Dear subscribers,
A few months ago I requested for portable data-acquisition systems.
I made a selection from the many reactions I got and send the reactions
to the biomechanics list now. Thanks for all the reactions and kind regards
Ronald Heus
================================================== =============================
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 93 12:08 GMT
Subject: RE: data-acquisition systems
Status: RO
have you seen the data-logger made by Penny And Giles ?
telephone uk 0495 228000 or fax uk 0495 229389 for infomation
(64k max memory)
Duncan Rand
>From Tue Jun 29 15:40:58 1993
Received: from by (4.1/SMI-4.1)
id AA13818; Tue, 29 Jun 93 15:40:40 +0200
Received: from by with SMTP id AA18273
(5.65c8/hp4at for ); Tue, 29 Jun 1993 15:41:29 +0200
Received: from rcsw96 by (4.1/SMI-4.1/RC-%I%/main)
id AA12022; Tue, 29 Jun 93 15:41:20 +0200
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 93 15:41:20 +0200
From: (Jaroslav Liptak)
Subject: Re: data-acquisition systems
Status: RO
Hello, Ronald
in the area of competitive shooting, there are some special training devices
allowing connectivity of data collection peripherals (laser/IR operated
target, stabiloplatform, tension gauges etc.) to a pc, but unfortunately
with 1 to 3 inputs only. I have addresses of one Finnish, one Czech and one
Russian company producing these training systems, if you are interested in.
In turn, could you send me a summary of the responses you have got? Being
a shooting coach, I can imagine a few good applications of such a system
in high performance training.
Thank you
Jaroslav Liptak Vox +431 39 16 21 262
Alcatel Austria Forschungszentrum GmbH 0"0 Fax +431 39 14 52
Software Engineering Group ( V ) Telex 113297 rcvie a
Ruthnergasse 1-7, A-1210 Wien, Austria | | e-mail
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 93 21:07:28 -0400
From: (Douglas N. Greve)
Subject: data acquisition
Status: RO
I am responding to your request (on BIOMECH-L) about the data acquision
hardware. A company called National Instruments makes boards which
plug directly into a PC (386 or better). My company has recently
(i.e., last Friday) purchased several of their boards. One that you
might be interested in is:
AT-AO-6: $1000
6 Analog Output Channels
12 bit resolution
8 Digtial I/O Channels
200 kHz throughput
1000 word FIFO
Direction Memory Access
The $1000 includes some software.
I have not had a chance to evalute the system fully, but it looks pretty
good at first glance. They also offer a more advanced software package
for about $1500 more which allows you to easily pop-up windows, sub-windows,
sliders, buttons, etc. so that you can customize your display.
There's also a company called Data Translation. They also make PC plug-in
data acquisition. They tend to be a little pricier, and I don't think
they have a product with 6 analog output channels. Their software is
better though.
Good luck. Let me know if you need for information.
From: "J.C.Knowles"
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 93 10:00:03 +0100
Reply-To: "J.C.Knowles"
X-Popmail-Charset: English
Subject: Re: data-acquisition systems
Status: RO
Re data acquisition systems.
I am familiar with a couple, one which is very low cost and can sample up
to a few times per second. This plugs into the parallel port and s'ware
writing is very easy and can be in a number of languages. The next step
would be to obtain a plug in board, and the cost can be anything from
approx. !200 upwards, basically depending on acquisition speed. There is a
UK co., which supplies a very wide range of boards. For further info, email
me at
Subject: data-loggers
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 93 18:21:49 MDT
Cc: (Carlijn Bouten)
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.3 PL11]
Status: RO
Beste Ronald Heus,
Wellicht kan ik je helpen bij je speurtocht naar draagbare registratie-systemen
voor fysiologische signalenische signalen. Zelf ben ik bezig met een promotie-on
omstandigheden. Wij meten energiegebruik en lichaamsbeweging in dagelijkse situa
De Vitaport van Mc Robberts B.V. is een systeem met 18 analoge kanalen voor
registratie van hartfrequentie, bloeddruk, beweging, e.d. Dit apparaat is vrij
nieuw en wordt op enkele plaatsen in Nederland gebruikt. Het adres is:
Mc Robberts B.V.
