Sports performance coach in San Francisco area specializing in improving flexibility and mechanical efficiency to increase athletic performance has opening for apprentice/personal assistant. Clients have won 44 Gold Medals, US Open, National Championships, set 11 World Records, and pay $9,000/wk for 1-4 weeks.
Duties include clerical office work, food purchase and preparation, bookkeeping, office maintenance, errands, computer work, library research, etc. Thirty hours/wk.@ $15/hr., of which 10-15 hours/week will be devoted to training to work with clients in connective tissue massage to improve flexibility and kinetic analysis of golf, tennis, soccer, swimming, running, baseball, football, basketball and hockey. Approx. five hours/week of study required on own time.
After initial training, $25/hour for unsupervised work with clients. Travel will be required to work with out-of-state clients @$1,000/wk. plus expenses. Ten percent commission on team sales. Applicant must commit to four years as apprentice/p.a. with a minimum of 10 hours a week as p.a. throughout the entire four years. If apprenticeship is successful, applicant will be granted license to use methods independently. Current value of license is $240,000.
Applicant must have car, demonstrate interest in health/sports, enjoy working with people, and have good manual, research, sales and analytical skills.
Please paste resume into body of email response. No attachments. Three telephone references for past employers, clients or instructors. Position starts in August.
Bob Prichard
Somax Sports Corporation