A Ph.D. position, funded by the National Center of Competence in Research
CO-ME, is available in the computational bioengineering research group in
the MEM Research Center, University of Bern.
The project is part of a larger research program including a wide range of
interconnected projects with a multidisciplinary approach to soft tissue
modeling. Within this framework, new tissue-engineered soft tissues
implants will be developed. The project aim is ultimately to produce
tissue implants with patient-specific tissue morphometry and properties.
To evaluate the tissue-engineered constructs, both experimental
measurements and constitutive modeling are required. The Ph.D. student
will develop soft-tissue testing procedures. With these evaluation tools,
the tissue-engineered construct will be compared to ex-vivo specimens on a
mechanical as well as biological basis. The student will also be involved
in the development of novel structure-composition-function constitutive
models. Theses models will be used to simulate the tissue behavior and
evaluate its health.
The candidate should hold a diploma or masters degree in mechanical
engineering or in a similar field. Experience in biological testing and/or
constitutive modeling are a distinct advantage. The position is vacant as
of January 1st, 2006 or upon arrangement.
Interested candidates should send their resumes with references and school
transcripts to:
Dr. Philippe Büchler
MEM Research Center
Institute for Surgical Technology and Biomechanics
University of Bern
Stauffacherstrasse 78
CH-3014 Bern
Tel. +41 31 631 59 37
Fax +41 31 631 59 60
email: philippe.buechler@MEMcenter.unibe.ch