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  • Re: EMD

    Dear all,
    Just to put a different perspective I've never heard any consideration of
    what might be called the "inertial delay" associated with forces moving
    masses. Take the movement of the centre of gravity during gait for example.
    It moves vertically in an approximately sinusoidal motion with its maximum
    height in mid-stance. This means however that the maximum, acceleration is
    in double-support (180 degrees out of phase). Therefore the main muscle
    contributors to achieving maximal CM height in mid-stance are those actually
    occurring in double-support. This is a much bigger delay (of the order of
    250ms) than those being bandied about for EMD. Presumably there must be
    similar effects to control movement at specific joints. If you want to
    extend (or flex) a joint at a particular point in the gait cycle then you
    must apply the muscle force much earlier to achieve this. Obviously the
    inertia involved in swing phase phenomena is that of the leg and will lead
    for much smaller delays but that for stance phase phenomena is that of the
    body and my gut reaction is that those delays will be of similar magnitude
    to those for the CM example above.

    I've swapped an e-mail with Chris Kirtley before posting this and he draws
    attention to his early work
    "I was controlling FES with a closed-loop servo and of course I had
    horrendous instability problems. Figuring it all out taught me a lot. As you
    say, the inertial "delays" caused by the weight of the body segments are
    much larger than the muscle delays - I got poles at about 20 Hz for the
    electricaly-stimulated muscle and about 1 Hz for the limb dynamics, so of
    course the muscle delay was a minor problem."

    Any comments?

    Richard Baker
    Gait Analysis Service Manager and Director Gait CCRE
    Hugh Williamson Gait Laboratory
    Murdoch Chidlrens Research Institute
    Royal Children's Hospital
    Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia
    Tel: +613 9345 5354, Fax: +613 9345 5447

    -----Original Message-----
    From: * Biomechanics and Movement Science listserver
    [mailto:BIOMCH-L@NIC.SURFNET.NL]On Behalf Of David Gabriel
    Sent: Wednesday, 15 June 2005 23:40
    Subject: [BIOMCH-L] EMD

    Greetings All:

    In an earlier paper (Gabriel & Boucher, EJAP 1998, 79:37-40), we assumed
    that EMD was related to excitation and contraction-coupling and generating
    enough tension in the SEC so that force could be transmitted to the tendon
    and move the limb. If so, it should be affected by dynamic training which
    alters muscle activation . So, we divided the EMG burst into two
    components EMD and END. The END portion was from the onset of movement
    until the end of the burst. The portions did respond differently. The END
    portion of the burst decreased in duration as subjects increased the speed
    of limb movement. The duration EMD portion remained "relatively"
    stable. We did note that 100 maximal effort contractions decreased its
    duration "within" each training session, but were unable to find an across
    sessions training effect.

    How we filtered the data was an important issue. It affected the absolute
    magnitude of the observed results, not the appearance of them. That is,
    experimental affects were real, no matter how we filtered the data: i.e.,
    band-passed versus linear envelope detection as per Winter (3rd Ed).

    In my experience, EMG can be as long as 25-50 ms for isotonic contractions
    of the elbow flexors (Gabriel & Boucher, 1998), or as low as 10-15 ms for
    isometric contractions of the elbow flexors (Gabriel, Basford, & An, JEK
    2001, 11: 123-129). There are figures in both of these papers which show
    the differences in EMD for different contraction modalities. Both studies
    used a zero phase Butterworth, band-pass filter. The earlier paper also
    outline the algorithm for EMG burst onset and termination, which has been
    requested many times in this forum.

    One last point. I have noticed that EMD values for isotonic contractions
    are shorter when using acceleration to determine the onset of movement
    versus an event marker triggered by a microswitch; there are additional
    'slight' delays associated with the electronics. I also read this is
    another paper but can't remember the citation.

    Best Wishes,


    David A. Gabriel, Ph.D., FACSM
    Department of Physical Education and Kinesiology
    Brock University
    St. Catharines, Ontario, CANADA
    L2S 3A1

    Phone: 905-688-5550 ext.4362
    FAX: 905-688-8364

    "I learn from my mistakes. I can repeat them perfectly"
