Here the article of kaufman that you can't find, hope that may help you:

Kaufman, KB, Morrow, D, Hansen, D, Kitaoka, HB (2001) A 3-Segment foot model technique for measurement of foot and ankle Kinematics, GCMAS Sacramento (cant find)
you can find it on this link

and just to complete a reference:
Myers KA, Wang M, Marks RM Harris GF () Pediatric foot and ankle: validation of multi-segment kinematic model, GCMAS Seventh Annual Meeting Chattanooga, Tennessee, 2002

Thank you for the accurate references' list I really appreciate it as I'm starting a new project focused on 3d foot kinematics.


zimi sawacha

Zimi Sawacha, Phd student

Department of Information Engineering

University of Padova

Via Gradenigo,6b I-35131 PADOVA - Italy


----- Original Message -----
From: "John Henley"
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 10:10 PM
Subject: [BIOMCH-L] multi-segment foot models

> All
> I am reviewing the literatrue on multisegment foot models. I have found the following references. I would appreciate it if anyone knows of any more that they send me the reference or citation. Please excuse the numerous typos in the list as I did not check it very well.
> John Henley
> Abuzzahab FS, Harris GF, Johnson JE, Nery J (1996) Foot and ankle motin analysis system instrumentation calibration and validation. In Human motion analysis edited by GF Harris PA Smith p152-66 New York, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc
> Abuzzahab FS, Harris GF, Kidder SM, Johnson JE (1993) A system for foot and ankle motion analysis during gait Proc 8th Ann West Coast Gait Conf Rochester MN May 5-8:137-8
> Abuzzahab, F. S., et al (1996) Foot and Ankle Motion analysis Systems-Instrumentation, Calibration and Validation. In G.F. Harris, P.A.Smith ed. Human Motion Analysis. IEEE Press
> Arampatzis, A., Bruggemann, G-P., Klapsing GM. A three-dimensional shank-foot model to determine the foot motion during landings. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc 34(1) 130-138
> Carson et al In vivo kinematic analysis of a multisegment foot model: Development and reliability analysis of a method for research and clinical applications 2000 submitted for publication
> Carson M. et al (1999) A four segment in vivo foot model for clinical gait analysis. Gait and Posture 8(1)
> Carson, M. Harrington M. Thompson, N. Theologis T. (1998) A four segment in vivo foot model for clinical gait analysis. Gait and Posture;8(1);73
> Carson,MC, Harrington, ME, Thompson,N, O"Connor JJ, Theologis, TN (2001) Kinematic analysis of a multi-segment foot model for research and clinical applications: a repeatability analysis Journal of Biomechanics 34;1299-1307
> Carson.M.,Harrington,M.,Thompson,N., O'Connor,JJ.,Theologis,TN (2000) Assessment of a multi-segment foot model for gait analysis. Gait and Posture 12; 76-77.
> Catani F, Benedetti MG, Leardini A, Rosseto F, Battistini A, Giannini S (1994) An anatomical protocol for 3D kinematics assessment of five-segment foot and ankle complex. In: Abstracts 9th meeting, European society of Biomechanics and II World Cong. Biomechancis, Amsterdam, 10-15 July 1994;II:151
> Catani F, Benedetti MG, Leardini A, Sergolini L, Signorini L, Giannini S (1995) 3D kinematic assessment of foot-ankle complex. Rehabilitation R&D progress
> Cowley,M MacWilliams.BA, Meek S (2001) A multi-segment kinematic and kinetic foot model for clinical decision making Gait and Posture 13;297
> D'Andrea S. Tylkowski C., Losito C, Arguedas, W, Bushman, T Howell V (1993) Three-dimensional kinematics of the foot. Proceedings of the eight annual east coast clinical gait conference. Rochester, MN USA May 5-8 p 109-110
> D'Andrea S. Tylkowski C., Losito C, Arguedas, W, Bushman, T Howell V (1993) Three-dimensional kinematics of the foot. In Proceedings of the II international symposium on threee dimensional analysis of human movement, Poiters, France, 103-5.
> DeLozier GS, Alexander, I ,Narayanaswamy R (1991) A method for measurement of integrated foot kinematics Proceedings of Internaltion Symposium on 3D analysis of Human Movement July 28-31 Montreal Canada
> Harris GF, Kidder SM, Abuzzahab FS, Johnson JE (1998) A system for analyzing foot and ankle motion during gait Biomedical Engineering-Applicatin, Basis & Communication p55-7.
> Henley et al (2001) A new three segment foot model for gait analysis in children and adults Gait and Posture 2001 p 284
> Henley et al (2004) Reliability of a clinically practical multi-segment foot marker set/model GCMAS Proceedings p62
> Humm, JR, Smith, PA, Harris Gf. Hasani, S, Olson WK (1999) Kinematic morphology of segmental foot motion in normal pediatric subjects. Gait and Posture 9:115-116
