See forwarded message below.
Do not reply to me, but contact the address listed at the end of the message.
Ton van den Bogert, Biomch-L co-moderator
-----Original Message-----
From: Sean S. Kohles, PhD []
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2005 1:35 PM
Subject: Graduate Assistantships/Fellowships at Portland State Univ
The Department of Mechanical & Materials Engineering (MME) at Portland State
University (PSU) invites applications for graduate study leading to the
completion of the PhD degree. With the opening of the Northwest Center for
Engineering, Science and Technology coincident with the initiation of the MME
doctoral program in 2006, a new era of research-based training begins in the
Department. Recent funding from the NSF has provided a foundation for student
investigations in Microfluidics and Bioengineering. Doctoral candidate
applicants will be considered for Research Assistantships, Teaching
Assistantships and Maseeh Fellowships. Students with specific
research/educational interests in cell/tissue mechanics, cell/tissue
engineering, biomaterials, fluid mechanics including multiphase transport in
porous media and complex structures, and/or microscale manufacturing are
encouraged to apply. Additional Departmental research/educational
opportunities are available in thermofluid sciences, materials science, solid
mechanics, computational analysis, and design. For additional information see:
Candidates should have (or about to receive) a BS or MS degree in
Mechanical/Biomedical/Chemical Engineering or a closely related field
(including Physics) and should be eligible to enroll in the MS-Mechanical
Engineering, MS-Materials Science, or PhD-Mechanical Engineering program in the
MME Department at PSU. Please send a coverletter and brief resume (include both
in email body or as pdf attachments), when requesting a graduate application.
Appointments can be made as early as January 2006.
Sean S. Kohles, PhD
Adjunct Associate Professor
Mechanical & Materials Engineering;
Portland State University
Portland, OR 97207-0751
Ph: (503)725-4290
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