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Responses of finding the centre of an object

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  • Responses of finding the centre of an object

    Hi all,

    I sincerely would like to thank everyone who provided
    their response in regarding to my question and it
    certainly helped very much. I do thank very much for
    your valuable time. Greatly appreciated!

    If you are interested in the responses, please read
    the followings:

    1)The issue regarding to APAS's cursor's box

    In APAS there is an auto-digitizing function. I
    assumed you have a white ball in front of a dark
    background. In this function you can track the
    bright marker automatically. You can change the
    threshold in this function for APAS to determine how
    big the marker is. Try different value from
    0-255 to make it looks good to fit your ball size.
    Then the digitized marker should be at the middle of
    the big white marker (the ball).

    Daniel T.P. FONG,
    Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology,
    Prince of Wales Hospital, The Chinese University of
    Hong Kong,
    Shatin, Hong Kong, China.
    Phone: (852) 26096079 / 96020151
    Fax: (852) 26035781
    Department URL:
    Laboratory URL:
    Personal URL:

    >Dr. Fong,

    Yes this would certiainly work if we put markers on
    the ball. However, we try not to put markers on the
    ball in our experiment. The reason is because we'll
    have pitchers throwing the ball and we don't want the
    pitchers to feel awkward in their grip from the
    markers when they are holding the ball. Otherwise,
    this would be a good solution. Thanks a lot!

    Best regards,


    __________________________________________________ ____
    If the ball is white or black then you can digitize
    within APAS manually with a high degree of accuracy.
    If you desire to automatically digitize within APAS
    your accuracy may decrease.

    I hope this helps. There are options even on Version 1
    of APAS that allow you to change the cursor size of
    the digitizer.

    Toran Furch

    >Dr. Furch,
    Unfortunatley the cursor size is unchangable. You may
    find the response from Ariel in the followings. We
    don't have version 1 of APAS in our lab so perhaps it

    Best regards,



    I am located at Indiana State University and I have 12
    APAS systems and I use the APAS to track balls or
    devices all the time. To accomplish what you indicated
    that couldn't been done on the Ariel
    system, you need to go to the Digi 4 module. Open your
    project, your trial view, your avi video file. Now
    you should be ready to digitize the data points that
    you determined in your project model but prior to
    digitizing anything you need to select the Options
    tab, then the MISC options, then highlight the cursor
    shape to box, I set my width/height to about 40 pixels
    and it makes a nice box that encloses a 3/4 inch
    marker from a 30 ft filming distance. You'll have to
    play with this setting in order to size it to your
    golf ball. Then begin digitizing your movement and
    the cursor box will fit the ball. The shape of the
    ball will change from a tall rectangle to a wide
    rectangle because of the alternating rasters in the
    interlacing of the monitor.

    I just replicated your project on my office APAS
    computer with a dropped golf ball and these steps
    worked perfectly. There are a lot of other neat
    features located in the tab functions of the APAS, but
    you'll either need read the manual or just explore
    with each function one by one.

    Al Finch
    Biomechanics Lab
    Indiana State University
    off tel:812-237-3927
    lab tel:812-237-4174
    __________________________________________________ ____

    The resizing of the digitizing box appears only to
    affect the fixed box. In my example my marker size on
    the video is within 1 row of rasters of the cursor box
    which makes it easy to digitize. You can
    also use the view, zoom option to increase the image
    size such that the marker pretty much matches the
    cursor box. Also, if you want to very accurately find
    the center of the marker, I'll enlarge the image such
    that it represents 8/6 pixels and by counting the
    pixels you can find the center of the ball at the sub
    pixel level of the monitor resolution. The autodigitze
    mode for that one point (ball) will find the center of
    the centroid area. The marker shape will change
    between the odd and even fields. Again your subject
    to camera distance can be altered to
    control your marker size on the original video image.
    Good Luck.
    Al Finch
    __________________________________________________ ____

    I am writing a follow-up message to my previous
    message concerning changing the cursor to a box....
    and being able to change the size of the box
    for digitizing. After re-reading your request, it
    seems I might have mis-understood your question. My
    original message is correct..... you can
    change the cursor from a cross to a box but the size
    of this box is not currently adjustable.

    If you are using the ball as a marker and
    automatically digitizing the ball,then you do have the
    option to adjust the size of the "search window"
    that looks for each marker. This can be done by
    adjusting the height and width of the box. Access to
    this option by selecting AUTOMATIC, and then GLOBAL
    OPTIONS. You will see these options under the Search
    Values section.

    John Probe
    Ariel Dynamics, Inc.

    >Dr. Finch from Indiana State University and Mr. Probe
    from Ariel has certainly clarified this issue for me
    and provided great feedback. Thank you so much.

    Best regards,

    __________________________________________________ ____
    2)The followings are regarding to finding the centre
    of an object in general.

    Have you considered tracking four small markers on the
    ball, then calculating the center of the ball as the
    center of the sphere containing those markers?

