I am looking to purchase a reference book for our library that includes
5, 50, 95 percentile anthropometric measurements for adults and
children, and hopefully include other parameters such as moments of
inertia of body sections, strengths, etc. The books that I have found
so far contain data from the 70s or 80s, and/or are military personnel
only. So I am looking for something more current and representative of
the general population. If anyone has recommendations of references they
have used I would appreciate it.
Rebecca Moss, P.Eng.
Sintra Engineering Inc.
Phone: (780)420-1551 Fax: (780)420-1556
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5, 50, 95 percentile anthropometric measurements for adults and
children, and hopefully include other parameters such as moments of
inertia of body sections, strengths, etc. The books that I have found
so far contain data from the 70s or 80s, and/or are military personnel
only. So I am looking for something more current and representative of
the general population. If anyone has recommendations of references they
have used I would appreciate it.
Rebecca Moss, P.Eng.
Sintra Engineering Inc.
Phone: (780)420-1551 Fax: (780)420-1556
This communication is intended for the use of the recipient to whom it
is addressed, and may contain confidential, personal, and or privileged
information. Please contact us immediately if you are not the intended
recipient of this communication, and do not copy, distribute, or take
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reply, should be deleted or destroyed.