Schelpkade 4
2514 KA 's Gravenhage
tel: 070-3106462
De firma Medilog verkoopt recorders voor hartslagregistratie in het veld:
Medilog , via Oxford Medical systems
1 Kimber Road Abingdon Oxon
OX14 IBZ England
Oxford Instr. Ned. B.V.
tel: 070-99855
Data-loggers (kleine) zijn te verkrijgen bij:
3B Engineering B.V.
Innsbruckweg 110, 3047 AH Rotterdam
tel: 010-4626377
Dumicrotech (mu-logger van Maurer Instruments)
Primulastraat 36
7570 AA Oldenzaal
tel: 05410-15668
en bij:
Transamerica Instruments (minilogger Matrastore)
(adres is bij ons niet bekend.)
De volgende bedrijven kunnen je ook verder helpen:
Bio Feedback systems
via: Enting Instruments, Dorst, tel: 01611-1369
Biometer Int.
via: GS Knap Medical b.v. Rotterdam tel:?
Bio Interface Echt
tel: 04754-87353
Wij hebben de ervaring dat telemetrische systemen lastig zijn i.v.m. allerlei
stoorzenders (computers e.d.). Daarnaast is een zendmachtiging nodig en moet er
Simac levert eventueel wel van dergelijke systemen:
Simac CSI bv
James Wattweg 16, 3133 KK Vlaardingen
tel: 010-4351411
Verder heeft Ernst Waalwijk-van Doorn een proefschrift geschreven (Ambulatory
Urodynamics) waarin hij AMbulante registraties met een draagbare data-logger be-
schrijft - de Urodec 500. Ernst heeft een eigen bedrijfje en weet ongetwijfeld
meer dan ik over draagbare registratie apparatuur. Zijn adres is denk ik wel te
Veel succes hiermee. Ik hoop dat ik je iets verder heb kunnen helpen. Je kunt me
e-mail: carlijn@WFW.WTB.TUE.NL, of op de Rijksuniversiteit Limburg: 043-881640.
Wil je mijn groeten overbrengen aan Tanja Vrijkotte, ook werkzaam op het IZF?
Carlijn Bouten
Date: 02 Jul 1993 13:36:11 +0100 (MET)
Subject: portable data acquisition
X-Vms-To: IN%""
X-Vms-Cc: BOUR
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT
Status: RO
Beste Ronald,
Omdat je zo aandringt ben ik even in mijn files gaan kijken.
Wat jij zoekt daar heb ik documentatie over. Het heet Kollner VITAPORT
system. Adres:
Becker Engineering
Karl-Seckinger-strasse 48
D-7500 Karlsruhe 41
tel: 49 721 463548
fax: 49 721 463748
of Rob van Lummel
tel 070-3106462
Succes Lo Bour
Return-Path: This is a VERY complex system and is certianly well beyond what is being
> requested. However, NASA will provide information on the system if requested.
> This should provide good leads in tracking down companies that provide this
> sort
of hardware.
> >
> John P. McDonell
> Information Systems Manager, DEHS Phone: (612)
> 626-2103
University of Minnesota Fax: (612) 626-2103
> W-141 Boynton, 410 Church Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA
Neil G. Carlson, M.S., I.H.I.T. Phone: (612) 626-5714
Industrial Hygienist Fax: (612) 624-1949
Environmental Health and Safety e-mail:
W-159 Boynton Health Service
University of Minnesota
410 Church St. SE
Minneapolis MN 55455
Subject: Re: data-acquisition systems II
X-Envelope-To: rheus@IZF.TNO.NL
X-Vms-To: IN%"rheus@IZF.TNO.NL"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT
Status: RO
Beste Ronald
Bij het aanschaffen van onze EMG-apparatuur ben ik een systeem tegen
gekomen dat mogelijk interessant voor je is. Dit is het Par-Port
syteem of en ik weet niet zeker of dat hetzelfde is het fysio-port
systeem. Ik heb er geen ervaring mee, maar misschien is het wat.
