Dear subscribers,
Several weeks ago I posted a call for information regarding measurements
of hand kinematics during grasping and object manipulation. I am including
a summary of the responses. I take this opportunity to thank all those who
responded. It seems that there is very little experimental data available
though there is a great demand for it in several fields. I would welcome
any comments on this topic.
Noam Brook
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Haifa 32000, Israel
e-mail : MERJDNB@Technion.Technion.AC.IL
FAX : 972-4-324533
Tel. : 972-4-293884
Summary :
1. Buchholz B. and Armstrong T.J., 1992, A Kinematic Model of the Human
Hand to Evaluate its Prehensile Capabilities, J. Biomechanics, 25(2),
2. Buchholz B. and Armstrong T.J., 1991, An Ellipsoidal Representation
of Human Hand Anthropometry, Human Factors, 33(4), 429-441.
3. Buchholz B., Armstrong T.J. and Goldstein S.A., 1992, Anthropometric
Data for Describing the Kinematics of the Human Hand, Ergonomics,
35(3), 261-273.
4. Brand P.W., Thompson D.E., and Micks J.E., in THE BIOMECHANICS OF
THE INTERPHALANGEAL JOINTS, Bowers W.H. ed., pg. 21-54, Churchill
Livingstone, 1987.
5. Chan A.P.K., Kamath M. et al., 1991, Computerized Chierometer for
Assessing Grip Strength Indices and Classification of Rheumatoid
Patients, Eng. in Medicine, 17(1).
6. Prof. Voloshin from Lehigh Univ. is working on a sytem for kinematic
measurements, based on image recording by VCR.