I have recently seen an advertisement for a machine called the ISOPUMP
(also known as the "ACE system") which is claimed to be an isometric and
isokinetic evaluation system involving various combinations of load
cells/force plates + video & EMG. The system allows actual assessment of 1
repetition max and is promoted as an evaluation, conditioning and
proprioception system. Any comments regarding the effectiveness, value,
functionality of this system for research, teaching and training purposes
would be appreciated.
Mr Robert Crowther BSpExSc (hons)
PhD Candidate
Institute of Sport and Exercise Science
James Cook University
Townsville Queensland 4811
Phone: +61 7 4727 7433
Mob: 0439 892719
Email: robert.crowther@jcu.edu.au
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I have recently seen an advertisement for a machine called the ISOPUMP
(also known as the "ACE system") which is claimed to be an isometric and
isokinetic evaluation system involving various combinations of load
cells/force plates + video & EMG. The system allows actual assessment of 1
repetition max and is promoted as an evaluation, conditioning and
proprioception system. Any comments regarding the effectiveness, value,
functionality of this system for research, teaching and training purposes
would be appreciated.
Mr Robert Crowther BSpExSc (hons)
PhD Candidate
Institute of Sport and Exercise Science
James Cook University
Townsville Queensland 4811
Phone: +61 7 4727 7433
Mob: 0439 892719
Email: robert.crowther@jcu.edu.au
To unsubscribe send SIGNOFF BIOMCH-L to LISTSERV@nic.surfnet.nl
For information and archives: http://isb.ri.ccf.org/biomch-l
Please consider posting your message to the Biomch-L Web-based
Discussion Forum: http://movement-analysis.com/biomch_l