Greetings! I would like to thank the following people for responding to my
earlier post concerning research addressing pediatric body segment
parameters (see original post below):
Ian Harris Sujae - Nanyang Technological University of Singapore
Maria Lebiedowska - NIH (USA)
Sheila Purkiss - Sick Kids (CANADA) (
Corey Scholes - Queensland University of Technology (AUS)
Mark Jaffrey - CBRN Defence Centre - (AUS)
Below is a current list of papers specifically addressing issues related to
pediatric body segment parameters (segment inertia, mass, COM, radius of
Ganley K. J. and Powers C. M. 2004a. Anthropometric parameters in children:
A comparison of values obtained from dual energy x-ray absorptiometry and
cadaver-based estimates. Gait Posture. 19, 133-40.
Ganley K. J. and Powers C. M. 2004b. Determination of lower extremity
anthropometric parameters using dual energy x-ray absorptiometry: The
influence on net joint moments during gait. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon).
19, 50-6.
Ganley K. J. and Powers C. M. 2005. Gait kinematics and kinetics of
7-year-old children: A comparison to adults using age-specific
anthropometric data. Gait Posture. 21, 141-5.
Jensen R. K. 1978. Estimation of the biomechanical properties of three body
types using a photogrammetric method. J Biomech. 11, 349-58.
Jensen R. K. 1981a. Age and body type comparisons of the mass distributions
of children. Growth. 45, 239-51.
Jensen R. K. 1981b. The effect of a 12-month growth period on the body
moments of inertia of children. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 13, 238-42.
Jensen R. K. 1986. Body segment mass, radius and radius of gyration
proportions of children. J Biomech. 19, 359-68.
Jensen R. K. 1988. Developmental relationships between body inertia and
joint torques. Hum Biol. 60, 693-707.
Jensen R. K. 1989. Changes in segment inertia proportions between 4 and 20
years. J Biomech. 22, 529-36.
Jensen R. K. and Nassas G. 1988. Growth of segment principal moments of
inertia between four and twenty years. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 20, 594-604.
Lebiedowska M. K. and Polisiakiewicz A. 1997. Changes in the lower leg
moment of inertia due to child's growth. J Biomech. 30, 723-8.
Lebiedowska M. K., Syczewska M., Graff K. and Kalinowska M. 1996.
Application of biomechanical growth models of the quantitative evaluation of
the motor system in children. Disabil Rehabil. 18, 137-42.
Schneider K. and Zernicke R. F. 1992. Mass, center of mass, and moment of
inertia estimates for infant limb segments. J Biomech. 25, 145-8.
Yokoi T., Shibukawa K. and Ae M. 1986. Body segment parameters of japanese
children. Jpn J Phys Ed. 31, 53-66.
In addition, I found a great web resource summarizing much of the body
segment parameter research:
Thank you again to those who responded to my post. I hope to be able to
contribute to the above list of references in the near future.
Jeremy Bauer, Ph.D. Candidate
Oregon Sate University
Bone Research Laboratory
Biomechanics Laboratory
I've been working with children for quite a few years now in our Bone
Research Laboratory and Biomechanics Laboratory and have always used
Jensen's photogrammetry based regression equations to estimate pediatric
body segment parameters (4).
For those of you who work with children regularly, what methods do you use
to estimate pediatric body segment parameters in gait labs and pediatric
clinics/children's hospitals?
Does anyone know of other efforts to quantify/study pediatric body segment
parameters other than the following research?
1. Jensen R. K. (1978) Estimation of the biomechanical properties of three
body types using a photogrammetric method. J Biomech 11(8-9):349-58.
2. Jensen R. K. (1981) The effect of a 12-month growth period on the body
moments of inertia of children. Med Sci Sports Exerc 13(4):238-42.
3. Jensen R. K. (1981) Age and body type comparisons of the mass
distributions of children. Growth 45(3):239-51.
4. Jensen R. K. (1986) Body segment mass, radius and radius of gyration
proportions of children. J Biomech 19(5):359-68.
5. Jensen R. K. (1988) Developmental relationships between body inertia and
joint torques. Hum Biol 60(5):693-707.
6. Jensen R. K. and Nassas G. (1988) Growth of segment principal moments of
inertia between four and twenty years. Med Sci Sports Exerc 20(6):594-604.
7. Jensen R. K. (1989) Changes in segment inertia proportions between 4 and
20 years. J Biomech 22(6-7):529-36.