Het wordt geleverd door Intertest BV, Postbus 506, 3770 AM Barneveld
tel: 03420-20910
Met vriendelijke groet,
Jaap van Dieen
From: D0385@AppleLink.Apple.COM (Langan Products, Leon Langan,PRT)
Subject: Small Data Logger
Status: RO
Dr. Gross at the University of MIchigan suggested I respond to your request for
a small data acquisition system that is easily carried by an individual and
readily down loaded.
We produce the 'DataBear Measurer', a 300 g device that accepts 4 external
analog signals (could be five) and includes an on-board temperature sensor in
addiiition. Stores 30,720 samples that can be set at intervals on any number
of seconds. For example two channels at one minute intervals last almost 11
days. I carry this about frequently.
One configuration is as a hygrothermograph, another as a CO personal Exposure
Measurer, another as a light sensor/storer. Will accept any 0 to 1280 mVDC
signal with 8-bit resolution. Volatge input range can be modified.
Unit comes with extensive read, reset and display/analyse software for the
In you desire more details or information, please advise.
Leon Langan
Langan Products, Inc.
2660 California Street
San Francisco, CA 94115
(415) 567-8089 (voice or fax)
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 93 12:31:54 PST
From: Gerald A. Smith
Subject: data-acquisition systems II
Status: RO
Small, portable data acquisition computers are available
Onset Computer Corp
PO Box 3450
Pocasset MA 02559-3450
Tel: 508 - 563 - 9000
They have several models of very small devices that collect
and store analog data after AD conversion. The data are
dumped to a desktop computer for analysis over a serial
I've had good luck with their model 5 Tattletale datalogger
which is about 3 by 4 by 7 cm in size with 128 k of RAM.
They'll send you a catalog of specifications upon request.
Gerald Smith
Biomechanics Lab
Oregon State University
Telephone: 503 - 737 - 5928
A few months ago I requested for portable data-acquisition systems.
I made a selection from the many reactions I got and send the reactions
to the biomechanics list now. Thanks for all the reactions and kind regards
Ronald Heus
================================================== =============================
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 93 12:08 GMT
Subject: RE: data-acquisition systems
Status: RO
have you seen the data-logger made by Penny And Giles ?
telephone uk 0495 228000 or fax uk 0495 229389 for infomation
(64k max memory)
Duncan Rand
>From Tue Jun 29 15:40:58 1993
Received: from by (4.1/SMI-4.1)
id AA13818; Tue, 29 Jun 93 15:40:40 +0200
Received: from by with SMTP id AA18273
(5.65c8/hp4at for ); Tue, 29 Jun 1993 15:41:29 +0200
Received: from rcsw96 by (4.1/SMI-4.1/RC-%I%/main)
id AA12022; Tue, 29 Jun 93 15:41:20 +0200
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 93 15:41:20 +0200
From: (Jaroslav Liptak)
Subject: Re: data-acquisition systems
Status: RO
Hello, Ronald
in the area of competitive shooting, there are some special training devices
allowing connectivity of data collection peripherals (laser/IR operated
target, stabiloplatform, tension gauges etc.) to a pc, but unfortunately
with 1 to 3 inputs only. I have addresses of one Finnish, one Czech and one
Russian company producing these training systems, if you are interested in.
In turn, could you send me a summary of the responses you have got? Being
a shooting coach, I can imagine a few good applications of such a system
in high performance training.
Thank you
Jaroslav Liptak Vox +431 39 16 21 262
Alcatel Austria Forschungszentrum GmbH 0"0 Fax +431 39 14 52
Software Engineering Group ( V ) Telex 113297 rcvie a
Ruthnergasse 1-7, A-1210 Wien, Austria | | e-mail
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 93 21:07:28 -0400
From: (Douglas N. Greve)
Subject: data acquisition
Status: RO
I am responding to your request (on BIOMECH-L) about the data acquision
hardware. A company called National Instruments makes boards which
plug directly into a PC (386 or better). My company has recently
(i.e., last Friday) purchased several of their boards. One that you
might be interested in is:
AT-AO-6: $1000
6 Analog Output Channels
12 bit resolution
8 Digtial I/O Channels
200 kHz throughput
1000 word FIFO
Direction Memory Access
The $1000 includes some software.
