3rd International Ankle Symposium - Ankle Sprains, Instability and Rehabilitation
September 1-3 2006
UCD Dublin, Ireland
We are delighted to announce the 3rd International Ankle Symposium and to issue our first call for submission of abstracts for this conference.
The theme of the 3rd International Ankle Symposium is ankle sprains, instability and rehabilitation, an issue that has a significant impact on the health-care community both in terms of time loss from activity (work, competition, recreation, etc.), long term consequences such as osteoarthritis, and money spent on treatment and care. The complex nature of ankle instability continues to intrigue, and has recently witnessed an increase in interest among research scientists and clinicians with important new developments in research and rehabilitation The 2006 meeting will examine ankle instability and other related ankle pathologies from a multidisciplinary perspective. Attendees will include clinicians and scholars from the disciplines of physiotherapy, orthopedics, podiatry, athletic training, sports science and biomechanics, to name a few. The symposium will include a range of keynote lectures, clinical assessment and treatment techniques workshops, platform presentations of new research, and poster sessions. We anticipate that this conference will be beneficial and informative for clinicians and scholars from many disciplines, including physiotherapy, orthopedics, emergency medicine, sports medicine, podiatry, athletic training, gait analysis, nursing, physiatry, kinesiotherapy, and biomechanics.
Keynote Speakers at the conference will include the following:
Dr Jay Hertel, Kinesiology Program, University of Virginia, Charlottesville VA, US. 'Overview of Etiology of Chronic Ankle Instability'
Dr Beat Hinterman, Department of Orthopaedics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Basel, Switzerland. 'Advances in Surgical Techniques for Chronic Ankle Instability'
Dr Lars Konradsen, Department of Orthopaedics, Gentofte Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. 'The Role of Proprioceptive Deficits in the Development of Chronic Ankle Instability'
Dr Tom Kaminski, Department of Health, Nutrition and Exercise Sciences, University of Delaware, Newark DE, USA. 'The Relationship between Muscle Strength Deficits and Chronic Ankle Instability'
Dr Riann Palmieri, Athletic Training, Movement Science, & Orthopaedics, Division of Kinesiology, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor MI , USA. 'The Role of Arthrogenic Muscle Inhibition in the Development of Chronic Ankle Instability'
Prof Scott Lephart, Department of Sports Medicine and Nutrition, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Pittsburgh PA, USA.. 'Strategies for re-training the unstable ankle'
The objectives of the 3rd International Ankle Symposium are to
a.. Provide a scholarly forum for the dissemination of research on ankle instability from an international group of experts in the field
b.. Present a new consensus statement for the criteria used in the classification of "functional" ankle instability and give guidelines for conduct of future research in this area
c.. Develop collaborative partnerships for multi-center research projects and extramural funding.
d.. Explore ankle instability prevention initiatives as a means of curbing the long-term disability associated with this injury and make recommendations to the health-care community regarding their role(s) in the initiative.
e.. Provide a forum for dissemination of latest developments in assessment and rehabilitation of ankle injuries by means of holding practical clinical workshop sessions.
This meeting aims to build upon the efforts of the 1st & 2nd symposiums held in Ulm, Germany in 2000 and Delaware, USA in 2004. Both of these successful meetings brought together a wide variety of clinical specialists and researchers in the area of ankle instability from around the world. Abstracts from the 2nd IAS are now available in the Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy[1].
Emphasis will be on oral and poster presentations of original research, case studies and clinical commentaries along with selected plenary presentations. Deadline for submission is May 1, 2006. All abstracts and will be peer-reviewed by the conference organizing committee. Abstracts selected for oral (platform) presentation will be limited to ten minutes, to be followed by a five-minute discussion period. Some abstracts will be presented in poster format and displayed throughout the duration of the conference. Authors will be notified electronically of an acceptance decision by June 15, 2006 .
Instructions to Authors.
Submission of work is solicited in two formats:
Authors are required to submit a 300 word abstract which will appear in the conference proceedings as well as a special issue of the Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy.
a.. Research reports require a structured abstract containing a maximum of 300 words, divided into 6 sections with the following headings (in this order): Study Design, Objectives, Background, Methods and Measures, Results, Conclusion.
b.. The abstract for case studies should have 5 sections with the following headings: Study Design, Background, Case Description, Outcomes and Discussion.
c.. Clinical commentaries require an abstract that is not structured.
Authors are encouraged to submit a paper outlining their work in more detail, which will be received by all delegates in electronic format (CD-ROM/Memory stick). This paper should adhere to the guidelines outlined in the paper submission template.
Further details and ABSTRACT and PAPER templates can be downloaded from the conference website:
All abstracts and papers must be submitted as an attachment by email to