On June 23 1993, we requested information regarding moment arms
of prime wrist flexors. Many responded with valuable references
and expressed their interest in any other information we would
receive. Thank you very much to all those who responded.
The following is a summary of all the messages we were sent:
1. A biomechanical model of the human wrist with 16 links and
22 degrees of freedom to appear in the "Advances in the Biomechanics
of the Hand and Wrist", (F.Shuind, W.P.Cooney, K.N.An and M.Garcia-Elias
eds.), Brussels, 1993
submitted by Elena Biryukova, Lab. of Mathemetical Neurobiology,
Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of Russian Acad. Sci.
e-mail: lmno@ihnerv.msk.su
2. Emiko Horii, K. An, R.Linscheid, "Excursion of prime wrist tendons"
J. Hand Surg Vol 18A, 83-90, 1993.
submitted by Fred Werner
3. The Musculoskeletal Geometry of The Human Elbow and Wrist: An Analysis Using
Torque-Angle Relationships
By: Elizabeth Lipscomb Hutchins
University of Texas at Austin, Masters Thesis (1993)
submitted by Roger Gonzalez
The University of Texas at Austin
Mechanical/Biomedical Engineering
Engineering Teaching Center
e-mail: roger@armus.me.utexas.edu
4. Jacobson M., Lieber R., Relationship between moment arms and muscle ....
Transactions of the 39th annual meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society,
1993, page 318.
submitted by Scott Delp
Assistant Professor
Biomedical Engineering
Northwestern University
5. "Biomechanics of the Wrist Joint", ed. An, Berger, Cooney.
Springer-Verlag, 1991, p.166.
submitted by Trey Crisco
e-mail: crisco@biomed.med.yale.edu
6. Buchanan TS, Moniz MJ, Dewald JPA, Rymer WZ (1993) Estimation of muscle
forces about the wrist joint during isometric tasks using an EMG
coefficient method, J Biomech 4/5: 547-560.
Tolbert, J.R. (1985) The kinetics of normal and prosthetic wrists, J.
Biomech. 12: 887-897.
Brand, P.W. (1985), Clinical Mechanics of the Hand, C.V. Mosby.
submitted by Thomas S. Buchanan, Ph.D.
Depts. of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation and Biomedical Engineering
Northwestern University Chicago, IL
e-mail: tsb@nwu.edu
* Pascale Pigeon *
* Institut de genie biomedical *
* Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal *
* C.P. 6079, Succ. A *
* Montreal, Quebec, Canada *
* H3C 3A7 *
* e-mail: pigeon@grbb.polymtl.ca *
* Pascale Pigeon *
* Institut de genie biomedical *
* Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal *
* C.P. 6079, Succ. A *
* Montreal, Quebec, Canada *
* H3C 3A7 *
* e-mail: pigeon@grbb.polymtl.ca *
of prime wrist flexors. Many responded with valuable references
and expressed their interest in any other information we would
receive. Thank you very much to all those who responded.
The following is a summary of all the messages we were sent:
1. A biomechanical model of the human wrist with 16 links and
22 degrees of freedom to appear in the "Advances in the Biomechanics
of the Hand and Wrist", (F.Shuind, W.P.Cooney, K.N.An and M.Garcia-Elias
eds.), Brussels, 1993
submitted by Elena Biryukova, Lab. of Mathemetical Neurobiology,
Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of Russian Acad. Sci.
e-mail: lmno@ihnerv.msk.su
2. Emiko Horii, K. An, R.Linscheid, "Excursion of prime wrist tendons"
J. Hand Surg Vol 18A, 83-90, 1993.
submitted by Fred Werner
3. The Musculoskeletal Geometry of The Human Elbow and Wrist: An Analysis Using
Torque-Angle Relationships
By: Elizabeth Lipscomb Hutchins
University of Texas at Austin, Masters Thesis (1993)
submitted by Roger Gonzalez
The University of Texas at Austin
Mechanical/Biomedical Engineering
Engineering Teaching Center
e-mail: roger@armus.me.utexas.edu
4. Jacobson M., Lieber R., Relationship between moment arms and muscle ....
Transactions of the 39th annual meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society,
1993, page 318.
submitted by Scott Delp
Assistant Professor
Biomedical Engineering
Northwestern University
5. "Biomechanics of the Wrist Joint", ed. An, Berger, Cooney.
Springer-Verlag, 1991, p.166.
submitted by Trey Crisco
e-mail: crisco@biomed.med.yale.edu
6. Buchanan TS, Moniz MJ, Dewald JPA, Rymer WZ (1993) Estimation of muscle
forces about the wrist joint during isometric tasks using an EMG
coefficient method, J Biomech 4/5: 547-560.
Tolbert, J.R. (1985) The kinetics of normal and prosthetic wrists, J.
Biomech. 12: 887-897.
Brand, P.W. (1985), Clinical Mechanics of the Hand, C.V. Mosby.
submitted by Thomas S. Buchanan, Ph.D.
Depts. of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation and Biomedical Engineering
Northwestern University Chicago, IL
e-mail: tsb@nwu.edu
* Pascale Pigeon *
* Institut de genie biomedical *
* Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal *
* C.P. 6079, Succ. A *
* Montreal, Quebec, Canada *
* H3C 3A7 *
* e-mail: pigeon@grbb.polymtl.ca *
* Pascale Pigeon *
* Institut de genie biomedical *
* Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal *
* C.P. 6079, Succ. A *
* Montreal, Quebec, Canada *
* H3C 3A7 *
* e-mail: pigeon@grbb.polymtl.ca *