> Jenkyn /TR (2002) Motion of the ankle complex and forefoot twist during walking and medial direction changes Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society.
> Johnson JE, Kidder SM, Abuzzahab, FS, Harris GF (1996) Three dimensional motion analysis of the adult foot and ankle In Human motion analysis edited by GF Harris PA Smith p351-67 New York, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc
> Johnson, JE et al (1997) Foot and Ankle Clinics 2:2
> Kaufman, KB, Morrow, D, Hansen, D, Kitaoka, HB (2001) A 3-Segment foot model technique for measurement of foot and ankle Kinematics, GCMAS Sacramento (cant find)
> Kepple TM Stanhope SJ, Lohmann KN. Roman NL (1990) A video based technique for measuring ankle-subtalar motion during stance J Biomech Eng 12;273-80.
> Kidder SM, Abuzzahab, A Harris, GF, Johnson JE (1996) A system for the analysis of foot and ankle kinematics during gait. IEEE Tran Rehab Eng 4:25-32
> Kidder SM, Harris, FS, Abuzzahab Johnson JE. (1996) A biomechanical model for foot and ankle motion analysis In Human motion analysis edited by GF Harris PA Smith p133-50 New York, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc
> Kotajarvi, BR, Jouve, JL., Shaughnessy, WJ., Kitaoka, HB., Kaufman, KR (2001) Dynamic foot biomechnics of children with clubfoot Gait and Posture 13;257-258.
> Leardini, A , Benedetti, MG, Catani, F, Simoncini, L., Giannini, S. (1999) An anatomically based protocol for the description of foot segment kinematics during gait. Clinical Biomechanics14 528-536.
> Liu, W., Siegler, S., Hilstrom, H., Whitney, K. (1997) Three-dimensional six-degrees-of-freedom, kinematics during gait. Clinical Biomechanics 14, 528-536.
> Mann RA. (1986) Biomechanics of the foot and ankle In: Mann RA ed Surgery of the foot St. Louis The CV Mosby Company 1986;1-30.
> Meyers KA, Wang M, Marks RM Harris GF () Pediatric foot and ankle: validation of multi-segment kinematic model
> Morlock M. Nigg, BM. (1990) A generalized 3-dimensional six-segment model othe ankle and the foot . J Biomech 1990 (in press)
> Morlock, M and Nigg, B.M (1991) Theoretical considerations and practical results in the influence of the represntation of the foot for theestimatin of internal forces with models Clinical Biomechanics 6;3-13
> Morlok M (1990) A generalized 3-dimensional six -segment model of the ankle and the foot [Ph.D theisis] Calgary, Alberta; University of Calgary
> Moseley L /Smith R, Hunt A, Gant R (1996) Three-dimensional kinematics of the rearfoot during stance phase of walking in normal young adult males Clin Biomech 11:39-45
> Rattanaprasert et al (1999) Three dimensional kinematics of the forefoot, rearfoot, and the leg without the function of the tibialis posterior in comparison with normals during stance phase of walking Clin Biomch 14:14-23
> Sampath, G et al (1998) Gait and Posture 7:2:176
> Scott, S. Winter, DA. (1991) Talocural and taolcalcaneal joint kinematis and kinetics duing the stance phase of walking J. Biomech 24, 743-752.
> Scott, S. Winter, DA. (1993) Biomechanical model of the human foot: kinematics and kinetics during the stance pahse of walking J. Biomech 26 (9) 1091-1104
> Siegel KL, Kepple TM, O'Connel PG., Gerber LH, Stanhope SJ (1995) A technique to evaluate foot function during the stance phase of gait. Foot and Ankle 16;764-70.
> Simon, J. Wolf, S, Doderlein, L. (2002) Gait analysis of the growing foot Gait and Posture 16;s110 this article uses a 13 marker 10 segment foot - no description of foot segments nor marker placement was given
> Simon, J., Metaxiotis, D., Siebel, A., Bock, H.G., Doderlein, L. (2000?) A model of the human foot with seven segments. GCMA Gait and Posture 2000 European meeting vol 12 no 1 p 63-64 (note cant find original)
> Simon, J.,Mextaxiotis, D., Siebel, A., Bock H. G., Doderlein, L. (2001). A multisegmented foot model. Gait and Posture 13, p 269-270
> Smith P, Humm J, Hassini S, Harris G (2000) Tharee dimensional motion analysis of the pediatric foot and ankle. In: Pediatric gait: A new millennium in clinical care and motion analysis technology ed GF Harris, PA Smith IEEE p183-188
> Stroud C, Harris G. VanBogart J, Marks R (2000) Foot/Ankle motion analysis in patients with posterior tibial tendon dysfunction In: Pediatric gait: A new millennium in clinical care and motion analysis technology ed GF Harris, PA Smith IEEE p173-182
> Taioli, S (1997) Vicon BodyBuilder Foot Model
> Theologis T, Harrington M, Thompson N, Benson MK (2003) Dynamic foot movement in children treated for congenital talipes equinovarus. J. Bone Joint Surg (85(4):572-7
> Van Bogart, JJ et al (1997) Proceedings of the 19th Annual IEEE/EMBs Conference 1845-1846.
> John D. Henley
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