As chairperson of the Emergency Management Committee for The Socie-
ty for Computer Simulation, I would like to ask for your help in inform-
ing others about the Emergency Management Conference and to submit a
paper or abstract to the conference. Papers and abstracts can be submit-
ted until late December. To submit a paper or abstract, please sent it
Simulation for Emergency Management
c/o SMC '94
P.O. Box 17900
San Diego, CA 92177
Phone: (619)-277-3888, Fax: (619)-277-3930
Currently, we have received four papers from colleagues in the
industrial, government, and academic areas. Also, if you would like
to volunteer, please contact me,, or SCS in San
Other conferences that are being held during the 1994 SCS Simula-
tion Multiconference, SMC '94, April 11-15, 1994, Hyatt Regency Aventine
- La Jolla, San Diego, California are Simulators International; High
Performance Computing Symposium; Visualization, Validation, & Verifica-
tion of Computer Simulations; Mission Earth; Military, Government, and
Aerospace Simulation; and 27th Annual Simulation Symposium.
To show the diversity of topics and interest of Emergency Manage-
ment, I have compiled a list of authors and titles of papers from the
1993 and 1992 conferences:
1993 Conference
1. "A Report Card on the Effectiveness of Emergency Management and
Engineering", James D. Sullivan, CCP, CDP, CSP.
2. "A New Cooperative Program for the Development of Advanced
Technology for Emergency Preparedness", Robert J. Crowley, P.E.
3. "Simulation in Training and Exercises for Emergency Response",
Lois Clack McCoy.
4. "Fatal Hazardous Materials and Accident Statistics", Theodore S.
Glickman, Dominic Golding, Karen S. Terry, Frederick W. Talcott.
5. "A Risk Analytic Approach to Contingency Planning using Expert
Judgement in Simulated Scenarios", John R. Harrald, Thomas Mazzuchi.
6. "Emergency Response and Operational Risk Management", Giampiero
E.G. Beroggi, William A. Wallace.
7. "Damage Analysis of Water Distribution Systems using GIS",
Matthew J. Cassaro, Sridhar Kamojjala, N.R. Bhaskar, R.K. Ragade, M.A.
8. "Physical Damage and Human Loss: Simulation of the Economic
Impact of Earthquake Mitigation Measures", Frederick Krimgold, Jayant
Khadilkar, Robert Kilcup.
9. "Utah Equip: A Comprehensive Earthquake Loss Prediction Model
for the Wasatch Fault", Robert Wilson, Christopher Rojahn, Dr. Roger
Scholl, Barbara Skiffington, Terry Cocozza.
10. "Geographic Information System (GIS) Application in Emergency
Management", Donald E. Newsom, Ph.D., P.E., Jacques E. Mitrani.
11. "Smart Spatial Information Systems and Disaster Management: GIS
in the Space Age", A.M.G. Jarman, Ph.D.
12. "An Evacuation Simulation for Underground Mining", Richard L.
Unger, Audrey F. Glowacki, Robert R. Stein.
13. "Importance of Rems in the Aftermath of Hurricane Andrew",
Suleyman Tufekci, Sandesh J. Jagdev, Abdulatef Albirsairi.
14. "Optimal Routing in State Dependent Evacuation Networks", David
L. Bakuli, J. MacGregor Smith.
15. "Evacuation Models and Objectives", Gunnar G. Lovas, Jo Wik-
lund, K. Harrald Drager.
16. "Xpent, Slope, Stability Expert System for Managing the Risk",
R.M. Faure, Ph.D., D. Mascarelli, Ph.D.
17. "Mapping of Forest Units which have a Protective Function
against Natural Hazards. An Application of Geographical Information
Systems in France", Frederic Berger.
18. "Artificial Intelligence and Local Avalanche Forecasting: The
System 'AVALOG' ", Robert Belognesi.
19. "Simulations in Debris Flow", Fabrice Moutte.
20. "Planning and Controlling of General Repair in a Nuclear Power
Plant", Majdandzic N. and Dobrila Damjonovic-Zivic.
21. "Spatial Decision Support Systems for Emergency Planning: An
Operational Research/ Geographical Information Systems Approach to
Evacuation Planning", F. Nishakumari de Silva, Michael Pidd, Roger
22. "Online Expert Systems for Monitoring Nuclear Power Plant
Accidents", M. Parker, F. Niziolek, J. Brittin.