I have not had a chance to evalute the system fully, but it looks pretty
good at first glance. They also offer a more advanced software package
for about $1500 more which allows you to easily pop-up windows, sub-windows,
sliders, buttons, etc. so that you can customize your display.
There's also a company called Data Translation. They also make PC plug-in
data acquisition. They tend to be a little pricier, and I don't think
they have a product with 6 analog output channels. Their software is
better though.
Good luck. Let me know if you need for information.
From: "J.C.Knowles"
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 93 10:00:03 +0100
Reply-To: "J.C.Knowles"
X-Popmail-Charset: English
Subject: Re: data-acquisition systems
Status: RO
Re data acquisition systems.
I am familiar with a couple, one which is very low cost and can sample up
to a few times per second. This plugs into the parallel port and s'ware
writing is very easy and can be in a number of languages. The next step
would be to obtain a plug in board, and the cost can be anything from
approx. !200 upwards, basically depending on acquisition speed. There is a
UK co., which supplies a very wide range of boards. For further info, email
me at
Subject: data-loggers
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 93 18:21:49 MDT
Cc: (Carlijn Bouten)
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.3 PL11]
Status: RO
Beste Ronald Heus,
Wellicht kan ik je helpen bij je speurtocht naar draagbare registratie-systemen
voor fysiologische signalenische signalen. Zelf ben ik bezig met een promotie-on
omstandigheden. Wij meten energiegebruik en lichaamsbeweging in dagelijkse situa
De Vitaport van Mc Robberts B.V. is een systeem met 18 analoge kanalen voor
registratie van hartfrequentie, bloeddruk, beweging, e.d. Dit apparaat is vrij
nieuw en wordt op enkele plaatsen in Nederland gebruikt. Het adres is:
Mc Robberts B.V.
Schelpkade 4
2514 KA 's Gravenhage
tel: 070-3106462
De firma Medilog verkoopt recorders voor hartslagregistratie in het veld:
Medilog , via Oxford Medical systems
1 Kimber Road Abingdon Oxon
OX14 IBZ England
Oxford Instr. Ned. B.V.
tel: 070-99855
Data-loggers (kleine) zijn te verkrijgen bij:
3B Engineering B.V.
Innsbruckweg 110, 3047 AH Rotterdam
tel: 010-4626377
Dumicrotech (mu-logger van Maurer Instruments)
Primulastraat 36
7570 AA Oldenzaal
tel: 05410-15668
en bij:
Transamerica Instruments (minilogger Matrastore)
(adres is bij ons niet bekend.)
De volgende bedrijven kunnen je ook verder helpen:
Bio Feedback systems
via: Enting Instruments, Dorst, tel: 01611-1369
Biometer Int.
via: GS Knap Medical b.v. Rotterdam tel:?
Bio Interface Echt
tel: 04754-87353
Wij hebben de ervaring dat telemetrische systemen lastig zijn i.v.m. allerlei
stoorzenders (computers e.d.). Daarnaast is een zendmachtiging nodig en moet er
Simac levert eventueel wel van dergelijke systemen:
Simac CSI bv
James Wattweg 16, 3133 KK Vlaardingen
tel: 010-4351411
Verder heeft Ernst Waalwijk-van Doorn een proefschrift geschreven (Ambulatory
Urodynamics) waarin hij AMbulante registraties met een draagbare data-logger be-
schrijft - de Urodec 500. Ernst heeft een eigen bedrijfje en weet ongetwijfeld
meer dan ik over draagbare registratie apparatuur. Zijn adres is denk ik wel te
Veel succes hiermee. Ik hoop dat ik je iets verder heb kunnen helpen. Je kunt me
e-mail: carlijn@WFW.WTB.TUE.NL, of op de Rijksuniversiteit Limburg: 043-881640.
