> 24 - 26 november 2004, INSEP, PARIS, FRANCE
> Sport performance is produced in a given cultural environment, and refers
> to a number of meaningful social-technical dimensions that organise it.
> Traditional approaches to knowledge do not integrate situational factors
> (or only partly), and the dynamics associated to them. Today there is a
> more affirmed need to consider the context in the various domains of
> analysis of sport performance. However this notion remains difficult to
> surround. This congress aims to explore its different meanings and bring
> concepts and elements of understanding to support this approach in order
> to better comprehend sport performance.
> · Symposium: The analysis of training: a qualitative stake in the
> preparation to elite performance.
> At the highest level, sport training is a complex process producing
> specific and systematic effects on performance in situations of
> competition. Today, a scientific follow-up of training has become an asset
> to refine the measuring of procedures preparing to elite performance. The
> objective of this symposium is to take stock of the contribution of
> science and technology in the better understanding of training processes.
> · Symposium: The analysis of elite performance in a competitive
> context: questions and methods.
> The "laboratory" has for long been the place where scientific research on
> sport performance was taking place. Today, with the support of new
> technologies, a number of researches are conducted intending to analyse
> performance from data collected directly in a situation of competition.
> The interests and limits of this type of investigation need to be
> questioned. This symposium aims to illustrate through a number of examples
> this direction that research on elite performance is taking.
> · Symposium: Simulation : A new instrument in research, training and
> education?
> Together with the development of new technologies, simulation appears as
> a method - still limited today - to dynamically re-construct sport
> situations. The objective of this symposium is to understand the
> operations involved in the identification and tuning of the situations of
> simulation and their associated tools, and also to analyse the methodology
> used in the perspective of training and education of the sport actors
> involved.
> · Symposium: The role of the context in the analysis of the activity
> in elite sport.
> Although action and context are familiar notions in sport sciences, their
> relationship is not often explicitly outlined and studied. The objective
> of this symposium is to conceive the complex relationship that context and
> action maintain, and to elaborate a number of directions for sport
> engineering and training.
> · Symposium: The analysis of the systems producing elite performance:
> the example of the delegations attending the Olympic Games.
> Sport success at international level implies that, the systems used by all
> leading nations preparing international competition to produce elite
> performance, be known. For Olympic events, the study of these systems
> includes the analysis of the composition of the official delegations
> (athletes, Federations representatives, medical staff, scientists) and of
> the athletes social-demographic profile (age, occupation, etc.). The
> objective of this session is to examine the characteristics of the
> delegations attending the Olympics in the light of their competition
> results.
> Instructions to authors (oral presentations, posters)
> Official languages : French and English (simultaneous translation)
> - Symposia (presentation: 20min - discussion: 10min)
> - Posters (presentation: 2 minutes - discussion)
> COMMUNICATION (2pages) included in official Congress proceedings
> Title (capital letters, bold, centred)
> Interline
> Author's name (bold, centred)
> Author's institution (italics, centred)
> Interline
> Presentation of the text (maximum 2 pages in total)
> Graphics and tables (black and white) are included in the 2 pages
> References in the text must include the author's name and year of
> publication. If the number of authors exceeds three, only the first author
> is named, followed by "et al" and year of publication.
> In the text, only the author's initials are in capital letters.
> ABSTRACT (10 lines)
> On the Abstract page:
> Author's name(s), mail and e-mail address(es)
> Title (capital letters, bold)
> Abstract (10 lines maximum)
> Key Words (5 maximum)
> Expected presentation mode (oral, poster)
> Equipment used (if oral communication): ................
> If your communication is accepted, a second abstract will be requested in
> French or English, respectively.
> They must appear at the end of the text (end of 2nd page). All references
> quoted in the text must be referenced and presented by alphabetical order
> according to INSEP publications standards. For example:
> Carron (A) et Brawley (L.R.) - Cohesion : conceptual and measurement
> issues. Small Group Research, 2000, vol.31, n°1, pp.89-106.
> Dweck (C.S) - The development or early self-conceptions ; their relevance
> for motivational processes. In : Heckhausen (J.) et Dweck (C.S) Motivation
> and self-regulation across life span, 1998, New York : Cambridge
> University Press, pp. 257-280.
> General recommendations:
> Fonts: Times New Roman; size 12; simple interline; left and right margins:
> 3cm; top and bottom margins: 2.5 cm ; justified text. The file may not
> exceed 1 Mo.
> 15 May 2004 latest: submission to of the text (poster and/or
> oral presentation) in the preferred language
> 15 July 2004 latest: 1st feedback from the reviewers
> 15 July - 30 September 2004: shuttle between the author(s) and the
> reviewers
> 1st October 2004 latest: final acceptation
> 15 October 2004 latest: reception of the second abstract (French or
> English, respectively)
> October 2004: the official programme of the Congress in online
> (
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For information and archives:
Please consider posting your message to the Biomch-L Web-based
Discussion Forum:
> 24 - 26 november 2004, INSEP, PARIS, FRANCE
> Sport performance is produced in a given cultural environment, and refers
> to a number of meaningful social-technical dimensions that organise it.