    Jason Long
    MCW Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
    (414) 805-7456

    >Dr. Long,

    Actually we were trying to use APAS software and
    hoping to find the centre of object right away while
    we were doing the digitzing. Yes, if that doesn't
    work out, we may have to use your advice. Thank you
    very much.

    Best regards,


    __________________________________________________ ____
    I have attached a document describing how we determine
    the center of a soccer ball. In APAS, I believe that
    you can put some reflective tape
    on the ball (since this will not affect the flight of
    the ball significantly). The attached document will
    probably be an appendix to our next publication on
    soccer kicking.

    Yours sincerely,

    Thomas Bull Andersen

    Thomas Bull Andersen
    Associate Professor, M.Sc., Ph.D.
    Department of Sport Science
    University of Aarhus
    Katrinebjergvej 89 C
    8200 Aarhus N
    Tel. +45 89 42 44 48

    >> Dr. Andersen,

    Thank you very much for your article and it is a great
    article. If anyone is interested in this particulary
    article, feel free to let me know and I'll email it to

    Best Regards,

    __________________________________________________ ____
    I didnt' use APAS but : You can possibly recognize
    simply the contour of the ball. Once recognized, it's
    easy to calculate the center.
    ==> With 3 points, you definite two arcs of circle.
    With these 2 arcs, you definite the center.

    Good luck,

    Dr Nicolas BELLUYE PhD
    R&D Project Manager
    Centre de Recherche Decathlon Création
    Tél. : +33 (0)3 20 19 70 41
    Email :

    >>>Dr. Belluye,

    Thank you very much for the response. Yes, that'd
    probably be the easiest way to do it if I can
    determine the coordinates of those three points, which
    shouldn't be too hard.

    Best regards,

    __________________________________________________ ____
    I have no experience with the APAS software that you
    mentioned in your message, howver Bodybuilder for
    Biomechanics (from Oxford Metrics) is a modelling
    software package that I use in human gait studies.

    If you have the capacity for 3D motion capture, using
    something like VICON, you could simply put a marker
    anywhere on the balls surface. Then what you would
    need to do is, in Bodybuilder set up a local axis
    system with it's origin at the ball marker. Next you
    can very simply create a virtual point anywhere along
    this axis system. This should enable you to create a
    virtual point at the shpere's exact centre, the core
    if you like, providing you know the dimensions of the

    This is a technique that I have used to create virtual
    points at internal joint centres in the human body. I
    am sure that this technique could be applied to your


    Andrew Murphy
    8 Thornlea Drive
    G46 6DB
    United Kingdom
    0141 637 9435

    >Dr. Murphy,

    We do not have VICON in our lab but we do have
    Qualysis. However with Qualysis system, we wouldn't
    be able to have the actual film image. Therefore this
    wouldn't work us right now but I'll certainly keep
    that in mind. Thank you very much.

    Best regards,

    __________________________________________________ ____
    1. I am not sure of the cursor box issue - which could
    be the
    solution I'm talking about...

    Decades ago (when video analysis was used and we had
    to do lots of manual identification) we had to define
    the size of the marker within a minimum and maximum
    number of pixels. When a marker was recognised
    within this range the Centroid of the pixel set was
    used as the co-ordinate of the marker...

    So my guess is (if you can change the magnitude of the
    pixel set), if you treat the ball as a marker then the
    centroid of the set of pixels will be pretty close to
    the centre of the ball.

    The error of this will be associated with the shadows
    and reflective characteristics (thresholds) of the
    ball surface.

    2. Maybe a method by lighting from an obtuse angle so
    the reflection of the ball is only from the trailing/
    leading edge (crescent shaped marker). (This may fit
    into the size limits). From this edge trajectory, the
    centre trajectory can be estimated.

    Good luck.

    Garry T Allison PT, PhD, Associate Professor of
    The Centre for Musculoskeletal Studies
    School of Surgery and Pathology, The University of
    Western Australia.
    Level 2 Medical Research Foundation Building
    Rear 50 Murray Street
    Perth Western Australia 6000.
    ph: (618) 9224 0219
    Fax (618) 9224 0204

    >Dr. Allison,

    Thank you very much for your response. This does
    sound like a good idea. My only concern is the
    accuracy so I'll have to look into it and play around
    with the computer and software to see how this can
    work the best.

    Best regards,


    __________________________________________________ ____
    You might try digitizing X # of points around the
    circumference of the ball in each image. As the
    radius of the ball is known, you could then perform a
    least squares fit of the known circumference of the
    ball to your digitized landmarks. Once you have
    performed the fit, computation of the center
    of the ball is trivial. A bit of pilot testing should
    allow you to determinethe minimum # of digitized
    points necessary to get a good fit of the

    Hope this helps


    Michael E. Feltner, Ph.D, FACSM
    Dept. of Sports Medicine
    Pepperdine University
    Malibu, CA 90263 USA
    VOICE: (310) 506-4312
    FAX: (310) 506-4785

    >Dr. Feltner,

    Thank you very much for your response. I've read your
    PhD dissertation of three-dimensional segment
    interactions of the throwing arm during overarm
    fastball pitchign in baseball. I wonder if you had a
    chance to track the centre of the ball and if you did,
    did you use the same method as you pointed out.

