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Re: CG industry software applied to Biomechanics

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  • Re: CG industry software applied to Biomechanics

    Hi Miguel and List,

    >I am a 4th year Biomedical Engineering student in Portugal with an interest
    >in computer animation. I was interested in knowing if computer
    >modeling/animation software such as 3D Studio Max, Maya or Lightwave is ever
    >used in the research area of Biomechanics or medicine.

    I am a PhD student in the Faculty of Veterinary Science, the University
    of Melbourne. I am using an Open Source "Maya-like" program called
    Blender for some of my work:

    My PhD is un-funded (except for a cost-of-living scholarship), and I am
    not aware of other students or researchers at my university working on
    similar topics. Consequently, my software options are *extremely*
    limited, and I have had to take the initiative and create my own
    solutions in most cases. I have used Blender as a kind of "3D glue" for
    several of my projects. The two major examples are:

    1. I have implemented a photogrammetric technique for
    image-based-modeling of bones. The method is similar to that used in
    optical kinematics systems: two cameras are first calibrated against a
    known geometry. Rays are then traced out from these cameras to
    corresponding unknown points in the two images, their best approximate
    point of intersection is found, and the point is then digitized
    (recorded) in 3D. I am presenting the details of this implementation
    (including validation and error analysis) at the 5th Australasian
    Biomechanics Conference in December. In line with that conference, I am
    releasing my code as Open Source (so you will be able not only to use it
    but also modify it to suit your own ends! :-).

    2. I have partially implemented a muscle-path modeling system in Blender
    to enable calculation of instantaneous muscle moment arms. This still
    has quite some way to go, but looks like being completely successful.

    In both projects, Blender has provided an enormous advantage over using
    software written from scratch because much of the code required for 3D
    viewing and manipulation is already present. It also includes a very
    powerful scripting interface built around the Python language
    (, which enables extremely rapid construction of
    visualization and GUI interfaces for all kinds of work. It is possible
    to work with both the high-level constructs of Blender itself (meshes,
    etc.), or to work directly with low-level OpenGL commands for greater

    I will shortly be posting a link to BIOMCH-L for the code to my
    image-based-modeling method. A pre-release (for the Blender community)
    of *just* the camera calibration component is online here:
    (NB: The write-up on that page is for a lay-audience who are
    specifically familiar with Blender. :-)

    Jonathan Merritt, BE(Mech)/BSc.
    PhD Student - Biomechanics of the Equine Forelimb,
    The University of Melbourne Equine Centre,
    240 Princes Highway,
    Werribee, Vic. 3030.

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