23. "Nuclear Power Reactor Accident Monitoring", M. Parker, P.E.
24. "An Expert System for Monitoring the Zion Nuclear Power Station
the DNS Early Warning Program", Joseph L. Brittin, Frank Niziolek.
25. "Fire Spread Computer Simulation of Urban Conflagagrations", P.
Bryant, G.R. Doenges, W.B. Samuels, S.B. Martin, A.B. Willoughby.
26. "Practical Applications of Virtual Reality to Firefighter
Training", Randall Egsegian, Ken Pittman, Ken Farmer, Rick Zobel.
27. "Difficulties in the Simulation of Wildfires", James H. Brad-
ley, A. Ben Clymer.
28. " 'Snow and Computer' A Survey of Applications for Snow Hazards
Protection in France", Laurent Buisson, Gilles Borrel.
29. "Mem-brain, Decision Support Integration-Platform for Major
Emergency Management (MEM)", Yaron Shavit.
30. "Architecture of a Decision Support System for Forest Fire
Prevention and Fighting", Jean-Luc Wybo, Erick Meunier.
31. "Optimizing Comprehensive Emergency Mitigation and Response
through the use of Automation (Panel Discussion)", Lois Clark McCoy,
David McMillion.
32. "Applying a Geographical Information System to Disaster Epide-
miologic Research: Hurricane Andrew, Florida 1992", Josephine Malilay,
Lynn Quenemoen.
33. "An Effective Method of Extracting a Localized Storm History
from a Database of Tracks", Eric C. Dutton, Ronald S. Reagan.
34. "Periodic Poisson Process for Hurricane Disaster Contingency
Planning", Ronald S. Reagan.
35. "Estimation, Optimization, and Control in Rural Emergency
Medical Service (EMS) Systems", Cecil D. Burge, Ph.D., P.E.
36. "Visions for a Networked System of Emergency Vehicle Training
Simulators", Gregory J. Bookout.
37. "The FEMA ROCS Model", Henry S. Liers, Ph.D.
38. "Computers bring Crisis Simulations to Life using Computer
Maps, Graphics, and Databases to Re-Define and Maximize the Effective-
ness of "Tabletop" Crisis Simulations", James W. Morentz, Ph.D., Lois
Clark McCoy, Joseph Appelbaum, David Griffith.
39. "The Use of Computer Simulations for Consequence Analysis of
Toxic Chemical Releases", E.D. Chikhliwala, M. Oliver, S. Kothandarman.
40. "Didactic Simulation (Syndicate Exercise) for Disaster Manage-
ment", Dr. S. Ramini.
41. "Its Just one Damn' Crisis After Another...", S.F. Blinkhorn,
M.A., Ph.D.
42. "AEDR, American Engineers for Disaster Relief Database, Spread-
sheet and Wordprocessing Applications", James S. Cohen.
43. "Geophysical Uncertainties Affecting Emergencies", James H.
Bradley, Ph.D.
44. "Consultation on Simulation for Emergency Preparedness (COSEP)
User/Developer Roundtable Discussion Session", Lois Clark McCoy, Donald
E. Newsom, Jacques Mitrani.
1992 Proceedings
1. "Are We Winning the War Against Emergencies", James D. Sullivan,
2. "Simulation of Suburban Area Fires", A. Ben Clymer.
3. "Expertgraph: Knowledge Based Analysis and Real Time Monitoring
of Spatial Data Application to Forest Fire Prevention in French
Riviera", Jean Luc Wybo.
4. "Simulation in Support of The Chemical Stockpile Emergency
Preparedness Program (CSEPP)", Robert T. Jaske, P.E., Madhu Beriwal.
5. "Modeling Protective Action Decisions for Chemical Weapons
Accidents", John H. Sorensen, George O. Rogers, Michael J. Meador.
6. "Simulation Meets Reality - Chemical Hazard Models in Real World
Use", Donald E. Newsom, Ph.D., P.E.
7. "Managing the Risk of a Large Marine Chemical Spill", Marc B.
Wilson, John R. Harrald.
8. "Simclone - A Simulated Cyclone - Some User Experiences and
Problems", Dr. S. Ramani.
9. "Simulation of Coastal Flooding Caused by Hurricanes and Winter
Storms", Y.J. Tsai.
