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Two Bioengineering Faculty Positions, University of Kansas

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  • Two Bioengineering Faculty Positions, University of Kansas

    Two Faculty Positions in Bioengineering, University of Kansas

    DESCRIPTION: The School of Engineering at the University of Kansas invites applications for two faculty positions in the area of Bioengineering. Rank is open for either position, although preference is to hire one junior faculty as an Assistant Professor and one senior faculty as a Full Professor, with the rank of Distinguished Professor being considered dependent upon background and qualifications. The home department will be Mechanical Engineering (ME). Applicants should have demonstrated strong research interests and experience that compliment and/or expand our current strengths in biodynamics, biomaterials, bone mechanics, imaging, motor control, neuromotor control, and orthopedic biomechanics. A detailed position description and application procedures can be found at the ME ( website.

    QUALIFICATIONS: Assistant Professor applicants should have demonstrated high potential for success in engineering education, research, and professional service. Full Professor applicants should have outstanding records in these areas and be able to spearhead the development of strong bio-related research and educational ties between engineering and the life science disciplines.

    CONTACT: Letters of application or nominations should be sent to: Bioengineering Search Committee Chair, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Kansas, 3138 Learned Hall, 1530 W. 15th Street, Lawrence, Kansas, 66045. A complete application should include a letter of application, curriculum vitae, a description of research and teaching interests and the names, addresses and phone numbers of three references. Review of applications begins December 15, 2004 and will continue until selections are made. The University of Kansas is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
