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Second World Congress of Biomechanics

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  • Second World Congress of Biomechanics

    S E C O N D
    W O R L D Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    C O N G R E S S o f July 10-15, 1994
    B I O M E C H A N I C S

    S-E-C-O-N-D- -A-N-N-O-U-N-C-E-M-E-N-T- -A-N-D- -C-A-L-L- -F-O-R- -P-A=

    m-e-r-g-e-d- -m-e-e-t-i-n-g-s----------------------------------------=

    9th Meeting of the European Society of Biomechanics
    8th International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology


    Dear colleagues:

    It is my pleasure to cordially invite you to participate in the Secon=
    d World
    Congress of Biomechanics in Amsterdam in July 1994. The First Congres=
    s in San
    Diego was a great success, we even intend to improve upon that. Alre=
    there has been an enormous response to the first announcement, from a=
    ll over
    the world and from many disciplines. The International Steering Comm=
    ittee has
    succeeded in attracting a large number of patronizing societies, for =
    Congress as a whole, and for particular Symposia. Some societies even=
    decided to merge their Conferences with ours. The program, designed =
    by the
    Program Committee, will have much to offer for many. Approximately ha=
    lf of the
    program will be devoted to Symposia on timely topics from various sub=
    organized by experts from different countries. Many days will start =
    Tutorials, some of which are intended to introduce new technologies, =
    others to
    discuss the state-of-the-art in particular areas. In addition, there =
    will be
    several plenary lectures and of course the free papers in oral and po=
    presentations, where you can present your own new work. The venue of=
    Conference, the Vrije Universiteit (Free University) of Amsterdam, is
    perfectly suited for our purpose: located centrally in relation to do=
    Amsterdam, many good and moderately priced hotels nearby, and easily
    accessible by all forms of transportation. It also has many lecture h=
    located in the same building, which will enhance pre, inter and post-=
    communication. Amsterdam, finally, is probably the best place to vis=
    it for
    any purpose. Whether your interests are culturally oriented, historic=
    culinary or if you only wish to enjoy a beer in the sun, Amsterdam is=
    place to go. Not to speak of its easy accessibility by air, and the t=
    highlights in the vicinity.
    This is an exciting time for Biomechanics: It seems to enter into all=
    kinds of
    biological and medical disciplines, and it is used to analyze an incr=
    number of biological structures and processes. Do plan to present, d=
    o plan to
    attend, bring your family, and plan to stay a bit longer to enjoy the=
    in Holland!

    Rik Huiskes
    Congress Chair

    p-a-t-r-o-n-i-z-i-n-g- -S-o-c-i-e-t-i-e-s----------------------------=

    American Society of Biomechanics
    Biomedical Engineering Society
    Cardiovascular System Dynamics Society
    European Orthopaedic Research Society
    European Society for Biomaterials
    European Society of Engineering in Medicine
    International Federation for Medical & Biological Engineering
    International Society of Biomechanics
    International Society for Biorheology
    International Society of Fracture Fixation
    Japanese Society of Biorheology
    Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineers
    Japanese Society of Medical Electronics and Biological Engineering
    Societ=82 de Biomechanique
    The European Society for Micro-circulation
    The Latvian Council of Sciences
    The Physiological Society (London)
    United States National Committee of Biomechanics

    s-c-i-e-n-t-i-f-i-c- -p-r-o-g-r-a-m----------------------------------=

    The scientific program of the congress will include free communicatio=
    symposia, plenary lectures and tutorials.

    *** Free communications ***

    C A L L F O R P A P E R S

    Free communications in English are invited from anywhere in the world=
    presentation at the World Congress. The topic for such presentations =
    should be
    in the field of Biomechanics and may be either in the area of the sym=
    posia or
    cover another aspect of the discipline such as for example:

    Acoustical and Auditory Biomechanics
    Biorheology, Hemorheology
    Blood and Gas Flow
    Bone and Cartilage Mechanics
    Dental Mechanics
    Models in Biomechanics
    Molecular Biomechanics
    Physical Therapy
    Rehabilitation Engineering
    Sensory Organs
    Skin Mechanics

    All free communications are subject to review by the Program Committe=
    e and
    will, after acceptance, be assigned to either poster or podium presen=
    In this process the preference of the authors will be followed as muc=
    h as
    possible. Great care will be taken to give posters optimum exposure t=
    o make
    them an effective means of communication. Special poster sessions are=
    in the middle of the afternoons at times when there is no other congr=
    activity competing for attention.
    Special awards will be given for the best poster presentation of each=
    Submission of abstracts should be made on the abstract forms accompan=
    ying this
    call for papers. Abstracts should be postmarked no later than Novembe=
    r 1,
    Notification of acceptance of communications will be mailed February =
    15, 1994.
    Accepted abstracts will be published in the Second World Congress of
    Biomechanics Book of Abstracts which will be distributed to participa=
    nts at
    the Meeting.

