Thank you all who responded to my question about inverse dynamic 'golden
standard'. Original question is followed by five replays.
Regards, Tomislav.
Dear All,
concerning recent discussion about inverse dynamic I would like to ask the
following. How do we actually validate accuracy of kinetic parameters
(force, moments, power etc.) obtained through the inverse dynamic
calculation? What is used as a 'golden standard' ? Namely, inverse dynamic
output basically relay on two input sources.
Firstly, kinematic parameters acquired usually by the means of 3D kinematic
reconstruction systems. I have seen many papers arguing the accuracy of the
reconstructions systems themselves and some papers discussing the accuracy
of joint center determination against some golden standard (e.g. 'roentgen
stereophotogrammetry). Here, the hip arises as significant challenge and
generally skin effect imposed on marker setup.
Second input comes from so called BSP parameters calculation (m, I, CM, V,
r). In this cases people again tested their body models and corresponding
BSPs against some golden standards (e.g. CT, MRI, gamma mass scanning, DXA
(dual energy X ray absompthometry), pendulum method etc.).
However, is there any way to validate the actual numbers for force, moments
and/or power exercised at specific joint using some other golden standard?
Or the best we can do is to relay on accuracy estimation for 3D kinematic
systems and BSP, and then analytically predict how the final inverse dynamic
calculations accurate will be (including perhaps in our estimation other
inherent assumption about inverse dynamic)?
Thank you for your response. Summary will follow later on.
Regards, Tomislav.
Tomislav Pribanic, M.Sc., EE
Department for Electronic Systems and Information Processing
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
3 Unska, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
tel. ..385 1 612 98 67, fax. ..385 1 612 96 52
E-mail :
Some references on model validation.
Angela J. Tate, M.Sc.
Doctoral Candidate
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John's, NL CANADA A1B 3X5
tel. (709) 737-8994
fax. (709) 737-4042\~angelat
De Looze, M.P., Kingma, I., Bussmann, J.B.J., & Toussaint, H.M., 1992.
Validation of a dynamic linked segment model to calculate joint moments in
lifting, Clin. Biomech. 7, 161-169.
Desjardins, P., Plamondon, A., & Gagnon, M., 1998. Sensitivity analysis of
segment models to estimate the net reaction moments at the L5/S1 joint in
lifting, Med. Eng. Phys. 20(2), 153-158.
Frigo, C., 1990. Three-dimensional model for studying the dynamics loads on
the spine during lifting., Clin. Biomech. 5, 143-152.
Kingma, I., De Looze, M.P., Toussaint, H.M., Klijnsma, H.G., & Bruijnen,
B.M., 1996a. Validation of a full body 3-D dynamic linked segment model,
Hum. Movement Sci., 15, 833-860.
Kingma, I., Toussaint, H.M., De Looze, M.P., Van Dieen, J.P., 1996b. Segment
inertial parameter evaluation in two anthropometric models by application of
a dynamic linked segment model. J. Biomech., 29(5), 693-704.
Lariviere, C. & Gagnon, D., 1998. Comparison between two dynamic methods to
estimate triaxial net reaction moments at the L5/S1 joint during lifting,
Clin. Biomech., 13(1), 36-47.
Lariviere, C. & Gagnon, D., 1999a. The influence of trunk modelling in 3D
biomechanical analysis of simple and complex lifting tasks, Clin. Biomech.
14(7), 449-461.
Lariviere, C. & Gagnon, D., 1999b. The L5/S1 joint moment sensitvity to
measurement errors in dynamic 3D multisegment lifting models. Hum. Movement
Sci. 18, 573-587.
Plamondon, A., Gagnon, M., & Desjardins, P., 1996. Validation of two 3-D
segment models to calculate the net reaction forces and moments at the
L(5)/S(1) joint in lifting, Clin. Biomech. 11(2), 101-110.
----- Original Message -----
From: D. Gordon E. Robertson, Ph.D.
To: Tomislav Pribanic
Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2004 5:09 PM
Subject: Re: [BIOMCH-L] inverse dynamic calcuation validation
One way that I used is to compare the rate of change of energy of individual
segments with the power supplied to the segment by the forces and moments of
force at the segment's connection with the rest of the body or the
environment. This is sometimes called the "energy" or "power balance." The
idea is that the forces and moments are computed using inverse dynamics and
are therefore affected by the segment's BSPs, kinematics and external
forces, such as the ground reaction force. The changes in mechanical energy
do not involve inverse dynamics, but only on the accuracy of the kinematics
and BSPs. Have a look at the paper:
Robertson, D.G.E. and Winter, D.A. (1980) Mechanical energy generation,
absorption and transfer amongst segments during walking. Journal of
Biomechanics, 13: 845-854.
see also
Siegel, K.L.; Kepple, T.M. & Caldwell, G.E. (1996) Improved agreement of
foot segmental power and rate of energy during gait: Inclusion of distal
power terms and use of 3D models. Journal of Biomechanics, 29:823827
Dear Tomislav:
One of the simplest ways to check the accuracy of at least some measurements
and assumptions is to compute the acceleration of the GCM of the entire body
during a free flight (e.g. in running or jumping). Ideally it should be
close to g = -9.8 m/s^2.
Another option is to compare the actual and computed GRF data for a one-leg
support period in walking or running.
The accuracy of the BSP data can be estimated by comparing predicted and
measured GCM position using a reaction board.
Vladimir Zatsiorsky
REPLAY4 (articles available on request since list doe not support
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tim L. A. Doyle"
To: "'Tomislav Pribanic'"
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2004 1:15 AM
Subject: RE: [BIOMCH-L] inverse dynamic calcuation validation
You might find these articles useful.
> dear Tomislav
> I had the same problem for my PhD project for the calculation of inverse
> dynamics starting from upper limbs kinematics
> I'm sorry to say that I didn't find any "golden standard" neither for the
> accuracy of 3D reconstruction nor for BSP parameters
> I tried to evaluate the accuracy of 3D reconstruction basing on pc
> simulations, giving to my model as input first, some "virtual and not
> coordinates and then some "real and noisy" coordinates, then calculating
> differences to have an idea of the errors I was including due to 3D
> reconstruction.
> As for BSP, I think that was the major source of errors since I had to
> data from the literature and the number of subjects investigated was
> very low...
> I think this topic is very important -probably it will generate a tough
> discussion- and I hope something good as a golden standard will arise from
> the list
> Greetings from Italy
> Federica
> %-------------------------------------------------%
> Federica Sibella, PhD
> Projects&Technology Department
> viale Marconi 5, 24044 Dalmine (Bergamo), Italy
> tel: +39 035 205 2361
> e-mail:
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