The Institute for Lightweight Design and Structural Biomechanics in
Vienna, Austria ( is seeking a highly motivated
Ph.D. STUDENT IN BONE MECHANICS to fill a graduate research assistant
position for a period of 4 years with starting date January 1st 2006.
Candidates must hold a Master’s Degree or an equivalent european
Engineering Diploma in mechanical engineering, biomedical
engineering, physics engineering or related field. Strong competences
in biomechanics, finite element method and mechanics of materials are
required. Preliminary experience with skeletal anatomy and
physiology, computer tomography and material testing is desired.
Knowledge of the german language is useful, but not mandatory.
The graduate assistant will be involved in basic and applied research
on bone mechanics and will take advantage of a state of the art
laboratory for nano- and micromechanics of biological and biomimetic
The Vienna University of Technology aims an increase in the
proportion of women in its scientific personnel and encourages
explicitely qualified women to apply for this position.
Please send your questions regarding this assistantship to, but send your application,
including a letter of motivation and complete CV, before October 12th
2005, to
Personalabteilung 1
Karlsplatz 13
1040 Wien
Prof. Philippe Zysset
Institute for Lightweight Design and Structural Biomechanics
Vienna University of Technology (TU-Wien)
Gußhausstrasse 27-29
A-1040 Wien