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Tendon Loading in Cadaver Feet

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  • Tendon Loading in Cadaver Feet

    Dear Colleagues,

    I’m currently attempting to investigate the coupling relationship between the
    rearfoot and tibia and have been given an opportunity to participate in a
    cadaver study. The investigation will use an Instron 8500 to apply vertical
    loading to the specimens (simulating mid-stance), using clamps and weights to
    secure the tendons crossing the ankle complex. The main problem is deciding
    what loads to use on the tendons. Also how to load them i.e. can some tendons
    be clamped together for simplification?

    I have searched the literature and found that the most common method is to:
    1) first express the maximum contractile force of each muscle relative to a
    selected muscle (i.e. triceps surae) based on the relative physiological cross-
    sectional areas (PCSA).
    2) then express the tension of each muscle as a percentage of its activation
    in the gait cycle using EMG data (Perry, Gait Analysis).

    In order to implement this method, however, I still need to know the maximum
    contractile force of one muscle to start with in order to reference the other
    muscle forces relative to! Nyska et al. (2001) used the PCSA of the tibialis
    anterior multiplied by 3.6 (this is defined as the tension-producing
    capability of the muscle). However, this method required the removal of the
    muscle from the specimen. Sharkey and Hamel (1998) used a dynamic gait
    simulator to determine the loading required in the triceps surae but this
    required the simulation to be performed, which brings me back to the original

    Can anyone suggest how I should address this problem? Is there a reasonably
    simple solution? Any help and advice on this matter would be greatly

    Mike Pohl.

    Institute of Sport and Exercise Sciences
    University of Leeds
    LS2 9JT
    ++44 (0)113 2331669

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