10. "Simulation of Environmental Hazards in a Geographic Informa-
tion System: A Transboundary Urban Example from the Texas/Mexico Border-
lands", Thomas M. Woodfin.
11. "Simulation and Protection in Avalanche Control", Laurent
12. "Natural Disasters, Space Technology, and the Development of
Expert Systems: Some Recent Developments in Australian National River
Basin Planning and Management", A.M.G. Jarman, Ph.D.
13. "Characterizing Mine Emergency Response Skills: A Team Approach
to Knowledge Acquisition", Launa Mallet, Charles Vaught.
14. "Using Simulation to Prepare for Emergency Mine Fire Evacua-
tion", Audrey F. Glowacki.
15. "Dymod: Towards Real Time, Dynamic Traffic Routing During Mass
Evacuations", Frank Southworth, Bruce N. Janson, Mohan M. Venigalla.
16. "A Tutorial on Modeling Emergency Evacuation", Thomas Kisko,
Suleyman Tufekci.
17. "REMS: A Regional Evacuation Decision Support System", Thomas
Kisko, Suleyman Tufekci.
18. "EVACSIM: A Comprehensive Evacuation Simulation Tool", K.
Harrald Drager, Gunnar Lovas, Jo Wiklind, Helge Soma, Duc Duong, Anne
Violas, Veronique Laneres.
19. "The Prediction of Time-Dependent Population Distributions",
George Banz.
20. "Mulit-Objective Routing in Stochastic Evacuation Networks", J.
MacGregor Smith.
21. "Earthquake Impact Projections Expert System Application",
Barbara Skiffington, Robert Wilson.
22. "An Economic Profile of a Regional Economy Based on an Implan
Derived Database", E. Lawrence Salkin.
23. "Energy Corrected Simulation Accelerograms for Non-Linear
Structures", Darush Davani, Michael P. Gaus.
24. "Stimulating the Planning Progress Through Computer
Simulation", Salvatore Belardo, John R. Harald.
25. "Simulation Methods in Utility Level Nuclear Power Plant Emer-
gency Exercises", Klaus Sjoblom.
26. "Computer Simulation of Industrial Base Capacity to Meet Na-
tional Security Requirements", Mile Austin.
27. "The FEMA Emergency Management Assessment System", Robert
28. "The Missing Data Base: Under-Automation in Disaster Response &
Planning", Lois Clark McCoy.
29. "The Environmental Education: Need for All", M. Abdul Majeed.
=== Call For Papers ===
Sponsored by The Society for Computer Simulation, SCS
April 11-15, 1994
La Jolla - California
Part of the SCS 1994 Simulation Multiconference
A special topic area of the SMC '94, sponsored by the Emergency Manage-
ment Engineering Technical Activity Committee of the SCS brings users,
planners, researchers, managers, technicians, response personnel, and
other interested parties to learn, teach, present, share, and exchange
ideas and information about how, when, where, and why computer simula-
tion and related tools can be used to avoid, mitigate, and recover from
disasters and other emergencies.
Natural Disasters
Hurricanes and Tornadoes, Floods, Earthquakes, Volcanic Activity,
Outdoor fires, snow and debris avalanches.
Man-made Disasters
Oil, Chemical and Nuclear spills, Nuclear and Chemical plant acci-
dents, building fires, Communication systems failures, Utility failures.
Training and Simulators, AI and Expert systems, Global information
systems, Risk Analysis, Operations Research, Simulation, Effectiveness
analysis, Cost and Damage analysis.
Specific Applications
Evacuation, Research on Emergency Management or Engineering, Emer-
gency Control Search and Rescue.
Presentations, demonstrations and exhibits concerning any and all areas
of simulation and modeling (as well as related technologies) including
safety, emergency management and planning, forensic technology, design,
response, user experience and problems and case studies are appropriate
to be presented.
