Physical Therapy Program
Arnold School of Public Health
University of South Carolina

The Physical Therapy Program at the University of South Carolina is
seeking applications for Assistant/Associate Professor specializing in
the area of biomechanics or neurological rehabilitation. This position
is in the DPT program of the Arnold School of Public Health. The
Physical Therapy Program is in the Department of Exercise Science which
is one of six departments in the Arnold School of Public Health. The
Department offers degrees at the BS, MS, DPT and PhD levels.
Opportunities exist for collaborative relationships with faculty in the
Schools of Public Health, Medicine and Engineering. Appointment will be
effective August 15, 2004.

The successful candidate will:
Conduct and publish original research and seek extramural funding
Teach courses in area of specialization
Advise physical therapy students and direct DPT, MS and PhD

Clinical experience and demonstrated scholarly productivity with a well
planned program of research, commitment to teaching in a professional
program and an interest in collaborative activities is desired in an
applicant. PhD or equivalent required for consideration. Applicants
must be a credentialed PT and eligible for licensure in the state of
South Carolina.

The Physical Therapy Program at the University of South Carolina is a
unique program designed to produce graduates that possess the skills
necessary to be reflective practitioners and who can conduct and use the
results of clinically based research and scholarly activity to advance
physical therapy as an evidence-based profession.

Student enrollment is limited to 10-12 students per year and faculty
are provided significant release time to conduct scholarly activities.
Faculty instruct an average 5-6 contact hours/week and students are
required to actively participate in research that parallels faculty
research interests. The combination of small class size, reduced
instructional load, and program support provide the individual filling
this position with the opportunity to develop a successful program of
scholarship. Laboratory space is available in the School of Public
Health's new research building to be completed in the fall, 2004.

Additional information regarding the program can be obtained at .

If you are interested in applying for this position please submit a
letter of application, vitae and three letters of recommendation to:

Bruce A. McClenaghan, PED, PT Program Director
Physical Therapy Program
Department of Exercise Science
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208

or electronically to


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