A post-doctoral position is available with the newly formed Centre of
Research Expertise for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders
(CRE-MSD). This multi-university Centre is hosted at the University of
Waterloo and receives substantial funding from the Ontario Workplace Safety
and Insurance Board. It has objectives of coordinating and performing
research into the causes of musculoskeletal disorders and cooperating with
workplace parties developing, implementing and evaluating interventions to
prevent musculoskeletal disorders and disability at work.

The candidate should have a Ph.D. in a relevant discipline such as
ergonomics, public health, industrial engineering or kinesiology. As the
candidate will often be working in occupational settings, experience with
workplace parties including Joint Health and Safety Committees, engineering,
management and unions is highly desirable. Excellent organizational,
communication and inter-personal skills are essential. The position is a
full-time fixed-term appointment, is renewable yearly for up to 3 years, and
is contingent upon funding.

Please apply electronically by submitting a full CV and statement of
research interest to the Director, Dr. Richard Wells at