Dear Biomch-L readers,
I would like to let you know that a special edition of Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science (TIES) vol. 6 (3-4) May-August 2005 has been published and includes all presentations of the BioNet Event. The special issue is titled “State-of the-art Musculoskeletal Modeling” and is available at

The contents of the issue:

*The history of musculoskeletal modeling in human gait ─ J. P. Paul
*Development of a unifying theory for mechanical adaptation and maintenance of trabecular bone ─ R. Ruimerman and R. Huiskes
*Towards a comprehensive large-scale computer model of the human neuromusculoskeletal system ─ H. Hatze
*Early post-operative biomechanical assessment of joint replacements ─ J O'Connor
*The role of Roentgen Stereophotogrammetric analysis in musculoskeletal modeling of orthopedic implants ─ H. S. Gill
*Musculoskeletal modeling in the control of posture ─ L. Chiari and A. Cappello
*The VAKHUM project: virtual animation of the kinematics of the human ─ S. Van Sint Jan
*The joint prosthesis design project: an anatomy database for the design of joint replacement ─ D Testi
*Musculoskeletal loading database: loading conditions of the proximal femur ─ G. N. Duda, M. O. Heller, G. Bergmann
*Sharing data and software in biomechanics ─ T. K. Kepple
*Musculoskeletal modeling in biomedical education ─ K. Gielo-Perczak
*Computer modeling of gait abnormalities in cerebral palsy: application to treatment planning ─ A. S. Arnold and S. L. Delp
*Advanced methods in computer-based movement analysis in education and clinical practice ─ S. J. Stanhope
*Musculoskeletal system modeling for the evaluation of motor disability ─ Cappozzo, V. Camomilla, U. Della Croce, C. Mazzà, L. Quagliarella, G.
Vannozzi, M. Zok
*Mixed forward and inverse solutions in movement biomechanics ─ M. G. Pandy
*Parameter identification for human body segment models ─ H. Hatze
*Musculoskeletal-modelling-based design of a novel ankle prosthesis ─ A. Leardini
*Finite element simulation of the dynamic response of human joints: application of the PAM-SAFE™ explicit code ─ D. Dan
*An American perspective ─ S. J. Stanhope

Krystyna Gielo-Perczak, Ph.D.
Member of the Editorial Board
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