I am working for semi-professional dancers and martial art students for
movement improvement. My duty includes videorecording them performing brief
movements and monitoring of their kinematic changes. Could anyone please
recommend me any free or trial version of motion analysis software
downloadable from the web which can use AVI files?
Thank you in advance
Dai Nishikawa
Postgraduate Student (biomechanics)
The School of Human Movement Studies
The University of Queensland
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I am working for semi-professional dancers and martial art students for
movement improvement. My duty includes videorecording them performing brief
movements and monitoring of their kinematic changes. Could anyone please
recommend me any free or trial version of motion analysis software
downloadable from the web which can use AVI files?
Thank you in advance
Dai Nishikawa
Postgraduate Student (biomechanics)
The School of Human Movement Studies
The University of Queensland
To unsubscribe send SIGNOFF BIOMCH-L to LISTSERV@nic.surfnet.nl
For information and archives: http://isb.ri.ccf.org/biomch-l