand paper will be published
in the societies journal Isokinetics and Exercise Science.
Invited Lectures
- Neural adaptations with chronic changes in physical activity pattern
- No pain - no gain? Monitoring of training in sports medicine
- Functional adaptation of skeletal muscle in elderly - prevention
towards injury and role in treatment
- Physiotherapeutic treatment strategies in low back pain - still a
daily challenge
- Lower back and pelvis - common sites for injuries and complaints ?
- Training and rehabilitation regimens after heart transplantation
- Physical exercise for children with chronic diseases
- Standards in Exercise Testing
- Interaction between life style, body composition and activities of
daily living
Invited Speakers:
-Prof. Dr. A. Berg, MD, Germany
-Prof. Dr. J. Duchateau, Ph.D., Belgium
-K. Eder, Physiotherapist, Germany
-Dr. H. Förster, MD, Austria
-Prof. Dr. P. Hofmann, Ph.D., Austria
-Prof. Dr. M. Kjaer, MD, Denmark
-Dr. B. Segesser, MD, Switzerland
-Prof. Dr. A. Urhausen, MD, Germany
We kindly ask you to spread this information to all members of your
institution, who might be interested in this event.
For registration and accomodation information please go to
Take the chance for early registrtration ending December 31, 2003!
Yours Sincerely
The Organizing Committee of the 3rd EISCSA-Congress.
Heiner Baur
Universitätsklinikum Freiburg
Medizinische Klinik, Abteilung für Präventive und Rehabilitative Sportmedizin
Hugstetter Straße 55
D-79106 Freiburg
Tel. +49-761-270 7493
Fax +49-761-270 7470
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