Papers or abstracts can be submitted until late December to:
Simulation for Emergency Management
c/o SMC '94
P.O. Box 17900
San Diego, CA 92177
Phone (619)-277-3888, Fax (619)-277-3930
Other Conferences and activities being held as part of SMC '94
Simulators International, High Performance Computing Symposium,
Visualization, Validation & Verification of Computer Simulation, Mission
Earth, Military, Government, and Aerospace Simulation, 27th Annual
Simulation Symposium, Professional Development Seminars, and Exhibits.
ty for Computer Simulation, I would like to ask for your help in inform-
ing others about the Emergency Management Conference and to submit a
paper or abstract to the conference. Papers and abstracts can be submit-
ted until late December. To submit a paper or abstract, please sent it
Simulation for Emergency Management
c/o SMC '94
P.O. Box 17900
San Diego, CA 92177
Phone: (619)-277-3888, Fax: (619)-277-3930
Currently, we have received four papers from colleagues in the
industrial, government, and academic areas. Also, if you would like
to volunteer, please contact me,, or SCS in San
Other conferences that are being held during the 1994 SCS Simula-
tion Multiconference, SMC '94, April 11-15, 1994, Hyatt Regency Aventine
- La Jolla, San Diego, California are Simulators International; High
Performance Computing Symposium; Visualization, Validation, & Verifica-
tion of Computer Simulations; Mission Earth; Military, Government, and
Aerospace Simulation; and 27th Annual Simulation Symposium.
To show the diversity of topics and interest of Emergency Manage-
ment, I have compiled a list of authors and titles of papers from the
1993 and 1992 conferences:
1993 Conference
1. "A Report Card on the Effectiveness of Emergency Management and
Engineering", James D. Sullivan, CCP, CDP, CSP.
2. "A New Cooperative Program for the Development of Advanced
Technology for Emergency Preparedness", Robert J. Crowley, P.E.
3. "Simulation in Training and Exercises for Emergency Response",
Lois Clack McCoy.
4. "Fatal Hazardous Materials and Accident Statistics", Theodore S.
Glickman, Dominic Golding, Karen S. Terry, Frederick W. Talcott.
5. "A Risk Analytic Approach to Contingency Planning using Expert
Judgement in Simulated Scenarios", John R. Harrald, Thomas Mazzuchi.
6. "Emergency Response and Operational Risk Management", Giampiero
E.G. Beroggi, William A. Wallace.
7. "Damage Analysis of Water Distribution Systems using GIS",
Matthew J. Cassaro, Sridhar Kamojjala, N.R. Bhaskar, R.K. Ragade, M.A.
8. "Physical Damage and Human Loss: Simulation of the Economic
Impact of Earthquake Mitigation Measures", Frederick Krimgold, Jayant
Khadilkar, Robert Kilcup.
9. "Utah Equip: A Comprehensive Earthquake Loss Prediction Model
for the Wasatch Fault", Robert Wilson, Christopher Rojahn, Dr. Roger
Scholl, Barbara Skiffington, Terry Cocozza.
10. "Geographic Information System (GIS) Application in Emergency
Management", Donald E. Newsom, Ph.D., P.E., Jacques E. Mitrani.
11. "Smart Spatial Information Systems and Disaster Management: GIS
in the Space Age", A.M.G. Jarman, Ph.D.
12. "An Evacuation Simulation for Underground Mining", Richard L.
Unger, Audrey F. Glowacki, Robert R. Stein.
13. "Importance of Rems in the Aftermath of Hurricane Andrew",
Suleyman Tufekci, Sandesh J. Jagdev, Abdulatef Albirsairi.
14. "Optimal Routing in State Dependent Evacuation Networks", David
L. Bakuli, J. MacGregor Smith.
15. "Evacuation Models and Objectives", Gunnar G. Lovas, Jo Wik-
lund, K. Harrald Drager.
16. "Xpent, Slope, Stability Expert System for Managing the Risk",
R.M. Faure, Ph.D., D. Mascarelli, Ph.D.
17. "Mapping of Forest Units which have a Protective Function
against Natural Hazards. An Application of Geographical Information
Systems in France", Frederic Berger.
18. "Artificial Intelligence and Local Avalanche Forecasting: The
System 'AVALOG' ", Robert Belognesi.
19. "Simulations in Debris Flow", Fabrice Moutte.
20. "Planning and Controlling of General Repair in a Nuclear Power
Plant", Majdandzic N. and Dobrila Damjonovic-Zivic.
21. "Spatial Decision Support Systems for Emergency Planning: An
Operational Research/ Geographical Information Systems Approach to
Evacuation Planning", F. Nishakumari de Silva, Michael Pidd, Roger
22. "Online Expert Systems for Monitoring Nuclear Power Plant
Accidents", M. Parker, F. Niziolek, J. Brittin.
