Date: Thu, 26 Aug 93 15:17:43 -0500
To: "BME Bulletin Board"
From: "Peter G. Katona"
Organization: The Whitaker Foundation
Subject: post conferences

Modeling and Control of Biomedical Systems

Sponsored by the International Federation of Automatic Control

March 27-30, 1994; Galveston, TX

Registration fee: $350 ($300 before Jan. 1). Fee includes reception,
lunches, refreshments, one dinner. Reduced rate for grad students: $200.

General Chair: Dr. Robert Wolfe; Program Committee Chair: Dr. Peter Katona

Topics of interest: all aspects of modeling and control in biomedical systems

One-page abstract is due (with $25 Abstract Processing fee) on October
1, 1993 at IFAC Biomedical Engineering Symposium, Univ. of Texas Medical
Branch, Box 55176, Galveston, TX 77555-5176. Decisions about acceptance
and slide vs. poster presentation will be made by November 1. Extended 2-page
abstracts are due on January 1.

Tentative tracks: Cardiovascular system, cellular/molecular systems,
critical care, kinetic modeling, metabolism, musculo-skeletal system,
nervous system, respiration.

For written information and more detail call: 409 770-6628 or 409 770-6623.
FAX: 409 770-6825.

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