The following has been submitted for distribution to Biomch-L. Please
contact the individuals listed below for further information.
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Call For Papers on Slips, Trips And Falls
There will be an International Symposium on Slips, Trips And Falls at the
Ergonomics Society Annual Conference 2005 which will be held at the De
Havilland Campus, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK from April 5 to 7, 2005.
The objective of this symposium is to provide a technical forum on slip,
trip and fall accidents for researchers and practitioners around the world
to present their latest findings and to exchange research ideas. The
symposium will cover all aspects related to the problems from research to
practical experience, such as falls from heights, falls among older people,
biomechanics, slip resistance measurements, standardization, pedestrian fall
prevention, flooring and stairway design and development, design of
footwear, anti-skid devices, and housekeeping. Papers may address
industrial safety as well as safety at home and during leisure-time. The
organizers are particularly keen to bring together researchers and
practitioners from different fall prevention backgrounds, e.g. gerontology,
health care, occupational safety, to share perspectives and experience.
If you are interested in presenting your papers at this symposium, please
follow the guidelines for abstract submission listed at the conference
website Please indicate in
your submission that your abstract(s) is (are) for this symposium. The
deadline for abstract submission is September 30, 2004. Each paper will be
allocated five pages in the Congress proceedings, which will be published as
the book 'Contemporary Ergonomics 2005', by CRC Press. The deadline for the
full papers will be December 10, 2004. Please submit your abstract(s) to
the Ergonomics Society directly and also a copy to the symposium organizers
as listed below.
Find out more:
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International Symposium on Slips, Trips and Falls, April 2005
Deadline for abstracts 30 Sept 2004, find out more:
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For questions about the symposium, please contact:
Roger Haslam, PhD
Health & Safety Ergonomics Unit, Department of Human Sciences, Loughborough
University, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU, United Kingdom
Phone: 44-1509-223042, Fax: 44-1509-223940, E-mail:
Wen-Ruey Chang, PhD
Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety, 71 Frankland Road, Hopkinton,
MA 01748, U.S.A.
Phone: 1-508-497-0219, Fax: 1-508-435-8136, E-mail:
Steve Thorpe, PhD
Health and Safety Laboratory, Broad Lane, Sheffield S3 7HQ, United Kingdom
Phone: 44-114-289-2626, Fax: 44-114-289-2526, E-mail:
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