8. Yokoi T., Shibukawa, K, Ae, M. (1986) Body segment parameters of Japanese
children. Jpn J Phys Ed 31:53-66.
earlier post concerning research addressing pediatric body segment
parameters (see original post below):
Ian Harris Sujae - Nanyang Technological University of Singapore
Maria Lebiedowska - NIH (USA)
Sheila Purkiss - Sick Kids (CANADA) (
Corey Scholes - Queensland University of Technology (AUS)
Mark Jaffrey - CBRN Defence Centre - (AUS)
Below is a current list of papers specifically addressing issues related to
pediatric body segment parameters (segment inertia, mass, COM, radius of
Ganley K. J. and Powers C. M. 2004a. Anthropometric parameters in children:
A comparison of values obtained from dual energy x-ray absorptiometry and
cadaver-based estimates. Gait Posture. 19, 133-40.
Ganley K. J. and Powers C. M. 2004b. Determination of lower extremity
anthropometric parameters using dual energy x-ray absorptiometry: The
influence on net joint moments during gait. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon).
19, 50-6.
Ganley K. J. and Powers C. M. 2005. Gait kinematics and kinetics of
7-year-old children: A comparison to adults using age-specific
anthropometric data. Gait Posture. 21, 141-5.
Jensen R. K. 1978. Estimation of the biomechanical properties of three body
types using a photogrammetric method. J Biomech. 11, 349-58.
Jensen R. K. 1981a. Age and body type comparisons of the mass distributions
of children. Growth. 45, 239-51.
Jensen R. K. 1981b. The effect of a 12-month growth period on the body
moments of inertia of children. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 13, 238-42.
Jensen R. K. 1986. Body segment mass, radius and radius of gyration
proportions of children. J Biomech. 19, 359-68.
Jensen R. K. 1988. Developmental relationships between body inertia and
joint torques. Hum Biol. 60, 693-707.
Jensen R. K. 1989. Changes in segment inertia proportions between 4 and 20
years. J Biomech. 22, 529-36.
Jensen R. K. and Nassas G. 1988. Growth of segment principal moments of
inertia between four and twenty years. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 20, 594-604.
Lebiedowska M. K. and Polisiakiewicz A. 1997. Changes in the lower leg
moment of inertia due to child's growth. J Biomech. 30, 723-8.
Lebiedowska M. K., Syczewska M., Graff K. and Kalinowska M. 1996.
Application of biomechanical growth models of the quantitative evaluation of
the motor system in children. Disabil Rehabil. 18, 137-42.
Schneider K. and Zernicke R. F. 1992. Mass, center of mass, and moment of
inertia estimates for infant limb segments. J Biomech. 25, 145-8.
Yokoi T., Shibukawa K. and Ae M. 1986. Body segment parameters of japanese
children. Jpn J Phys Ed. 31, 53-66.
In addition, I found a great web resource summarizing much of the body
segment parameter research:
Thank you again to those who responded to my post. I hope to be able to
contribute to the above list of references in the near future.
Jeremy Bauer, Ph.D. Candidate
Oregon Sate University
Bone Research Laboratory
Biomechanics Laboratory
I've been working with children for quite a few years now in our Bone
Research Laboratory and Biomechanics Laboratory and have always used
Jensen's photogrammetry based regression equations to estimate pediatric
body segment parameters (4).
For those of you who work with children regularly, what methods do you use
to estimate pediatric body segment parameters in gait labs and pediatric
clinics/children's hospitals?
Does anyone know of other efforts to quantify/study pediatric body segment
parameters other than the following research?
1. Jensen R. K. (1978) Estimation of the biomechanical properties of three
body types using a photogrammetric method. J Biomech 11(8-9):349-58.
2. Jensen R. K. (1981) The effect of a 12-month growth period on the body
moments of inertia of children. Med Sci Sports Exerc 13(4):238-42.
3. Jensen R. K. (1981) Age and body type comparisons of the mass
distributions of children. Growth 45(3):239-51.
4. Jensen R. K. (1986) Body segment mass, radius and radius of gyration
proportions of children. J Biomech 19(5):359-68.
5. Jensen R. K. (1988) Developmental relationships between body inertia and
joint torques. Hum Biol 60(5):693-707.
6. Jensen R. K. and Nassas G. (1988) Growth of segment principal moments of
inertia between four and twenty years. Med Sci Sports Exerc 20(6):594-604.
7. Jensen R. K. (1989) Changes in segment inertia proportions between 4 and
20 years. J Biomech 22(6-7):529-36.
8. Yokoi T., Shibukawa, K, Ae, M. (1986) Body segment parameters of Japanese
children. Jpn J Phys Ed 31:53-66.