Workshop Numerical Models of Bone Adaptation and Repair Call for Abstracts
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International Workshop
Numerical Models of Bone Adaptation and Repair

The Institute of Orthopaedic Research and
Biomechanics, University of Ulm,
will host an international workshop on

Numerical Models of Bone Adaptation and Repair

July 11 - 13, 2004
Reisensburg Castle, Ulm, Germany.

The purpose of the workshop is to bring together specialists
in the area of bone adaptation and repair to increase the
understanding of the principles of these processes and to
improve computational models intended to simulate these processes.

## Venue ##
Reisensburg Castle
Ulm, Germany

## Faculty and Program ##
The workshop will include keynote speeches, free presentations and
substantial discussion. Keynote speeches will provide representative
overviews on the topic and lay the ground for the breakout-sessions.
Abstract submissions are invited for the presentation of newest results.

Brand R. A. Prendergast P. J.
Giori N. J. Gerngross H.
Amling M. Augat P.
Carter D. R. Hart R. T.
Claes L. Guilak F.
Simon U. Weinans H.
For a detailed program visit the workshop homepage at:

## Call for Abstracts ##
Individuals wishing to present related original research at the workshop,
are invited to submit an abstract. Abstracts must be received by
April 16, 2004.

How to submit your abstract
Please download the abstract submission template at
and be sure to provide all requested information. Submit your abstract per
Email to
Abstracts are published exactly as submitted.
Authors will be notified by May 01, 2004, whether their abstract has been
accepted. Acceptance is dependent upon both relevance to scheduled topics
and space available.

## Registration ##
Online Registration and information can be found at :

## Organization ##
Institute of Orthopaedic Research
and Biomechanics, University of Ulm
Tel: +49 731 50023480
Fax: +49 731 50023498

## Scientific Committee ##
Peter Augat
Richard A. Brand
Lutz Claes
Ulrich Simon

Peter Augat, Ph.D.
Institute of Orthopaedic Research and Biomechanics
University of Ulm
Helmholtzstrasse 14
89081 Ulm, Germany
Tel.: 49-731-5002-3496 Fax: 49-731-5002-3498

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