Dear Biomch-L readers!
We are very pleased to announce the winner of the Delsys Prize 2005.
The Delsys Prize was established in 2003 to commemorate the 10-year anniversary of Delsys, Inc., which has been proudly serving the needs of Electromyographers worldwide. Delsys is committed to fostering innovative applications of Electromyography and to providing novel EMG solutions.
A total of 68 applications were received, representing a wide variety of interests across the EMG field:
Applications in Techniques 63%
Applications in Technology 16%
EMG Analysis and Modeling 21%
A committee of six individuals reviewed all the applications. Three committee members were from Delsys and three from the NeuroMuscular Research Center of Boston University.
The winner will receive a complete Bagnoli-4 EMG system,
EMGworks, and Dell Desktop Computer, a total value of $ 9,000.
Dr. A.L. Hof
University of Groningen
Center for Human Movement Sciences
Groningen, The Netherlands
"Discriminating between normal and abnormal EMG profiles in walking"
Dr. William A. Sands
United States Olympic Committee
"Electromyography: Leading the Paradigm Shift in Olympic Archery"
Dr. Jurriaan H. de Groot
Leiden University Medical Center
Dept. Rehabilitation
"Recording normal and pathological muscle coordination in the shoulder using EMG"
For complete information (including the winning proposal), please visit
We sincerely thank the moderators of Biomech-L for granting us the
opportunity to promote this event.
Delsys, Inc.