Wil je mijn groeten overbrengen aan Tanja Vrijkotte, ook werkzaam op het IZF?
Carlijn Bouten
Date: 02 Jul 1993 13:36:11 +0100 (MET)
Subject: portable data acquisition
X-Vms-To: IN%""
X-Vms-Cc: BOUR
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT
Status: RO
Beste Ronald,
Omdat je zo aandringt ben ik even in mijn files gaan kijken.
Wat jij zoekt daar heb ik documentatie over. Het heet Kollner VITAPORT
system. Adres:
Becker Engineering
Karl-Seckinger-strasse 48
D-7500 Karlsruhe 41
tel: 49 721 463548
fax: 49 721 463748
of Rob van Lummel
tel 070-3106462
Succes Lo Bour
Return-Path: This is a VERY complex system and is certianly well beyond what is being
> requested. However, NASA will provide information on the system if requested.
> This should provide good leads in tracking down companies that provide this
> sort
of hardware.
> >
> John P. McDonell
> Information Systems Manager, DEHS Phone: (612)
> 626-2103
University of Minnesota Fax: (612) 626-2103
> W-141 Boynton, 410 Church Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA
Neil G. Carlson, M.S., I.H.I.T. Phone: (612) 626-5714
Industrial Hygienist Fax: (612) 624-1949
Environmental Health and Safety e-mail:
W-159 Boynton Health Service
University of Minnesota
410 Church St. SE
Minneapolis MN 55455
Subject: Re: data-acquisition systems II
X-Envelope-To: rheus@IZF.TNO.NL
X-Vms-To: IN%"rheus@IZF.TNO.NL"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT
Status: RO
Beste Ronald
Bij het aanschaffen van onze EMG-apparatuur ben ik een systeem tegen
gekomen dat mogelijk interessant voor je is. Dit is het Par-Port
syteem of en ik weet niet zeker of dat hetzelfde is het fysio-port
systeem. Ik heb er geen ervaring mee, maar misschien is het wat.
Het wordt geleverd door Intertest BV, Postbus 506, 3770 AM Barneveld
tel: 03420-20910
Met vriendelijke groet,
Jaap van Dieen
From: D0385@AppleLink.Apple.COM (Langan Products, Leon Langan,PRT)
Subject: Small Data Logger
Status: RO
Dr. Gross at the University of MIchigan suggested I respond to your request for
a small data acquisition system that is easily carried by an individual and
readily down loaded.
We produce the 'DataBear Measurer', a 300 g device that accepts 4 external
analog signals (could be five) and includes an on-board temperature sensor in
addiiition. Stores 30,720 samples that can be set at intervals on any number
of seconds. For example two channels at one minute intervals last almost 11
days. I carry this about frequently.
One configuration is as a hygrothermograph, another as a CO personal Exposure
Measurer, another as a light sensor/storer. Will accept any 0 to 1280 mVDC
signal with 8-bit resolution. Volatge input range can be modified.
Unit comes with extensive read, reset and display/analyse software for the
In you desire more details or information, please advise.
Leon Langan
Langan Products, Inc.
2660 California Street
San Francisco, CA 94115
(415) 567-8089 (voice or fax)
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 93 12:31:54 PST
From: Gerald A. Smith
Subject: data-acquisition systems II
Status: RO
Small, portable data acquisition computers are available
Onset Computer Corp
PO Box 3450
Pocasset MA 02559-3450
Tel: 508 - 563 - 9000
They have several models of very small devices that collect
and store analog data after AD conversion. The data are
dumped to a desktop computer for analysis over a serial
I've had good luck with their model 5 Tattletale datalogger
which is about 3 by 4 by 7 cm in size with 128 k of RAM.
They'll send you a catalog of specifications upon request.
Gerald Smith
Biomechanics Lab
Oregon State University
Telephone: 503 - 737 - 5928