We have an ongoing project in which we aim to make similar measurements.
However, our goal is not the intra cement pressures (as that can be highly
variable from point to point due to the non-homogeneity of the cement and bone-
cement interface, but the insertion forces applied to the prosthesis by the
surgeon and more importantly (and often overlooked) the holding forces (while
the cement sets). If you think we may have information of any use to your
application then let me know.
with best wishes
Dr. H Rassoulian BSc, MSc, PhD, MIPEM, SRCS |
Head of Clinical Bioengineering Group |
Dept. Medical Physics & Bioengineering |
Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust |
Southampton, SO16 6YD |
Tel : 023 80 79 69 45 |
email: HamidR@soton.ac.uk |
For Web info see: www.medphys.soton.ac.uk |
then go to: RESEARCH |
and then to: Clinical Bioengineering |
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For information and archives: http://isb.ri.ccf.org/biomch-l
Please consider posting your message to the Biomch-L Web-based
Discussion Forum: http://movement-analysis.com/biomch_l
We have an ongoing project in which we aim to make similar measurements.
However, our goal is not the intra cement pressures (as that can be highly
variable from point to point due to the non-homogeneity of the cement and bone-
cement interface, but the insertion forces applied to the prosthesis by the
surgeon and more importantly (and often overlooked) the holding forces (while
the cement sets). If you think we may have information of any use to your
application then let me know.
with best wishes
Dr. H Rassoulian BSc, MSc, PhD, MIPEM, SRCS |
Head of Clinical Bioengineering Group |
Dept. Medical Physics & Bioengineering |
Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust |
Southampton, SO16 6YD |
Tel : 023 80 79 69 45 |
email: HamidR@soton.ac.uk |
For Web info see: www.medphys.soton.ac.uk |
then go to: RESEARCH |
and then to: Clinical Bioengineering |
To unsubscribe send SIGNOFF BIOMCH-L to LISTSERV@nic.surfnet.nl
For information and archives: http://isb.ri.ccf.org/biomch-l
Please consider posting your message to the Biomch-L Web-based
Discussion Forum: http://movement-analysis.com/biomch_l