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J Applied Biomechanics

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  • J Applied Biomechanics

    It is my pleasure to announce that the Journal of Applied Biomechanics is
    now indexed on PubMed/MedLine!

    For those who missed it, JAB recently had a special issue on Biomechanical
    Modeling (vol 20, issue 4, Nov 2004) that included the following 5 review
    articles (contact the authors for reprints if you do not have an online or
    print subscription):

    Finite Element Modeling in Musculoskeletal Biomechanics
    Thomas D. Brown

    Neuromusculoskeletal Modeling: Estimation of Muscle Forces and Joint Moments
    and Movements From Measurements of Neural Command
    Thomas S. Buchanan; David G. Lloyd; Kurt T. Manal; Thor F. Besier

    A Nonlinear Dynamics Approach to Human Movement
    Richard E.A. van Emmerik; Michael T. Rosenstein; William J. McDermott;
    Joseph Hamill

    Forward Dynamics of Two-Dimensional Skeletal Models. A Newton-Euler Approach
    L.J. Richard Casius; Maarten F. Bobbert; Arthur J. van Soest

    Experimental and Computational Modeling of Joint and Ligament Mechanics
    Richard E. Debski; Shon P. Darcy; Savio L-Y. Woo

    JAB is a quarterly journal with a strong editorial board comprised of the
    following experts:
    Donald D. Anderson, University of Iowa
    Thomas S. Buchanan, University of Delaware
    Kelly J. Cole, University of IowaJesus Dapena, Indiana University
    J.J. Trey Crisco III, Brown University
    Warren Darling, University of Iowa
    Jack T. Dennerlein, Harvard University
    Paul DeVita, East Carolina University
    Bruce Elliott, University of Western Australia
    Michael E. Feltner, Pepperdine University
    Braden C. Fleming, University of Vermont
    Kevin P. Granata, University of Virginia
    Kenton R. Kaufman, Mayo Clinic
    Robert F. Kirsch, Case Western Reserve University
    Rodger Kram, University of Colorado Boulder
    Alberto Leardini, Istituti Ortopedici Rizzoli
    David G. Lloyd, University of Western Australia
    Kurt Manal, University of Delaware
    Stuart M. McGill, University of Waterloo
    Mark L. McMulkin, Shriners Hospital-Spokane
    Wendy M. Murray, VA Palo Alto Health Care System
    Maury A. Nussbaum, Virginia Tech
    Stephen J. Piazza, The Pennsylvania State University
    Christopher M. Powers, University of Southern California
    Mark S. Redfern, University of Pittsburgh
    George Salem, University of Southern California
    Julie R. Steele, University of Wollongong
    Darryl Thelen, University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Jeffery A. Weiss, University of Utah
    H. John Yack, University of Iowa
    M.R. (Fred) Yeadon, Loughborough University

    ************************************************** *********************
    Thomas S. Buchanan, Ph.D.
    Editor, Journal of Applied Biomechanics
    Professor and Chair of Mechanical Engineering
    University of Delaware
    Newark, DE 19716 USA
    Ph: 1-302-831-2423 Fax: 1-302-831-3619
    ************************************************** *********************