Hello everybody,
There is a golf instructor in the U.S. who has been involved in some research before, and is now looking for a biomechanics lab to work with.
Here a link to his whole story:
http://asmiforum.proboards21.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=othersports&thread= 1129385222&page=1
If you are involved/interested in golf swing biomechanics, please feel free to post a response on the sports medicine forum above. (If it is your first time on that board, you will need to register first.) If you'd prefer, you can email me a response, and I'll post it on the forum.
Thank you in advance,
- Glenn S. Fleisig, Ph.D.
Glenn S. Fleisig, Ph.D., Smith & Nephew Chair of Research
American Sports Medicine Institute
833 St. Vincent's Drive, Suite 100
Birmingham, AL 35205
(email) glennf@asmi.org
(tel) 205-918-2139
(fax) 205-918-2179 (if you send a fax, please notify me by email)
There is a golf instructor in the U.S. who has been involved in some research before, and is now looking for a biomechanics lab to work with.
Here a link to his whole story:
http://asmiforum.proboards21.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=othersports&thread= 1129385222&page=1
If you are involved/interested in golf swing biomechanics, please feel free to post a response on the sports medicine forum above. (If it is your first time on that board, you will need to register first.) If you'd prefer, you can email me a response, and I'll post it on the forum.
Thank you in advance,
- Glenn S. Fleisig, Ph.D.
Glenn S. Fleisig, Ph.D., Smith & Nephew Chair of Research
American Sports Medicine Institute
833 St. Vincent's Drive, Suite 100
Birmingham, AL 35205
(email) glennf@asmi.org
(tel) 205-918-2139
(fax) 205-918-2179 (if you send a fax, please notify me by email)