    Yes, this is certainly a good method and I'll try it

    Best regards,

    __________________________________________________ ___
    If the ball shape is still spherical, why can't you
    just put the marker at the center of the ball. We do
    an experiment like this in our physics lab
    and we have not had any significant problems marking
    the position of the ball. I would guess that the ball
    will be pretty small in the field of
    view of the camera and your eye is quite good at
    estimating the center of the ball. Consequently you
    should be able to digitize the position of
    the center quite well.

    Ivan E. Rouse,
    Professor of Physics

    >Dr. Rouse,

    The reason we are not trying to put markers on the
    ball is because we are hoping not to make our pitchers
    to feel uncomfortable with their grip of the ball.
    However, you are very right. The ball will be pretty
    small so perhaps we can just simply digitize the
    centre of the ball. Thank you for your advice.

    Best regards,

    __________________________________________________ ____
    What camera system will you be using? How big is the
    ball; how fast is it moving?

    If it is a system with infra red strobes around the
    camera lens(es) capable of tracking passive
    retro-reflective markers (like Peak or VICON or Motion

    Analysis for example) you could simply cover the
    entire ball with 3M scotchlite retro-reflective tape.
    You will get a cluster of targets
    identified by the system, which will look like a
    blotch. After collection, you could calculate the
    centroid of the ball's image frame by frame, camera by

    It is the basic idea of these passive marker systems
    anyways... just with a
    larger than usual target sphere.

    Stephen W. Hill, Ph.D.
    Post-Doctoral Fellow, Mobility Team
    Research, University Centre
    Toronto Rehabilitation Institute
    550 University Avenue, Room 1207
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    M5G 2A2

    >Dr. Hill,

    As I pointed out earlier, we try not to put markers on
    the ball. That's why we were seeking for alternative
    solutions. Thank your for your response.

    Best regards,

    __________________________________________________ ____
    How about assigning four markers (upper-, bottom-,
    left- and right-most)around the ball? By calculation
    from the coordinates of these four markers
    you should be able to locate the ball center. It
    should work in 2D case.

    Daniel T.P. FONG,
    Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology,
    Prince of Wales Hospital, The Chinese University of
    Hong Kong,
    Shatin, Hong Kong, China.
    Phone: (852) 26096079 / 96020151
    Fax: (852) 26035781
    Department URL:
    Laboratory URL:
    Personal URL:

    >Dr. Fong,

    Yes, this would certianly work and I am currently
    invistigating this. Thanks very much!

    Best regards,

    __________________________________________________ ___
    Would it be possible to put 2 markers on points
    exactly opposite each other? Then if you track both
    points the center of the ball is always the midpoint
    between the markers, even when the ball is spinning.
    My apologies if you've already considered this but
    it's not a practical option.

    Good luck.


    David J. Gutekunst, M.S.
    Research Physiologist
    Military Performance Division
    U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine
    Natick, MA 01760-5007
    Phone: 508.233.5892
    Fax: 508.233.4195

    >Mr. Gutekunst,

    In order to do this method, we'll need to put more
    than 2 markers because our pitchers will be putting
    the spin on the ball so sometimes the markers will be
    out of view. However, if we put too many markers
    which is something that we are trying avoid to do, we
    feel it may make our pitchers uncomfortable in their
    grip. Thank you so much for your response.

    Best regards,

    __________________________________________________ ____
    Can you track two markers on the surface of the ball?
    If so, you can place the two markers such that they
    describe a line which also includes the
    ball's geometric center. Then it is just math to
    determine the location of the center relative to the
    two markers. I am not familiar with APAS
    but many software packages will allow you to create
    "virtual markers" based on the location of real
    markers. Even if your software does not support
    this,it should be a trivial calculation in Matlab or
    your favorite programming
    language. I hope you find this helpful.

    Laura C. Marin
    Military Performance Laboratory
    Brooke Army Medical Center
    Fort Sam Houston, Texas

    >Dr. Marin,

    Thank you for your reply. As you may have already
    noticed, we are trying not to put markers on the ball
    in our experiment; therefore, this method will not
    work very well for us.

    Best regards,

    __________________________________________________ ____
    Dr. Jackie Hudson published a paper on using three
    points on the edge of a sphere for triangulation of
    the center of a ball in the 1990 ISBS proceedings
    (Prague) pp. 351-355.


    >Dr. Knudson,

    Thank you very much for pointing this article out and
    I'm currently looking into it. Greatly appreciated!

    Best regards,

    __________________________________________________ ___
    I's simply cover it in retro-reflective tape and then
    it will become a single (big) marker.


    >Dr. Kirtley,

    Yes if we could do that, it would certainly work;
    however, we try not to put markers on the ball because
    our experiment involves in pitchers griping the ball.
    Thank you for your response.

    Best regards,

    __________________________________________________ ____

    __________________________________________________ ____________________
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