CSB/SCB2004 "Expanding Biomechanical Solutions"
The deadline for early registration for the Canadian Society for
Biomechanics/Societe Canadienne de Biomechanique conference
(CSB/SCB2004) has been extended until June 15, 2004. Keynote
presenters feature Walter Herzog, Ph.D. University of Calgary and
Stuart McGill, Ph.D. University of Waterloo. The four symposia are:
Locomotion, Arthritis, Sport Biomechanics and Occupational
Biomechanics. There are 90 podium and 100 poster presentations
on topics including clinical biomechanics, ergonomics, locomotion,
spine, muscle and sport biomechanics. For more information on
registration, other symposia speakers, workshops, podium and
poster presentations check out our website at www.csb2004.ca.
Those who register for the conference and book their room at the
Westin Hotel before June 15 will be eligible for door prizes to be
awarded at the Opening Reception. The grand prize is one free
night at the Westin so register early.
Candace Fawcette (csb2004@dal.ca)
CSB 2004 Conference Coordinator
School of Physiotherapy
Dalhousie University
Halifax NS
B3H 3J5
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