Dear Subscribers,

I am interested in using a Vicon 612 motion capture system to collect and analyse cricket batting techniques. However, owing to the amount of protective equipment (i.e., leg-guards, thigh pads, arm-guards, gloves, etc.) batsmen habitually use, I am presumably going to require the use of a non-standard marker set and full-body model. I was wondering whether anyone has encountered this problem before, if not when analysing cricket batsmen, but other activities such as american football or ice hockey, where athletes need to wear protective equipment, and how they overcame it? Could anyone provide me with any indicative references?

Many thanks in advance for your help. I will post a summary of replies.

Kind Regards,

Paul Glazier

Biomechanics Laboratory
National Indoor Athletics Centre
University of Wales Institute, Cardiff
Cyncoed Campus
Cyncoed Road
CF23 6XD
Wales, UK

P: +44 (0)29 2041 6345
F: +44 (0)29 2041 6903