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Re: Stats Power. Report Confidence Limits - p values

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  • Re: Stats Power. Report Confidence Limits - p values

    I am in complete agreement with Dr. Allison's summary of statistics.

    In response to the question below I would add that the p value is the
    probability (assuming all the statistical assumptions are valid) of
    obtaining the observed outcome by chance alone. This probability is
    compared to the alpha level to determine statistical significance. The
    reason that there is no such thing as "highly significant" or the even
    more annoying "trending towards significance" is because the
    experimental p value is the outcome of only one experiment. If the p
    value of that experiment is sufficiently rare (less than alpha) we have
    confidence in concluding that the observed phenomenon was _probably_ not
    due to chance (not a Type I error). Our level of confidence is reflected
    by the alpha level. In effect, alpha is a predetermined probability of
    the correctness of our conclusions. If alpha is .05 then we can state
    with confidence that our conclusions will be wrong 5 times out of 100,
    we just don't know if this is one of those times. Since alpha is our
    pre-established cutoff, one p is as good as another. Remember, you
    cannot know if the null hypothesis or research hypothesis is correct.
    You can "reject the null hypothesis" (palpha),
    which is not the same as concluding that the null hypothesis is correct,
    but rather that the null hypothesis (random chance) is a good at
    explaining the data as the research hypothesis and that you therefore
    have no reason to prefer the research hypothesis.

    What we really want to do, in our own work and in our evaluations of the
    works of others, is to justify alpha and not blindly insist in the .05
    level. This level is probably not the most appropriate alpha for every
    experiment and every data set.

    Thomas M. Greiner, Ph.D.
    Assistant Professor of Anatomy
    Department of Health Professions
    University of Wisconsin - La Crosse
    4054 Health Science Center
    1725 State Street
    La Crosse, WI 54601-3742

    Phone: (608) 785-8476
    Fax: (608) 785-8460

    -----Original Message-----
    From: * Biomechanics and Movement Science listserver
    [mailto:BIOMCH-L@NIC.SURFNET.NL] On Behalf Of Bryan Kirking
    Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2005 4:46 PM
    Subject: Re: [BIOMCH-L] Stats Power. Report Confidence Limits - p values

    To comment and question some of Dr. Allison's insight:

    >>My understanding of the arbitrary "line in the sand" of 0.05 was
    >>originally due to the choice of the original tables (pre computer)

    I have heard this too. It was very tedious to calculate probabilities
    Personal Computer) as is done now, so the investigator would pick the
    appropriate values to simplify the calculations.

    >>The p value reflects the probability of the observed change happening

    Isn't this only correct if the null hypothesis is correct (not
    rejected?). This is why (as explained to me by statisticians - I won't
    claim authority here) it is considered incorrect to differentiate
    "significant" from "very significant" from "highly significant"? I
    this point because of your comment about relating the alpha level to the
    seriousness of the outcome.

    Bryan Kirking
    ProbaSci LLC
    tel. 512.218.3900
    fax. 512.218.3972

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