    Abstract forms can be obtained from the Congress Office (see attached=

    *** Symposia with invited contributions ***

    The backbone of the congress will be formed by the symposia for which
    contributions are invited by the symposia coordinators. These symposi=
    a will
    provide an in depth treatment of the indicated subject area's by outs=
    scientists. Many of the symposia are patronized by scientific organiz=
    =66rom all over the world.
    The symposia planned at present and the symposium coordinators are in=

    1. Cardiovascular Artificial Organs
    L. Mockros, Evanston IL, U.S.A.
    H. Reul, Aachen, GERMANY
    2. Orthopaedic Implant Design and Materials
    R. Huiskes, Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS
    P.S. Walker, Stanmore, UNITED KINGDOM
    3. Bone trauma and fracture fixation
    E. Chao, Baltimore MD, U.S.A.
    F. Burny, Brussel, BELGIUM
    4. Biomechanics of joints and ligaments
    K.L. Markolf, Los Angeles CA, U.S.A.
    S.L.-Y. Woo, Pittsburgh PA, U.S.A.
    5. Biomechanics of Sports
    J.P. Clarys, Brussel, BELGIUM
    B. Nigg, Calgary Alb., CANADA
    6. Blood Flow and Large Vessel Mechanics
    T.J. Pedley, Leeds, UNITED KINGDOM
    F. Kajiya, Okayama, JAPAN
    7. Cardiac Mechanics and Function
    M. Sugawara, Tokyo, JAPAN
    N. Westerhof, Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS
    8. Cell Mechanics
    V. C. Mow, New-York NY, U.S.A.
    R. Hochmuth, Durham NC, U.S.A.
    9. Characterization and Measurement of Motion
    P. Cavanagh, University Park PA, U.S.=
    A. Cappozzo, Roma, ITALY
    10. Microcirculation
    P. Gaethgens, Berlin, GERMANY
    T.W. Secomb, Tucson AZ, U.S.A.
    11. Skeletal Muscle Mechanics
    R. McNeill Alexander, Leeds, UNITED K=
    F. Zajac, Palo Alto CA, U.S.A.
    12. Respiratory Mechanics
    W.J. Wang, Ann Arbor MI, U.S.A.
    R. Schroter, London, UNITED KINGDOM
    13. Biomechanics and Rehabilitation
    R. Rabischong, Montpellier, FRANCE
    14. Transport in Connective Tissue
    S. Weinbaum, New York NY, U.S.A.
    W. Michael Lai, New York NY, U.S.A.
    15. Tissue Engineering & Biomaterials
    R. Nerem, Atlanta GA, U.S.A.
    16. Motor Control
    R. M. Enoka, Tucson, AR, U.S.A.
    D. Kernill, Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS
    17. Coordination of Multi-joint Movement
    G.J. van Ingen Schenau, Amsterdam, NE=
    J. Denier van der Gon, Utrecht, NETHE=
    18. Bone Structure and Remodelling
    H. Weinans, Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS
    A. Odgaard, Aarhus, DENMARK
    19. Biomaterials: Considerations for Implants
    M. C. Bacquey, Bordeaux, FRANCE
    U.M. Gross, Berlin, GERMANY

    As was the case for the First World Congress of Biomechanics in San D=
    iego for
    several of the symposia special editions of full paper Proceedings ar=
    e planned
    in the form of books or special issues of leading scientific journals=

    *** Plenary lectures ***

    At each day of the congress one plenary session is planned. The spea=
    invited to present a keynote lecture are:

    G. Cavagna, Milano, Italy
    F. Kajiya, Kawasaki, Japan
    Van C. Mow, New York, U.S.A.
    T.J. Pedley, Leeds, United Kingdom
    R. Skalak, San Diego, U.S.A.

    c-o-n-g-r-e-s-s- -o-f-f-i-c-e----------------------------------------=

    Second World Congress of Biomechanics
    Biomechanics Section
    Institute of Orthopaedics
    University of Nijmegen
    P.O. Box 9101
    6500 HB NIJMEGEN
    The Netherlands
    Telephone +31-80-616959
    Telefax +31-80-540555

    E M A I L (internet)

    r-e-p-l-y- -f-o-r-m--------------------------------------------------=

    Second World Congress of Biomechanics
    July 10-15, 1994, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    __ Please send me __ abstract forms

    __ Please send me full Second Announcement and Call for Papers

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