> Traditional approaches to knowledge do not integrate situational factors
> (or only partly), and the dynamics associated to them. Today there is a
> more affirmed need to consider the context in the various domains of
> analysis of sport performance. However this notion remains difficult to
> surround. This congress aims to explore its different meanings and bring
> concepts and elements of understanding to support this approach in order
> to better comprehend sport performance.
> · Symposium: The analysis of training: a qualitative stake in the
> preparation to elite performance.
> At the highest level, sport training is a complex process producing
> specific and systematic effects on performance in situations of
> competition. Today, a scientific follow-up of training has become an asset
> to refine the measuring of procedures preparing to elite performance. The
> objective of this symposium is to take stock of the contribution of
> science and technology in the better understanding of training processes.
> · Symposium: The analysis of elite performance in a competitive
> context: questions and methods.
> The "laboratory" has for long been the place where scientific research on
> sport performance was taking place. Today, with the support of new
> technologies, a number of researches are conducted intending to analyse
> performance from data collected directly in a situation of competition.
> The interests and limits of this type of investigation need to be
> questioned. This symposium aims to illustrate through a number of examples
> this direction that research on elite performance is taking.
> · Symposium: Simulation : A new instrument in research, training and
> education?
> Together with the development of new technologies, simulation appears as
> a method - still limited today - to dynamically re-construct sport
> situations. The objective of this symposium is to understand the
> operations involved in the identification and tuning of the situations of
> simulation and their associated tools, and also to analyse the methodology
> used in the perspective of training and education of the sport actors
> involved.
> · Symposium: The role of the context in the analysis of the activity
> in elite sport.
> Although action and context are familiar notions in sport sciences, their
> relationship is not often explicitly outlined and studied. The objective
> of this symposium is to conceive the complex relationship that context and
> action maintain, and to elaborate a number of directions for sport
> engineering and training.
> · Symposium: The analysis of the systems producing elite performance:
> the example of the delegations attending the Olympic Games.
> Sport success at international level implies that, the systems used by all
> leading nations preparing international competition to produce elite
> performance, be known. For Olympic events, the study of these systems
> includes the analysis of the composition of the official delegations
> (athletes, Federations representatives, medical staff, scientists) and of
> the athletes social-demographic profile (age, occupation, etc.). The
> objective of this session is to examine the characteristics of the
> delegations attending the Olympics in the light of their competition
> results.
> Instructions to authors (oral presentations, posters)
> Official languages : French and English (simultaneous translation)
> - Symposia (presentation: 20min - discussion: 10min)
> - Posters (presentation: 2 minutes - discussion)
> COMMUNICATION (2pages) included in official Congress proceedings
> Title (capital letters, bold, centred)
> Interline
> Author's name (bold, centred)
> Author's institution (italics, centred)
> Interline
> Presentation of the text (maximum 2 pages in total)
> Graphics and tables (black and white) are included in the 2 pages
> References in the text must include the author's name and year of
> publication. If the number of authors exceeds three, only the first author
> is named, followed by "et al" and year of publication.
> In the text, only the author's initials are in capital letters.
> ABSTRACT (10 lines)
> On the Abstract page:
> Author's name(s), mail and e-mail address(es)
> Title (capital letters, bold)
> Abstract (10 lines maximum)
> Key Words (5 maximum)
> Expected presentation mode (oral, poster)
> Equipment used (if oral communication): ................
> If your communication is accepted, a second abstract will be requested in
> French or English, respectively.
> They must appear at the end of the text (end of 2nd page). All references
> quoted in the text must be referenced and presented by alphabetical order
> according to INSEP publications standards. For example:
> Carron (A) et Brawley (L.R.) - Cohesion : conceptual and measurement
> issues. Small Group Research, 2000, vol.31, n°1, pp.89-106.
> Dweck (C.S) - The development or early self-conceptions ; their relevance
> for motivational processes. In : Heckhausen (J.) et Dweck (C.S) Motivation
> and self-regulation across life span, 1998, New York : Cambridge
> University Press, pp. 257-280.
> General recommendations:
> Fonts: Times New Roman; size 12; simple interline; left and right margins:
> 3cm; top and bottom margins: 2.5 cm ; justified text. The file may not
> exceed 1 Mo.
> 15 May 2004 latest: submission to of the text (poster and/or
> oral presentation) in the preferred language
> 15 July 2004 latest: 1st feedback from the reviewers
> 15 July - 30 September 2004: shuttle between the author(s) and the
> reviewers
> 1st October 2004 latest: final acceptation
> 15 October 2004 latest: reception of the second abstract (French or
> English, respectively)
> October 2004: the official programme of the Congress in online
> (
To unsubscribe send SIGNOFF BIOMCH-L to
For information and archives:
Please consider posting your message to the Biomch-L Web-based
Discussion Forum: