Has anyone had experience using webcams for unobtrusive (NOT secretive)
observation of workers in highly confined surroundings for purposes of
postural and behavioural analyses? Application is a work vehicle
environment, so transient road shock/vibration also present.

Any advice, recommended makes/models, specifications, limitations, things to
watch out for, etc. would be appreciated.

The video would be collected on-the-job, hence the question about webcams
rather than more conventional video apparatus. Am interested in any other

Any info on integrating two (or more) simultaneous video sources to increase
accuracy of observations also of interest.

Envisage recording task segments that may range from 1 to 10 minutes in

Any advice greatly appreciated. Summary of replies will be posted (unless
individual replier requests otherwise).

Best regards,

Max Hely.


Max Hely
Safety Science Associates Pty Ltd
PO Box 2444
Bowral NSW 2576
Phone: 02-4862-1129
Fax: 02-4862-1149
Mobile: 0412-920-300
Email: max.hely@safetyscience.com


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