23. "Nuclear Power Reactor Accident Monitoring", M. Parker, P.E.
24. "An Expert System for Monitoring the Zion Nuclear Power Station
the DNS Early Warning Program", Joseph L. Brittin, Frank Niziolek.
25. "Fire Spread Computer Simulation of Urban Conflagagrations", P.
Bryant, G.R. Doenges, W.B. Samuels, S.B. Martin, A.B. Willoughby.
26. "Practical Applications of Virtual Reality to Firefighter
Training", Randall Egsegian, Ken Pittman, Ken Farmer, Rick Zobel.
27. "Difficulties in the Simulation of Wildfires", James H. Brad-
ley, A. Ben Clymer.
28. " 'Snow and Computer' A Survey of Applications for Snow Hazards
Protection in France", Laurent Buisson, Gilles Borrel.
29. "Mem-brain, Decision Support Integration-Platform for Major
Emergency Management (MEM)", Yaron Shavit.
30. "Architecture of a Decision Support System for Forest Fire
Prevention and Fighting", Jean-Luc Wybo, Erick Meunier.
31. "Optimizing Comprehensive Emergency Mitigation and Response
through the use of Automation (Panel Discussion)", Lois Clark McCoy,
David McMillion.
32. "Applying a Geographical Information System to Disaster Epide-
miologic Research: Hurricane Andrew, Florida 1992", Josephine Malilay,
Lynn Quenemoen.
33. "An Effective Method of Extracting a Localized Storm History
from a Database of Tracks", Eric C. Dutton, Ronald S. Reagan.
34. "Periodic Poisson Process for Hurricane Disaster Contingency
Planning", Ronald S. Reagan.
35. "Estimation, Optimization, and Control in Rural Emergency
Medical Service (EMS) Systems", Cecil D. Burge, Ph.D., P.E.
36. "Visions for a Networked System of Emergency Vehicle Training
Simulators", Gregory J. Bookout.
37. "The FEMA ROCS Model", Henry S. Liers, Ph.D.
38. "Computers bring Crisis Simulations to Life using Computer
Maps, Graphics, and Databases to Re-Define and Maximize the Effective-
ness of "Tabletop" Crisis Simulations", James W. Morentz, Ph.D., Lois
Clark McCoy, Joseph Appelbaum, David Griffith.
39. "The Use of Computer Simulations for Consequence Analysis of
Toxic Chemical Releases", E.D. Chikhliwala, M. Oliver, S. Kothandarman.
40. "Didactic Simulation (Syndicate Exercise) for Disaster Manage-
ment", Dr. S. Ramini.
41. "Its Just one Damn' Crisis After Another...", S.F. Blinkhorn,
M.A., Ph.D.
42. "AEDR, American Engineers for Disaster Relief Database, Spread-
sheet and Wordprocessing Applications", James S. Cohen.
43. "Geophysical Uncertainties Affecting Emergencies", James H.
Bradley, Ph.D.
44. "Consultation on Simulation for Emergency Preparedness (COSEP)
User/Developer Roundtable Discussion Session", Lois Clark McCoy, Donald
E. Newsom, Jacques Mitrani.
1992 Proceedings
1. "Are We Winning the War Against Emergencies", James D. Sullivan,
2. "Simulation of Suburban Area Fires", A. Ben Clymer.
3. "Expertgraph: Knowledge Based Analysis and Real Time Monitoring
of Spatial Data Application to Forest Fire Prevention in French
Riviera", Jean Luc Wybo.
4. "Simulation in Support of The Chemical Stockpile Emergency
Preparedness Program (CSEPP)", Robert T. Jaske, P.E., Madhu Beriwal.
5. "Modeling Protective Action Decisions for Chemical Weapons
Accidents", John H. Sorensen, George O. Rogers, Michael J. Meador.
6. "Simulation Meets Reality - Chemical Hazard Models in Real World
Use", Donald E. Newsom, Ph.D., P.E.
7. "Managing the Risk of a Large Marine Chemical Spill", Marc B.
Wilson, John R. Harrald.
8. "Simclone - A Simulated Cyclone - Some User Experiences and
Problems", Dr. S. Ramani.
9. "Simulation of Coastal Flooding Caused by Hurricanes and Winter
Storms", Y.J. Tsai.
10. "Simulation of Environmental Hazards in a Geographic Informa-
tion System: A Transboundary Urban Example from the Texas/Mexico Border-
lands", Thomas M. Woodfin.
11. "Simulation and Protection in Avalanche Control", Laurent
12. "Natural Disasters, Space Technology, and the Development of
Expert Systems: Some Recent Developments in Australian National River
Basin Planning and Management", A.M.G. Jarman, Ph.D.
13. "Characterizing Mine Emergency Response Skills: A Team Approach
to Knowledge Acquisition", Launa Mallet, Charles Vaught.
14. "Using Simulation to Prepare for Emergency Mine Fire Evacua-
tion", Audrey F. Glowacki.
15. "Dymod: Towards Real Time, Dynamic Traffic Routing During Mass
Evacuations", Frank Southworth, Bruce N. Janson, Mohan M. Venigalla.
16. "A Tutorial on Modeling Emergency Evacuation", Thomas Kisko,
Suleyman Tufekci.
17. "REMS: A Regional Evacuation Decision Support System", Thomas
Kisko, Suleyman Tufekci.
18. "EVACSIM: A Comprehensive Evacuation Simulation Tool", K.
Harrald Drager, Gunnar Lovas, Jo Wiklind, Helge Soma, Duc Duong, Anne
Violas, Veronique Laneres.
19. "The Prediction of Time-Dependent Population Distributions",
George Banz.
20. "Mulit-Objective Routing in Stochastic Evacuation Networks", J.
MacGregor Smith.
21. "Earthquake Impact Projections Expert System Application",
Barbara Skiffington, Robert Wilson.
22. "An Economic Profile of a Regional Economy Based on an Implan
Derived Database", E. Lawrence Salkin.
23. "Energy Corrected Simulation Accelerograms for Non-Linear
Structures", Darush Davani, Michael P. Gaus.
24. "Stimulating the Planning Progress Through Computer
Simulation", Salvatore Belardo, John R. Harald.
25. "Simulation Methods in Utility Level Nuclear Power Plant Emer-
gency Exercises", Klaus Sjoblom.
26. "Computer Simulation of Industrial Base Capacity to Meet Na-
tional Security Requirements", Mile Austin.
27. "The FEMA Emergency Management Assessment System", Robert
28. "The Missing Data Base: Under-Automation in Disaster Response &
Planning", Lois Clark McCoy.
29. "The Environmental Education: Need for All", M. Abdul Majeed.
=== Call For Papers ===
Sponsored by The Society for Computer Simulation, SCS
April 11-15, 1994
La Jolla - California
Part of the SCS 1994 Simulation Multiconference
A special topic area of the SMC '94, sponsored by the Emergency Manage-
ment Engineering Technical Activity Committee of the SCS brings users,
planners, researchers, managers, technicians, response personnel, and
other interested parties to learn, teach, present, share, and exchange
ideas and information about how, when, where, and why computer simula-
tion and related tools can be used to avoid, mitigate, and recover from
disasters and other emergencies.
Natural Disasters
Hurricanes and Tornadoes, Floods, Earthquakes, Volcanic Activity,
Outdoor fires, snow and debris avalanches.
Man-made Disasters
Oil, Chemical and Nuclear spills, Nuclear and Chemical plant acci-
dents, building fires, Communication systems failures, Utility failures.
Training and Simulators, AI and Expert systems, Global information
systems, Risk Analysis, Operations Research, Simulation, Effectiveness
analysis, Cost and Damage analysis.
Specific Applications
Evacuation, Research on Emergency Management or Engineering, Emer-
gency Control Search and Rescue.
Presentations, demonstrations and exhibits concerning any and all areas
of simulation and modeling (as well as related technologies) including
safety, emergency management and planning, forensic technology, design,
response, user experience and problems and case studies are appropriate
to be presented.
Papers or abstracts can be submitted until late December to:
Simulation for Emergency Management
c/o SMC '94
P.O. Box 17900
San Diego, CA 92177
Phone (619)-277-3888, Fax (619)-277-3930
Other Conferences and activities being held as part of SMC '94
Simulators International, High Performance Computing Symposium,
Visualization, Validation & Verification of Computer Simulation, Mission
Earth, Military, Government, and Aerospace Simulation, 27th Annual
Simulation Symposium, Professional Development Seminars, and Exhibits.